Health Care
Why No SCHIP Vote This Fall? Because It’s Expanding Without It
Between last September and December, State Policy Network bloggers invested a lot fighting Congress’ irresponsible effort to drive more kids out of health plans that their parents (or at least their parent’s employers) choose, and into government-controlled programs (SCHIP), by increasing the Federal Poverty Line cut-off under which kids qualify ...
John R. Graham
September 11, 2008
Health Care
Bush Administration Threatens to Cut Low-income Parents from SCHIP in Minnesota
More news on the Bush administration’s efforts to crack down on SCHIP is coming out of Minnesota. John Graham of the Pacific Research Institute just explained how the administration appears to have backed down on enforcing its rule restricting SCHIP expansion in states that do not demonstrate that they’ve enrolled ...
Peter Nelson
September 11, 2008
Understanding the Tax Implications of Single-Payer Health Care
Many studies have examined the costs and benefits of replacing the current health care financing model with a single-payer system fully funded by taxpayers. Most of these studies, including the most prominent, ignore a key component: the significant economic costs of taxes, which would be necessary to pay for government- ...
Jason Clemens
September 9, 2008
Will law impress fast-food junkies? Fat chance.
The latest deployment in the war on obesity is upon us. SB 1420, sponsored by state Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Los Angeles, will require California fast-food restaurants to post the amount of calories in every item on their menu boards. SB 1420’s backers believe that when we’re forced to see the ...
John R. Graham
September 7, 2008
Unnecessary scrutiny of doctors hurts valuable research
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — John Roberts’ assertion that nurse practitioners play a “key role … throughout the health care system” is spot-on (“Physicians not the only avenue for primary care,” Aug. 26). Unfortunately, the bill he lauds – the Act to Promote Cost Containment, Transparency and Efficiency in the Delivery ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 5, 2008
Medi-Cal’s Fee Cutbacks are the Symptom; Medi-Cal is the Disease
Last week, I wrote about the malformation of health care financing that allows a federal judge to roll back Medi-Cal (Medicaid) fee reductions, which the governor and legislature had agreed to in order to buy some breathing room while they negotiate a budget to cover California’s out-of-control deficit. I don’t ...
John R. Graham
September 4, 2008
It’s a “Wrap”: Brokers Harm Consumer-Driven Health Care
For months now, I’ve heard stories about a technique that insurance brokers use to sell health insurance to small businesses, which want the lower premiums that come with a consumer-directed health plan, but are nervous about convincing their employees to face a deductible of at least $2,200 for a family ...
John R. Graham
September 3, 2008
California Tobacco Control Program Wants More Money
I have spent (undoubtedly too much) time today struggling with a new article from the tobacconistas at the University of California, San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, a group of scholars funded by tobacco taxes, which publishes research calling for more…..(you guessed it)…..tobacco taxes. But not only ...
John R. Graham
September 2, 2008
Health IT Initiatives Less Likely To Be Hijacked, Officials Say
This is a cautionary tale. The morals of the story may not apply to health IT applications the same way they do to other parts of the information technology world, according to some industry experts. Others say they do, indirectly. Either way, the saga of how a network administrator held ...
George Lauer
September 2, 2008
Business & Economics
Impact – August 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – August 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impactpublic policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF
Pacific Research Institute
August 31, 2008
Why No SCHIP Vote This Fall? Because It’s Expanding Without It
Between last September and December, State Policy Network bloggers invested a lot fighting Congress’ irresponsible effort to drive more kids out of health plans that their parents (or at least their parent’s employers) choose, and into government-controlled programs (SCHIP), by increasing the Federal Poverty Line cut-off under which kids qualify ...
Bush Administration Threatens to Cut Low-income Parents from SCHIP in Minnesota
More news on the Bush administration’s efforts to crack down on SCHIP is coming out of Minnesota. John Graham of the Pacific Research Institute just explained how the administration appears to have backed down on enforcing its rule restricting SCHIP expansion in states that do not demonstrate that they’ve enrolled ...
Understanding the Tax Implications of Single-Payer Health Care
Many studies have examined the costs and benefits of replacing the current health care financing model with a single-payer system fully funded by taxpayers. Most of these studies, including the most prominent, ignore a key component: the significant economic costs of taxes, which would be necessary to pay for government- ...
Will law impress fast-food junkies? Fat chance.
The latest deployment in the war on obesity is upon us. SB 1420, sponsored by state Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Los Angeles, will require California fast-food restaurants to post the amount of calories in every item on their menu boards. SB 1420’s backers believe that when we’re forced to see the ...
Unnecessary scrutiny of doctors hurts valuable research
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — John Roberts’ assertion that nurse practitioners play a “key role … throughout the health care system” is spot-on (“Physicians not the only avenue for primary care,” Aug. 26). Unfortunately, the bill he lauds – the Act to Promote Cost Containment, Transparency and Efficiency in the Delivery ...
Medi-Cal’s Fee Cutbacks are the Symptom; Medi-Cal is the Disease
Last week, I wrote about the malformation of health care financing that allows a federal judge to roll back Medi-Cal (Medicaid) fee reductions, which the governor and legislature had agreed to in order to buy some breathing room while they negotiate a budget to cover California’s out-of-control deficit. I don’t ...
It’s a “Wrap”: Brokers Harm Consumer-Driven Health Care
For months now, I’ve heard stories about a technique that insurance brokers use to sell health insurance to small businesses, which want the lower premiums that come with a consumer-directed health plan, but are nervous about convincing their employees to face a deductible of at least $2,200 for a family ...
California Tobacco Control Program Wants More Money
I have spent (undoubtedly too much) time today struggling with a new article from the tobacconistas at the University of California, San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, a group of scholars funded by tobacco taxes, which publishes research calling for more…..(you guessed it)…..tobacco taxes. But not only ...
Health IT Initiatives Less Likely To Be Hijacked, Officials Say
This is a cautionary tale. The morals of the story may not apply to health IT applications the same way they do to other parts of the information technology world, according to some industry experts. Others say they do, indirectly. Either way, the saga of how a network administrator held ...
Impact – August 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – August 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impactpublic policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF