Health Care
Health Care
Testimony to the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health
Sally C. Pipes, President & CEO, Pacific Research Institute Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2322 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. I would like to thank the members of the Subcommittee for inviting me to testify on “Making Health Care Work for American Families: Ensuring Affordable Coverage”. I think that everyone would agree ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 17, 2009
Massachusetts “Universal” Health Care Spends $820 Million to Save $250 Million
Surely, even the New York Times can figure out that spending $820 million on the Bay State’s Commonwealth Care “universal” health-care plan, in order to save $250 million in uncompensated hospital care, is not a good trade-off. Not according to today’s article on the latest state to compel its residents ...
John R. Graham
March 16, 2009
Health Care
Top Ten Myths of American Health Care – Speech at the John Locke Foundation
Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, talks about her book The Top 10 Myths of American Health Care, comparative effectiveness research, and the new administrations proposals for health care reform.
Pacific Research Institute
March 16, 2009
Obama’s blurred health care vision
Recently, President Barack Obama signed a measure to throw another four million children on the mercy of government-rationed health care. At the bill-signing ceremony, he described the new law as a “down payment on my commitment to cover every single American.” But it’s less of a “down payment” than a ...
John R. Graham
March 14, 2009
State-run health care advocates try again
Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 13, 2009
Crisis of the Overinsured: They Pay Up to Twice as Much for Hospital Services
In Michael E. Porter & Elizabeth Olmstead Teisberg’s Redefining Health Care, they note that major health plans succeed by exploiting a competely artificial economy of scale. Because of the tax-code, American workers are compelled to accept health “benefits” from their employers instead of taking their health-care dollars to buy health ...
John R. Graham
March 13, 2009
Health Care
The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide
President and CEO, Sally C. Pipes, was invited to talk about the findings in her book “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide” at the Heritage Foundation. In The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, Sally C. Pipes examines ten popular myths ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 12, 2009
Don’t Blame Drugs for Health-Care Costs
In the opening pages of his recently released budget, Pres. Barack Obama describes the rising cost of health care as “one of the big drains on family budgets and on the performance of the economy as a whole.” Later in the budget, he suggests that America spends too much on ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 11, 2009
Happiness is a Warm Gun, Momma: Two New State Rankings
Click here for more
John R. Graham
March 11, 2009
Health Care
Should US Health Care Reform Follow Canada’s Single Payer System?
Leah Costello interviews a panel of experts, including John R. Graham, discussing whether US health care reform should follow Canada’s single payer system, why investment is down in Alberta’s energy industry, and new US proposals to regulate the financial markets.
Leah Costello
March 10, 2009
Testimony to the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health
Sally C. Pipes, President & CEO, Pacific Research Institute Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2322 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. I would like to thank the members of the Subcommittee for inviting me to testify on “Making Health Care Work for American Families: Ensuring Affordable Coverage”. I think that everyone would agree ...
Massachusetts “Universal” Health Care Spends $820 Million to Save $250 Million
Surely, even the New York Times can figure out that spending $820 million on the Bay State’s Commonwealth Care “universal” health-care plan, in order to save $250 million in uncompensated hospital care, is not a good trade-off. Not according to today’s article on the latest state to compel its residents ...
Top Ten Myths of American Health Care – Speech at the John Locke Foundation
Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, talks about her book The Top 10 Myths of American Health Care, comparative effectiveness research, and the new administrations proposals for health care reform.
Obama’s blurred health care vision
Recently, President Barack Obama signed a measure to throw another four million children on the mercy of government-rationed health care. At the bill-signing ceremony, he described the new law as a “down payment on my commitment to cover every single American.” But it’s less of a “down payment” than a ...
State-run health care advocates try again
Orange County Register (CA), March 16, 2009 Porterville Recorder (Porterville, CA), March 16, 2009 Desert Dispatch (Barstow, CA), March 16, 2009 Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA) March 16, 2009 Arnold rightly vetoed similar plan last year. This year, who knows? Last year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s veto is all that saved Californians from ...
Crisis of the Overinsured: They Pay Up to Twice as Much for Hospital Services
In Michael E. Porter & Elizabeth Olmstead Teisberg’s Redefining Health Care, they note that major health plans succeed by exploiting a competely artificial economy of scale. Because of the tax-code, American workers are compelled to accept health “benefits” from their employers instead of taking their health-care dollars to buy health ...
The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide
President and CEO, Sally C. Pipes, was invited to talk about the findings in her book “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide” at the Heritage Foundation. In The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, Sally C. Pipes examines ten popular myths ...
Don’t Blame Drugs for Health-Care Costs
In the opening pages of his recently released budget, Pres. Barack Obama describes the rising cost of health care as “one of the big drains on family budgets and on the performance of the economy as a whole.” Later in the budget, he suggests that America spends too much on ...
Happiness is a Warm Gun, Momma: Two New State Rankings
Click here for more
Should US Health Care Reform Follow Canada’s Single Payer System?
Leah Costello interviews a panel of experts, including John R. Graham, discussing whether US health care reform should follow Canada’s single payer system, why investment is down in Alberta’s energy industry, and new US proposals to regulate the financial markets.