Health Care


BOOKS: ‘The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide’

Rebutting case for politicized medicine Health care “reform” is in the air, but to its leading advocates, that means a government takeover of the medical system. American health care is an inefficient hybrid of public and private, costing more than it should for the care provided. The problem is too ...

Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills

Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
Business & Economics

Don’t hold drugmakers liable for competitors’ generics

The California Supreme Court’s recent decision not to review Conte vs. Wyeth leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version of its drug. This unprecedented and unfair extension of product liability spells bad news for innovators and consumers alike. Plaintiff Elizabeth Conte took a generic ...

Taxes bite into Health Savings Accounts

In an article full of left-handed compliments, the San Francisco Business Times noted that Kaiser Permanente, the mother of all HMOs, has 12 percent of its members in “deductible plans” at the end of 2008 (“New health for HSAs,” Jan. 16-22 issue). The traditional Kaiser Permanente deductible is zero. Of ...

How Federal Health “Reform” Will Devastate California’s Budget

Last June California politicians claimed to have “fixed” the budget but according to a November 18 report from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) California now faces a budget deficit of $20.7 billion from the present until 2010-2011. Unfortunately, something’s coming down the pike that will make today’s budget shenanigans ...

Prevention pays in big ways: Longer, healthier lives

Guest Column A Register editorial last month called attention to an important Congressional Budget Office report on health-care reform proposals. The CBO report found that preventive care will not reduce health costs significantly. The report infers that, if people live longer, they may increase costs by receiving more in Medicare ...

Stimulus no fix for health insurance

Orange County Register, February 9, 2009 The stimulus package has money for government health programs, but that’s not the way to make coverage more affordable Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger raised the ire of many in California by calling for $1.1 billion in cuts to Medi-Cal, the state health care program for ...
Business & Economics

Calif.’s Fertility Flap and the Future of Reproductive Tech

The news of octuplets born recently near Los Angeles shocked many people, especially since the mother, Nadya Suleman, apparently already had six children and is reported to be jobless and living with her parents. Such rare stories certainly sell newspapers, but they can also lead to knee-jerk calls for overly ...

Medical Tourism: Comparable to How Toyota, and Overseas Competition Changed U.S. Auto Industry

More people are engaging in medical tourism because of rising health care prices in the United States, said Greg Scandlen, director of Consumers for Health Care Choices at The Heartland Institute. “As more and more people have out-of-pocket responsibility, they’re looking around for the best deal, and out-of-country services are ...

Action Is Needed On Health Reform, But Not The Kind Obama Envisions

President Barack Obama’s Capitol Hill colleagues are urging him to act swiftly on health care reform. Echoing a number of prominent legislators, senior congressmen Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., recently wrote that the president must quickly enact the health care measures he’d promised on the campaign trail, noting ...

BOOKS: ‘The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide’

Rebutting case for politicized medicine Health care “reform” is in the air, but to its leading advocates, that means a government takeover of the medical system. American health care is an inefficient hybrid of public and private, costing more than it should for the care provided. The problem is too ...

Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills

Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
Business & Economics

Don’t hold drugmakers liable for competitors’ generics

The California Supreme Court’s recent decision not to review Conte vs. Wyeth leaves name-brand drug manufacturers liable for harm caused by another manufacturer’s generic version of its drug. This unprecedented and unfair extension of product liability spells bad news for innovators and consumers alike. Plaintiff Elizabeth Conte took a generic ...

Taxes bite into Health Savings Accounts

In an article full of left-handed compliments, the San Francisco Business Times noted that Kaiser Permanente, the mother of all HMOs, has 12 percent of its members in “deductible plans” at the end of 2008 (“New health for HSAs,” Jan. 16-22 issue). The traditional Kaiser Permanente deductible is zero. Of ...

How Federal Health “Reform” Will Devastate California’s Budget

Last June California politicians claimed to have “fixed” the budget but according to a November 18 report from the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) California now faces a budget deficit of $20.7 billion from the present until 2010-2011. Unfortunately, something’s coming down the pike that will make today’s budget shenanigans ...

Prevention pays in big ways: Longer, healthier lives

Guest Column A Register editorial last month called attention to an important Congressional Budget Office report on health-care reform proposals. The CBO report found that preventive care will not reduce health costs significantly. The report infers that, if people live longer, they may increase costs by receiving more in Medicare ...

Stimulus no fix for health insurance

Orange County Register, February 9, 2009 The stimulus package has money for government health programs, but that’s not the way to make coverage more affordable Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger raised the ire of many in California by calling for $1.1 billion in cuts to Medi-Cal, the state health care program for ...
Business & Economics

Calif.’s Fertility Flap and the Future of Reproductive Tech

The news of octuplets born recently near Los Angeles shocked many people, especially since the mother, Nadya Suleman, apparently already had six children and is reported to be jobless and living with her parents. Such rare stories certainly sell newspapers, but they can also lead to knee-jerk calls for overly ...

Medical Tourism: Comparable to How Toyota, and Overseas Competition Changed U.S. Auto Industry

More people are engaging in medical tourism because of rising health care prices in the United States, said Greg Scandlen, director of Consumers for Health Care Choices at The Heartland Institute. “As more and more people have out-of-pocket responsibility, they’re looking around for the best deal, and out-of-country services are ...

Action Is Needed On Health Reform, But Not The Kind Obama Envisions

President Barack Obama’s Capitol Hill colleagues are urging him to act swiftly on health care reform. Echoing a number of prominent legislators, senior congressmen Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., recently wrote that the president must quickly enact the health care measures he’d promised on the campaign trail, noting ...
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