Health Care
‘Let’s Think About That’ Quotes
Let’s Think About That, April 11, 2009 “The way to make your wife treat you like a King is to treat her like a Queen.” “That’s my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That’s not an accident.” – Lester Burnham, from ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 11, 2009
Health Care Not a “Right” Under Government Monopoly
It used to be, that advocates of government-run health care based their claims on the notion that health care is a “right”. Indeed, when the Benjamin Rush Society hosted a debate on the resolution that “universal health care is the responsibility of the federal government,” one of the speakers in ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 10, 2009
A Backdoor Plan for Rationing
Imagine you’re sick. You find out there’s only one drug that can cure you, but your insurance company won’t pay for it because it’s too expensive. Remarkably, such a scenario may soon become a reality in this country. The stimulus bill that President Obama just signed contains $1.1 billion for ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 9, 2009
Feel the Momentum
National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...
John R. Graham
April 8, 2009
Rush Job
Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...
John J. Miller
April 7, 2009
Two ways to look at health care
U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy, D-5th District, had a captive audience Monday. During a meeting with New Britain business leaders, Peter Knaus, a builder in the city, wanted to understand why the Obama Administration believes we can’t get the economy back on track without first fixing the health-care system. “I understand ...
Scott Whipple
April 6, 2009
Business & Economics
Putting Drug Research in Legal Jeopardy
The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Wyeth v. Levine—holding that drug manufacturers are not free of liability under state law, even when the drug in question has secured federal regulatory approval—has worried pharmaceutical manufacturers, who can now face crippling state tort lawsuits despite being in regulatory compliance. A less-noticed ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
April 3, 2009
Business & Economics
For the Love of the Game
The 2009 Major League Baseball season starts on Sunday night, when the Atlanta Braves visit the Philadelphia Phillies. On Monday, 13 more clubs will host their Opening Day games. We asked a distinguished group of fans — one for each of MLB’s 30 teams — to account for their passion. ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 3, 2009
Conservative Alliance Outlines 6 Deal-Killers for National Health Reform
Washington, April 1, 2009 –Medical costs are rising too fast, the quality of service is uneven and too many people have difficulty getting or keeping insurance coverage. Both left and right agree on the need to reform the American health care system. But not all agree on the best way ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 2, 2009
Would the Health Reform Prescriptions Offered by President Obama and Congressional Leaders Help Patients?
Health Policy Consensus Group Statement By Thomas P. Miller, Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Robert B. Helms, Joseph Antos, Doug Badger, Robert A. Book, James C. Capretta, Greg D’Angelo, Stephen J. Entin, John C. Goodman, Linda Gorman, John R. Graham, Paul Guppy, John S. Hoff, Merrill Matthews, Amy Menefee, Robert E. Moffit, ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 1, 2009
‘Let’s Think About That’ Quotes
Let’s Think About That, April 11, 2009 “The way to make your wife treat you like a King is to treat her like a Queen.” “That’s my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That’s not an accident.” – Lester Burnham, from ...
Health Care Not a “Right” Under Government Monopoly
It used to be, that advocates of government-run health care based their claims on the notion that health care is a “right”. Indeed, when the Benjamin Rush Society hosted a debate on the resolution that “universal health care is the responsibility of the federal government,” one of the speakers in ...
A Backdoor Plan for Rationing
Imagine you’re sick. You find out there’s only one drug that can cure you, but your insurance company won’t pay for it because it’s too expensive. Remarkably, such a scenario may soon become a reality in this country. The stimulus bill that President Obama just signed contains $1.1 billion for ...
Feel the Momentum
National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...
Rush Job
Doctors and students unite against socialized medicine. An NRO Q&A Tonight in New York City, the Benjamin Rush Society will host its inaugural event: a debate on health care before a gathering of medical students and doctors. Under the leadership of Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific ...
Two ways to look at health care
U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy, D-5th District, had a captive audience Monday. During a meeting with New Britain business leaders, Peter Knaus, a builder in the city, wanted to understand why the Obama Administration believes we can’t get the economy back on track without first fixing the health-care system. “I understand ...
Putting Drug Research in Legal Jeopardy
The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Wyeth v. Levine—holding that drug manufacturers are not free of liability under state law, even when the drug in question has secured federal regulatory approval—has worried pharmaceutical manufacturers, who can now face crippling state tort lawsuits despite being in regulatory compliance. A less-noticed ...
For the Love of the Game
The 2009 Major League Baseball season starts on Sunday night, when the Atlanta Braves visit the Philadelphia Phillies. On Monday, 13 more clubs will host their Opening Day games. We asked a distinguished group of fans — one for each of MLB’s 30 teams — to account for their passion. ...
Conservative Alliance Outlines 6 Deal-Killers for National Health Reform
Washington, April 1, 2009 –Medical costs are rising too fast, the quality of service is uneven and too many people have difficulty getting or keeping insurance coverage. Both left and right agree on the need to reform the American health care system. But not all agree on the best way ...
Would the Health Reform Prescriptions Offered by President Obama and Congressional Leaders Help Patients?
Health Policy Consensus Group Statement By Thomas P. Miller, Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Robert B. Helms, Joseph Antos, Doug Badger, Robert A. Book, James C. Capretta, Greg D’Angelo, Stephen J. Entin, John C. Goodman, Linda Gorman, John R. Graham, Paul Guppy, John S. Hoff, Merrill Matthews, Amy Menefee, Robert E. Moffit, ...