Health Care
The Immorality of Government Health Care
In the May 10 New York Times Sunday magazine, President Obama reflected on his elderly grandmother’s hip replacement. This episode, portrayed in a touching manner, turns out terribly enlightening about the hard questions all Americans face under his regime. Obama’s grandmother had already been diagnosed with cancer, and the fall ...
John R. Graham
May 14, 2009
Under Obama Healthcare Scheme, Big Government Rations Care for Sick Patients
U.S. News & World Report (Washington, DC), May 13, 2009 American healthcare may not be perfect. But it’s not on the verge of collapse either—unless President Obama succeeds with his various healthcare reform efforts. Exhibit A: The $787-billion stimulus bill, which became law on February 19. The measure builds on ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 13, 2009
Dangerous Health-Care Myths
Sally C. Pipes’s latest title, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care, is a useful handbook for the health-care policy battle ahead. Pipes, the president of the Pacific Research Institute, shatters much of the conventional wisdom about American health care and offers conservatives bountiful ammunition for the coming showdown. ...
Kathryn Jean Lopez
May 13, 2009
Health Care
Obama’s Healthcare Reform Malpractice
OBAMA’S HEALTHCARE REFORM MALPRACTICE Josiah Swampoodle – The only people Obama and congressional leaders are barring from the table in discussions of healthcare reform are people who advocate healthcare reform. You can’t solve a problem by only talking to those who created it. James Ridgway, Unsilent Generation – In a ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 12, 2009
Health Care Reform: What’s in It for Patients?
ABC News, May 12, 2009 On the same day that insurance companies, hospitals, doctors’ groups and other so-called stakeholders in the United States health care system met with President Obama to discuss reforms, 64-year-old Patty Keen of Delaware was adjusting her schedule to attend the rehearsal for her grandson’s confirmation. ...
Dan Childs
May 12, 2009
Health Care
Deciphering the Polls: How to Win Health Reform
There was a bit of a flap in the liberal media this month when someone leaked a copy of a presentation on health reform that Dr. Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster and strategist, delivered to the Republican congressional caucus.1 In the Huffington Post, U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) wrote an ...
John R. Graham
May 12, 2009
Busting Healthcare Myths
To fix American healthcare, it’s important to avoid some common misconceptions. President Barack Obama has promised to fundamentally change America’s healthcare system. But before he and his team get too far down the field, they would do well to read Sally Pipes’s new book, The Top Ten Myths of American ...
Robert Goldberg
May 11, 2009
Washington View: Health care fix hinges on learning from others’ mistakes
The Columbian (Vancouver, WA), May 11, 2009 Bonney Lake/Sumner Courier Herald (WA), May 12, 2009 Comprehensive health care reform is high on President Obama’s agenda, as it rightly should be. Health care is a growing expense for government, employers and families. There are no easy answers, as U.S. Sen. Ben ...
Don Brunell
May 11, 2009
Wall Street Journal Joins the Media Chorus on “Universal” Health Care
Right off the bat, the reporter notes the key difference in outcomes for the two unemployed men: the American lost his health benefits and the German did not. I’m no fan of employer-based health “benefits”, largely because they artificially inflate the number of uninsured. So, I have long advocated tax ...
John R. Graham
May 7, 2009
California State’s Bankruptcy and its Economic Future: A report from a conference
Liberty on the Mind (an offshoot of Liberty on the Rocks for conferences) organized a conference on the subject of the fiscal crisis of the state of California at Santa Clara University on 27th April 2009. As a grassroots organization, LOTR attracts members who are capable of animated public policy ...
Kishore Jethanandani
May 7, 2009
The Immorality of Government Health Care
In the May 10 New York Times Sunday magazine, President Obama reflected on his elderly grandmother’s hip replacement. This episode, portrayed in a touching manner, turns out terribly enlightening about the hard questions all Americans face under his regime. Obama’s grandmother had already been diagnosed with cancer, and the fall ...
Under Obama Healthcare Scheme, Big Government Rations Care for Sick Patients
U.S. News & World Report (Washington, DC), May 13, 2009 American healthcare may not be perfect. But it’s not on the verge of collapse either—unless President Obama succeeds with his various healthcare reform efforts. Exhibit A: The $787-billion stimulus bill, which became law on February 19. The measure builds on ...
Dangerous Health-Care Myths
Sally C. Pipes’s latest title, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care, is a useful handbook for the health-care policy battle ahead. Pipes, the president of the Pacific Research Institute, shatters much of the conventional wisdom about American health care and offers conservatives bountiful ammunition for the coming showdown. ...
Obama’s Healthcare Reform Malpractice
OBAMA’S HEALTHCARE REFORM MALPRACTICE Josiah Swampoodle – The only people Obama and congressional leaders are barring from the table in discussions of healthcare reform are people who advocate healthcare reform. You can’t solve a problem by only talking to those who created it. James Ridgway, Unsilent Generation – In a ...
Health Care Reform: What’s in It for Patients?
ABC News, May 12, 2009 On the same day that insurance companies, hospitals, doctors’ groups and other so-called stakeholders in the United States health care system met with President Obama to discuss reforms, 64-year-old Patty Keen of Delaware was adjusting her schedule to attend the rehearsal for her grandson’s confirmation. ...
Deciphering the Polls: How to Win Health Reform
There was a bit of a flap in the liberal media this month when someone leaked a copy of a presentation on health reform that Dr. Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster and strategist, delivered to the Republican congressional caucus.1 In the Huffington Post, U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) wrote an ...
Busting Healthcare Myths
To fix American healthcare, it’s important to avoid some common misconceptions. President Barack Obama has promised to fundamentally change America’s healthcare system. But before he and his team get too far down the field, they would do well to read Sally Pipes’s new book, The Top Ten Myths of American ...
Washington View: Health care fix hinges on learning from others’ mistakes
The Columbian (Vancouver, WA), May 11, 2009 Bonney Lake/Sumner Courier Herald (WA), May 12, 2009 Comprehensive health care reform is high on President Obama’s agenda, as it rightly should be. Health care is a growing expense for government, employers and families. There are no easy answers, as U.S. Sen. Ben ...
Wall Street Journal Joins the Media Chorus on “Universal” Health Care
Right off the bat, the reporter notes the key difference in outcomes for the two unemployed men: the American lost his health benefits and the German did not. I’m no fan of employer-based health “benefits”, largely because they artificially inflate the number of uninsured. So, I have long advocated tax ...
California State’s Bankruptcy and its Economic Future: A report from a conference
Liberty on the Mind (an offshoot of Liberty on the Rocks for conferences) organized a conference on the subject of the fiscal crisis of the state of California at Santa Clara University on 27th April 2009. As a grassroots organization, LOTR attracts members who are capable of animated public policy ...