Health Care
Canadians seeking health care have a ‘wait problem’
Washington Examiner (Washington, DC), June 3, 2009 First of a two-part series It’s the start of what promises to be a beautiful spring day. But not for you. As the first rays of sunshine filter through your bedroom window, a searing pain settles into your head. You pop an aspirin ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 3, 2009
Health Care
Will the Health Care System Ever Work
WTIC News Talk 1080 (Hartford, Connecticut), June 3, 2009 Sally Pipes discusses President Obama’s health care proposals with Jim Vicevich on “Sound Off Connecticut” at WTIC News Talk 1080.
Pacific Research Institute
June 3, 2009
How Health Care Stole Your Pay Raise
This amazing graph bouncing around the web is the most striking example of why health care reform isn’t just about reforming care. It’s about reforming the economy. New bumper sticker: “Reform Health Care; Get a Raise!” In layman’s terms, the hard blue line is the expected growth in average wages. ...
Derek Thompson
June 3, 2009
Business & Economics
Does California Need a Commission on the Status of Women?
The California Commission on the Status of Women bills itself as an “independent, non-partisan agency working to advance the causes of women.” That claim invites scrutiny of the Commission’s 2009-2010 priorities. Look at what we find at the very top of their list. “Establish a universal health care system to ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 2, 2009
Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System
The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 1, 2009
Study: Massachusetts Reform Not a Model
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Massachusetts’s 2006 attempt to cut health care costs and increase the number of insured through a government mandate requiring individuals to purchase insurance has become an object lesson in what not to do in reforming health care, three Harvard Medical School professors ...
Joe Emanuel
June 1, 2009
The End of Medical Miracles?
Scientific discoveries are neither inevitable nor predictable Americans have, at best, a love-hate relationship with the life-sciences industry—the term for the sector of the economy that produces pharmaceuticals, biologics (like vaccines), and medical devices. These days, the mere mention of a pharmaceutical manufacturer seems to elicit gut-level hostility. Journalists, operating ...
Tevi Troy
June 1, 2009
Shut Down Google Docs, Advocacy Group Tells FTC
The Electronic Privacy Information Center is calling for a federal government investigation of Google’s privacy safeguards. The group is reacting to the accidental sharing of some users’ Google Docs information in March. The bug affected users who previously shared documents with other users. About .05 percent of all Google Docs ...
Aricka Flowers
June 1, 2009
Fewer Alaska Doctors Take New Medicare Patients
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Fewer than 20 percent of physicians surveyed in Alaska’s largest city are accepting new patients covered by Medicare, according to a study by the University of Alaska-Anchorage’s Institute of Social and Economic Research. Only 38 percent of that total are in private ...
Krystle Russin
June 1, 2009
Minnesota Lawmakers Propose More Control over Health Care
Minnesota legislators have announced several health care reform proposals they say will reduce health care spending by the state government to help lower the state’s looming budget deficit. The proposals include requiring patients to enroll in medical homes; ending state payment for medical errors; implementing a licensing and preferential treatment ...
Joe Emanuel
June 1, 2009
Canadians seeking health care have a ‘wait problem’
Washington Examiner (Washington, DC), June 3, 2009 First of a two-part series It’s the start of what promises to be a beautiful spring day. But not for you. As the first rays of sunshine filter through your bedroom window, a searing pain settles into your head. You pop an aspirin ...
Will the Health Care System Ever Work
WTIC News Talk 1080 (Hartford, Connecticut), June 3, 2009 Sally Pipes discusses President Obama’s health care proposals with Jim Vicevich on “Sound Off Connecticut” at WTIC News Talk 1080.
How Health Care Stole Your Pay Raise
This amazing graph bouncing around the web is the most striking example of why health care reform isn’t just about reforming care. It’s about reforming the economy. New bumper sticker: “Reform Health Care; Get a Raise!” In layman’s terms, the hard blue line is the expected growth in average wages. ...
Does California Need a Commission on the Status of Women?
The California Commission on the Status of Women bills itself as an “independent, non-partisan agency working to advance the causes of women.” That claim invites scrutiny of the Commission’s 2009-2010 priorities. Look at what we find at the very top of their list. “Establish a universal health care system to ...
Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System
The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...
Study: Massachusetts Reform Not a Model
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Massachusetts’s 2006 attempt to cut health care costs and increase the number of insured through a government mandate requiring individuals to purchase insurance has become an object lesson in what not to do in reforming health care, three Harvard Medical School professors ...
The End of Medical Miracles?
Scientific discoveries are neither inevitable nor predictable Americans have, at best, a love-hate relationship with the life-sciences industry—the term for the sector of the economy that produces pharmaceuticals, biologics (like vaccines), and medical devices. These days, the mere mention of a pharmaceutical manufacturer seems to elicit gut-level hostility. Journalists, operating ...
Shut Down Google Docs, Advocacy Group Tells FTC
The Electronic Privacy Information Center is calling for a federal government investigation of Google’s privacy safeguards. The group is reacting to the accidental sharing of some users’ Google Docs information in March. The bug affected users who previously shared documents with other users. About .05 percent of all Google Docs ...
Fewer Alaska Doctors Take New Medicare Patients
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2009 Fewer than 20 percent of physicians surveyed in Alaska’s largest city are accepting new patients covered by Medicare, according to a study by the University of Alaska-Anchorage’s Institute of Social and Economic Research. Only 38 percent of that total are in private ...
Minnesota Lawmakers Propose More Control over Health Care
Minnesota legislators have announced several health care reform proposals they say will reduce health care spending by the state government to help lower the state’s looming budget deficit. The proposals include requiring patients to enroll in medical homes; ending state payment for medical errors; implementing a licensing and preferential treatment ...