Health Care


Bam’s Bad Medicine

Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...

President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges

California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...

National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...

New M.D.s Can Find Shift to Real World Difficult

Medical schools with health information technology-rich programs could be setting students up for a tough transition to the real world, according to a report from the Vanderbilt University Medical School. Loss of Safety Net More than 300 former Vanderbilt medical students responded to a survey that forms the basis for ...
Business & Economics

The stimulus bill and American health care

Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...

Looming Doctor Shortage Calls for Market Solutions

The Association of American Medical Colleges projects the United States will have 124,000 fewer doctors than it needs by 2025, resulting in a national dependence on nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants to manage increasing patient loads and provide patients with adequate care. Health policy analysts say the solution may be ...

Health 2.0 Empowers Patients, Challenges Status Quo

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Spearheading a new trend in health care, patients around the world are uniting via social networks to discuss and obtain help in combating chronic illnesses. Whereas social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace have traditionally been utilized as a networking tool ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature Rejects Proposed Cigarette Tax Increase

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 The Florida House of Representatives has rejected a proposal to increase the state tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack in an effort to sustain the state’s Medicaid program and finance other proposed health ...

Daschle’s Health Plan Is Recipe for Bigger Government, Less Choice

By looking at President Barack Obama’s team of Tom Daschle as secretary of Health and Human Services and Melody Barnes as director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, we can predict both the strategy and substance of his administration’s coming efforts at health care reform. The prognosis is not ...

Public sector should manage health costs

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...

Bam’s Bad Medicine

Health Care Rationing Ahead Obama’s new budget dedicates $634 billion over the next 10 years to what he calls health reform. He promises – or perhaps threatens – that this vast sum will be a down payment for universal coverage, which could require more than $1 trillion. Unfortunately, the president ...

President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges

California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...

National Priorities Partnership” agenda is elitist

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 An alliance of 28 health care stakeholders—including consumer groups, providers, health plans, and government organizations—has released an agenda for what its members say are needed reforms to the U.S. health care system. The stated goal of the alliance, called the National Priorities ...

New M.D.s Can Find Shift to Real World Difficult

Medical schools with health information technology-rich programs could be setting students up for a tough transition to the real world, according to a report from the Vanderbilt University Medical School. Loss of Safety Net More than 300 former Vanderbilt medical students responded to a survey that forms the basis for ...
Business & Economics

The stimulus bill and American health care

Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...

Looming Doctor Shortage Calls for Market Solutions

The Association of American Medical Colleges projects the United States will have 124,000 fewer doctors than it needs by 2025, resulting in a national dependence on nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants to manage increasing patient loads and provide patients with adequate care. Health policy analysts say the solution may be ...

Health 2.0 Empowers Patients, Challenges Status Quo

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Spearheading a new trend in health care, patients around the world are uniting via social networks to discuss and obtain help in combating chronic illnesses. Whereas social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace have traditionally been utilized as a networking tool ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature Rejects Proposed Cigarette Tax Increase

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 The Florida House of Representatives has rejected a proposal to increase the state tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack in an effort to sustain the state’s Medicaid program and finance other proposed health ...

Daschle’s Health Plan Is Recipe for Bigger Government, Less Choice

By looking at President Barack Obama’s team of Tom Daschle as secretary of Health and Human Services and Melody Barnes as director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, we can predict both the strategy and substance of his administration’s coming efforts at health care reform. The prognosis is not ...

Public sector should manage health costs

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI), February 28, 2009 For an eye opener, go to the Web site of the state Department of Employee Trust Funds and check out the premium for a single state employee. It comes to $896 a month, or $10,752 a year. Then go to a recent ...
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