Health Care

Health Care

Is Health Care A “Right”? Not According to Governments Who Run Health Care

The advocates of government-run medicine base their claims on the notion that health care is a “right.” They thus attempt to occupy the moral high ground over those who advocate reforms based on the principle of individual choice. For example, lobbyists in favor of California’s SB-840, a bill that has ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s radical economic remake promises gloomy future

President Barack Obama’s budget plan illustrates the degree to which he wants to reconstruct the U.S. economy. So radical are the changes of Obamanomics, and so at odds with historical experience, that the next few months may very well decide the economic future of the United States for a generation. ...
Health Care

Government Health Care Competition: The Audacity of Hope Against Experience

One key item on President Obama’s health care agenda is to “establish a National Health Insurance Exchange with a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health ...

Seven Ways to Make Health Care in America Better

The Deep Insight, July 21, 2009 My most recent column highlighted the massive ignorance about the U.S. health care system. Too many people want to fix the leaks in our health care roof by blowing up the building. Here’s a novel idea, let’s just fix the leaks in the roof, ...

Benjamin Rush Society Debate: Is More Government the Right Rx?

Heritage Foundation (The Foundry), April 13, 2009 Last week the Columbia University chapter of the newly formed Benjamin Rush Society – a group of medical students and doctors who believe in the freedom to practice medicine without government interference and the freedom for patients to access the health care of ...

Obama’s public plan will be a disaster for American health care

High-ranking Democrats recently signaled that they might exploit a procedural maneuver in congressional protocol to pass major healthcare legislation without a single Republican vote. Through “budget reconciliation,” a fast-track process that allows the Senate to pass the government’s budget without debate and with just a simple majority, Democratic leaders hope ...

‘Let’s Think About That’ Quotes

Let’s Think About That, April 11, 2009 “The way to make your wife treat you like a King is to treat her like a Queen.” “That’s my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That’s not an accident.” – Lester Burnham, from ...

Health Care Not a “Right” Under Government Monopoly

It used to be, that advocates of government-run health care based their claims on the notion that health care is a “right”. Indeed, when the Benjamin Rush Society hosted a debate on the resolution that “universal health care is the responsibility of the federal government,” one of the speakers in ...

A Backdoor Plan for Rationing

Imagine you’re sick. You find out there’s only one drug that can cure you, but your insurance company won’t pay for it because it’s too expensive. Remarkably, such a scenario may soon become a reality in this country. The stimulus bill that President Obama just signed contains $1.1 billion for ...

Feel the Momentum

National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...
Health Care

Is Health Care A “Right”? Not According to Governments Who Run Health Care

The advocates of government-run medicine base their claims on the notion that health care is a “right.” They thus attempt to occupy the moral high ground over those who advocate reforms based on the principle of individual choice. For example, lobbyists in favor of California’s SB-840, a bill that has ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s radical economic remake promises gloomy future

President Barack Obama’s budget plan illustrates the degree to which he wants to reconstruct the U.S. economy. So radical are the changes of Obamanomics, and so at odds with historical experience, that the next few months may very well decide the economic future of the United States for a generation. ...
Health Care

Government Health Care Competition: The Audacity of Hope Against Experience

One key item on President Obama’s health care agenda is to “establish a National Health Insurance Exchange with a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health ...

Seven Ways to Make Health Care in America Better

The Deep Insight, July 21, 2009 My most recent column highlighted the massive ignorance about the U.S. health care system. Too many people want to fix the leaks in our health care roof by blowing up the building. Here’s a novel idea, let’s just fix the leaks in the roof, ...

Benjamin Rush Society Debate: Is More Government the Right Rx?

Heritage Foundation (The Foundry), April 13, 2009 Last week the Columbia University chapter of the newly formed Benjamin Rush Society – a group of medical students and doctors who believe in the freedom to practice medicine without government interference and the freedom for patients to access the health care of ...

Obama’s public plan will be a disaster for American health care

High-ranking Democrats recently signaled that they might exploit a procedural maneuver in congressional protocol to pass major healthcare legislation without a single Republican vote. Through “budget reconciliation,” a fast-track process that allows the Senate to pass the government’s budget without debate and with just a simple majority, Democratic leaders hope ...

‘Let’s Think About That’ Quotes

Let’s Think About That, April 11, 2009 “The way to make your wife treat you like a King is to treat her like a Queen.” “That’s my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That’s not an accident.” – Lester Burnham, from ...

Health Care Not a “Right” Under Government Monopoly

It used to be, that advocates of government-run health care based their claims on the notion that health care is a “right”. Indeed, when the Benjamin Rush Society hosted a debate on the resolution that “universal health care is the responsibility of the federal government,” one of the speakers in ...

A Backdoor Plan for Rationing

Imagine you’re sick. You find out there’s only one drug that can cure you, but your insurance company won’t pay for it because it’s too expensive. Remarkably, such a scenario may soon become a reality in this country. The stimulus bill that President Obama just signed contains $1.1 billion for ...

Feel the Momentum

National Review, April 8, 2009 At yesterday’s White House–sponsored Regional Health Forum in Los Angeles, everyone from California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz called for immediate action on health-care reform. President Obama’s Domestic Policy Council director, Melody Barnes, said that she could “feel the momentum” for health ...
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