Health Care
Why We Must Ration Health Care
You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much? If you ...
Peter Singer
July 15, 2009
Health Care
Sally Pipes details realities of Canadian health care
Sally C. Pipes understands Canadian health care. As the former Assistant Director of the free-market Fraser Institute, she lived under Canada’s national health care system. Today Pipes is president of the Pacific Research Institute and author of the new book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. She spoke ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 15, 2009
Health Care
Medicaid’s Costs, Like Medicare’s, Have Risen Far More Than the Costs of Private Health Care
As the congressional debate heats up over President Obama’s proposed “public option” and his proposed expansion of Medicaid, the debate largely centers on the question of controlling costs. The president claims that more government control would make health care more affordable. The empirical evidence, however, confirms that more government control ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 14, 2009
Radical health care reform is not needed
Tribune-Review (Greenville, SC), July 10, 2009 President Barack Obama is planning some dramatic — and potentially very costly — changes to health care that simply may not be necessary to provide health insurance for millions of currently uninsured Americans. Recently, a senior White House political adviser would not rule out ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 10, 2009
Patients, not lawmakers, should control health care reform
Congressional Republicans — as well as some Democrats — are butting heads with President Barack Obama and his congressional allies over the latter group’s desire for a “public option” in health care. This new government-run insurance program would theoretically compete against the 1,300 private insurance companies already in existence as ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 9, 2009
Best News of the Day
The SEIU spent $85 million during the 2008 campaign season, largely to elect politicians favorable to its two key priorities: removing employees’ right to a secret ballot for workplace certification, and a federal take-over of health care. The latter is utterly critical to the survival of union power. Unions have ...
John R. Graham
July 9, 2009
Health Plan CEO for Massachusetts Governor?
Gutsy move: He’s a leader in the industry (health insurance) that 4 of 10 people believe is most responsible for increasing health costs, and “enjoys” a reputation as low as tobacco and oil companies. More importantly, he was a key player in Governor Romney’s reform that mandated universal health coverage, ...
John R. Graham
July 9, 2009
Health Care
In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft
The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
July 8, 2009
Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...
J.G. Azarcon
July 8, 2009
Health Care
Health-Care Facts and Myths Part II
Pacific Research Institute CEO Sally Pipes separates the fact from the fiction in the all the news on health care. This is the second segment of her interview with Brian Sullivan of Fox Business News.
Pacific Research Institute
July 7, 2009
Why We Must Ration Health Care
You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much? If you ...
Sally Pipes details realities of Canadian health care
Sally C. Pipes understands Canadian health care. As the former Assistant Director of the free-market Fraser Institute, she lived under Canada’s national health care system. Today Pipes is president of the Pacific Research Institute and author of the new book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. She spoke ...
Medicaid’s Costs, Like Medicare’s, Have Risen Far More Than the Costs of Private Health Care
As the congressional debate heats up over President Obama’s proposed “public option” and his proposed expansion of Medicaid, the debate largely centers on the question of controlling costs. The president claims that more government control would make health care more affordable. The empirical evidence, however, confirms that more government control ...
Radical health care reform is not needed
Tribune-Review (Greenville, SC), July 10, 2009 President Barack Obama is planning some dramatic — and potentially very costly — changes to health care that simply may not be necessary to provide health insurance for millions of currently uninsured Americans. Recently, a senior White House political adviser would not rule out ...
Patients, not lawmakers, should control health care reform
Congressional Republicans — as well as some Democrats — are butting heads with President Barack Obama and his congressional allies over the latter group’s desire for a “public option” in health care. This new government-run insurance program would theoretically compete against the 1,300 private insurance companies already in existence as ...
Best News of the Day
The SEIU spent $85 million during the 2008 campaign season, largely to elect politicians favorable to its two key priorities: removing employees’ right to a secret ballot for workplace certification, and a federal take-over of health care. The latter is utterly critical to the survival of union power. Unions have ...
Health Plan CEO for Massachusetts Governor?
Gutsy move: He’s a leader in the industry (health insurance) that 4 of 10 people believe is most responsible for increasing health costs, and “enjoys” a reputation as low as tobacco and oil companies. More importantly, he was a key player in Governor Romney’s reform that mandated universal health coverage, ...
In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets The Shaft
The Obama administration might like to “spread the wealth around,” but its proposed “health care reform” wouldn’t spread consumer choice around. Rather, it would constrict consumer choice substantially — except for the very rich. That’s the great irony of President Obama’s ambitious health care agenda: His administration, which seems to ...
Pres. Barack Obama is on a mission to deliver free health insurance to the uninsured in the name of health care reform. What is in it for you? If you are happy with your health insurance plan, does it matter to you? Can the government afford another budget busting expenditure ...
Health-Care Facts and Myths Part II
Pacific Research Institute CEO Sally Pipes separates the fact from the fiction in the all the news on health care. This is the second segment of her interview with Brian Sullivan of Fox Business News.