Health Care

Health Care

Tab for Health-Care Plan Continues to Grow

Jeffrey H. Anderson, Pacific Research Institute, Senior Fellow in Health Studies, discusses how his study shows that Medicare costs have risen 34% more than the costs of private insurance during the past forty years.

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...

Government Care Costs More

The testimony by Congressional Budget Office chief Douglas Elmendorf that the health-care legislation in Congress “significantly expands” costs shocked Capitol Hill. Yet the evidence shows that government-run care has always been more costly than private-sector care. In claiming that the solution to skyrocketing health costs is more government-run care, President ...
Health Care

Commissioner Dan Weighs In On Health Care Reform

First, I am concerned because of the reason why this reform is supposedly needed. The reason why many people believe we need this reform is the fact that we have 45-50 million uninsured people in America. I do not believe this is a good reason because: 12-18 million of the ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...

The Canadian Healthcare Experience

The Cato Institute – Cato Daily Podcast , July 16, 2009 The Canadian experience with national healthcare has produced waiting lines, rationed care, and it has not produced the preventive and patient focused care that just about everyone wants. Caleb Brown of the Cato Institute presents a podcast with Sally ...

Let’s Can the Public Plan

President Barack Obama wants to sign a health “reform” bill by October. Democratic congressional leaders are doing their part to satisfy the president, promoting bills that threaten to government’s role, at the expense of patients and doctors. Apparently, though, they didn’t consult the American public. It’s not that ordinary Americans ...

House Health Overhaul Bill Will Create Government-Run Insurance, Expert Says

Health care overhaul legislation unveiled by House Democrats would lead to a government-run system with high costs and rationed care, a former Canadian resident who now runs a California think tank said Wednesday. Sally Pipes, president of California-based think tank Pacific Research Institute and an American citizen since 2006, said ...

A Devastating Attack on Prosperity

The brightest, most productive, most skilled, most entrepreneurial men and women in this country are in the financial crosshairs of the House Democrats’ healthcare “reform” plan. This proposal would have a devastating negative impact on job creation and wealth creation, creating a bold disincentive to work, create, and innovate. If ...

Americans Beware: “Healthy” San Francisco’s Tax Hikes May Be Coming Your Way

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
Health Care

Tab for Health-Care Plan Continues to Grow

Jeffrey H. Anderson, Pacific Research Institute, Senior Fellow in Health Studies, discusses how his study shows that Medicare costs have risen 34% more than the costs of private insurance during the past forty years.

Why not try ownership?

Reform bill too ambitious for real problem America does not face a health care crisis. America faces a manageable challenge — how to help a relatively small share of the population purchase health insurance. ObamaCare is too big a solution chasing too small a problem — like hunting quail with ...

Government Care Costs More

The testimony by Congressional Budget Office chief Douglas Elmendorf that the health-care legislation in Congress “significantly expands” costs shocked Capitol Hill. Yet the evidence shows that government-run care has always been more costly than private-sector care. In claiming that the solution to skyrocketing health costs is more government-run care, President ...
Health Care

Commissioner Dan Weighs In On Health Care Reform

First, I am concerned because of the reason why this reform is supposedly needed. The reason why many people believe we need this reform is the fact that we have 45-50 million uninsured people in America. I do not believe this is a good reason because: 12-18 million of the ...

Reformers’ Claims Just Don’t Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care “reforms” now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government’s possible takeover of ...

The Canadian Healthcare Experience

The Cato Institute – Cato Daily Podcast , July 16, 2009 The Canadian experience with national healthcare has produced waiting lines, rationed care, and it has not produced the preventive and patient focused care that just about everyone wants. Caleb Brown of the Cato Institute presents a podcast with Sally ...

Let’s Can the Public Plan

President Barack Obama wants to sign a health “reform” bill by October. Democratic congressional leaders are doing their part to satisfy the president, promoting bills that threaten to government’s role, at the expense of patients and doctors. Apparently, though, they didn’t consult the American public. It’s not that ordinary Americans ...

House Health Overhaul Bill Will Create Government-Run Insurance, Expert Says

Health care overhaul legislation unveiled by House Democrats would lead to a government-run system with high costs and rationed care, a former Canadian resident who now runs a California think tank said Wednesday. Sally Pipes, president of California-based think tank Pacific Research Institute and an American citizen since 2006, said ...

A Devastating Attack on Prosperity

The brightest, most productive, most skilled, most entrepreneurial men and women in this country are in the financial crosshairs of the House Democrats’ healthcare “reform” plan. This proposal would have a devastating negative impact on job creation and wealth creation, creating a bold disincentive to work, create, and innovate. If ...

Americans Beware: “Healthy” San Francisco’s Tax Hikes May Be Coming Your Way

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...
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