Health Care


Health care reform takes center stage

Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...
Health Care

Obama Packs Green Bay with Health-Care Delusions

“The Corner” National Review, June 11, 2009 Speaking at a rally of the faithful in Green Bay, Wisc., President Obama proclaimed that his health reforms would bring the whole country up to the health-care standard of this high-quality, low-spending community. If it were 1959, instead of 2009, he’d have said ...

Obama Lies About Health Care

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Obama is out in Green Bay today, and he’s doing a town hall meeting on socialized medicine, government health care. The reason he’s out there doing this is because the polling on this is not looking good. Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is a group that’s stopping Obama, ...
Health Care

Discussing myths about American health care.

Sally C. Pipes is interviewed on her book The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care and the possible government takeover of American health care on North Carolina’s Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald.

Boost biologics protection to improve lives

The Times (Munster, IN), June 10, 2009 Wenatchee World (WA), June 11, 2009 Imagine you have a young daughter with psoriasis. The disease affects her immune system, creating inflamed patches on her skin and causing constant joint pain. In addition to the physical irritations, she is self-conscious about her outbreaks ...
Health Care

Overdosing on Obama Healthcare

George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...

Unmanageable healthcare in the making

The Hill (Washington, D.C.), June 9, 2009 News Blaze (Folsom, CA), June 12, 2009 American Conservative Daily, June 13, 2009 Candidate Barack Obama showed bold leadership on healthcare. He promised Americans $2,500 in annual healthcare savings and a path to universal coverage. He attacked his Democratic opponent for insisting on ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Health Care

Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care

As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...

New Entry for Worst Study of the Year Award

As with previous studies of medical bankruptcy, this study puts forward a number of definitions of “medical bankruptcy” and defines any bankruptcy with any one of these conditions as suffering medical bankruptcy. The one that immediately stands out is “medical bills over $5,000 or 10 percent of household income on ...

Health care reform takes center stage

Congress is bent on passing health care reform legislation this year, but Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, predicts it will fall short of what he and other Democrats want — a single-payer system. “We don’t have the votes for single-payer, which I support,” said Miller, chairman of the House Education and ...
Health Care

Obama Packs Green Bay with Health-Care Delusions

“The Corner” National Review, June 11, 2009 Speaking at a rally of the faithful in Green Bay, Wisc., President Obama proclaimed that his health reforms would bring the whole country up to the health-care standard of this high-quality, low-spending community. If it were 1959, instead of 2009, he’d have said ...

Obama Lies About Health Care

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Obama is out in Green Bay today, and he’s doing a town hall meeting on socialized medicine, government health care. The reason he’s out there doing this is because the polling on this is not looking good. Conservatives for Patients’ Rights is a group that’s stopping Obama, ...
Health Care

Discussing myths about American health care.

Sally C. Pipes is interviewed on her book The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care and the possible government takeover of American health care on North Carolina’s Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald.

Boost biologics protection to improve lives

The Times (Munster, IN), June 10, 2009 Wenatchee World (WA), June 11, 2009 Imagine you have a young daughter with psoriasis. The disease affects her immune system, creating inflamed patches on her skin and causing constant joint pain. In addition to the physical irritations, she is self-conscious about her outbreaks ...
Health Care

Overdosing on Obama Healthcare

George Stephanopoulos informed ABC television watchers on May 11 that this is “probably the best chance we’ve had in 15 or 16 years to actually get a comprehensive health care plan through.” The major difference between now and 1994, when the Clinton administration failed to push through its healthcare overhaul, ...

Unmanageable healthcare in the making

The Hill (Washington, D.C.), June 9, 2009 News Blaze (Folsom, CA), June 12, 2009 American Conservative Daily, June 13, 2009 Candidate Barack Obama showed bold leadership on healthcare. He promised Americans $2,500 in annual healthcare savings and a path to universal coverage. He attacked his Democratic opponent for insisting on ...

Health-Care Bill Is the Ball Game

You might suppose that President Obama has his hands full running two wars, administering General Motors, “rescuing” the banking system, attempting to empower unions over management, hushing up whispers about hypocrisy regarding Guantanamo detainees, managing the mortgage crisis, imposing “clean energy” on the nation, handling nuclear North Korea and nearly ...
Health Care

Medicare Costs Have Risen Far More than the Costs of Private Health Care

As Americans contemplate a significant expansion of government’s role in health care, in the form of the Medicare-like “public option” proposed by President Obama, we must consider how successful Medicare has been at controlling costs in relation to privately purchased health care. This analysis takes all health spending in the ...

New Entry for Worst Study of the Year Award

As with previous studies of medical bankruptcy, this study puts forward a number of definitions of “medical bankruptcy” and defines any bankruptcy with any one of these conditions as suffering medical bankruptcy. The one that immediately stands out is “medical bills over $5,000 or 10 percent of household income on ...
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