Health Care
Obama vs. Pelosi on Health Care
Jay Cost points out that one of the big problems with the government take-over is inconsistent messaging. And it starts at the top, as the clip shows. Linda Douglass runs a tape where the president insists: “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then ...
John R. Graham
August 6, 2009
Prescribing Higher Health-Care Costs
And plans are underway that could result in restricted access to more expensive drug treatments among patients on government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. If a “public option” is included in any new health-care legislation, the new participants will not have access to cutting-edge drugs if federal bureaucrats determine ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 5, 2009
Blue Dog Medicaid Deal Will Devour Us
Boy, are they wrong. The Medicaid amendment that they passed will cause states to accelerate their already out-of-control spending on Medicaid. Medicaid is a program for low-income households that is jointly financed by the federal and state governments. It has always contained a flawed incentive that causes states to overspend: ...
John R. Graham
August 4, 2009
Health Care
How Will The Obama Healthcare Plan Be Paid For?
KPIX-5 News – CBS Affiliate, August 4, 2009 Nancy Pelosi was back in her hometown of San Francisco with a pitch for President Obama’s healthcare plan, but many question remain, like how it will be paid for. Hank Plante reports and interviews John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies ...
Hank Plante
August 4, 2009
Will Obama’s health care be better for dogs like it is in Canada?
Cheaper and better health care? On July 31st, television’s 20-20 provided an overview of Obama’s health care plan. Coverage came after they dealt with out-of-control spenders (unfortunately, not our government’s) and Phil Spector’s wife. In regard to Obama’s health care program, Sally Pipes of Pacific Research Institute said, “The only ...
Terri Michel
August 3, 2009
Obama Can’t Afford To Tell Truth on Health Care
President Barack Obama is spreading disinformation about health care almost as quickly as he’s driving up the national debt, such as that 47 million Americans can’t get health care and that a government takeover would be a panacea. Democrats have constantly demagogued the 47 million uninsured figure to gin up ...
David Limbaugh
August 3, 2009
Healthcare 101: Congressional ‘reform’ measures are bad news
With public support for his healthcare reform plan eroding fast, President Obama has attempted to cut a higher profile on the issue, most recently during a televised primetime news conference and at Town Hall meetings now taking place around the country. Less than half of Americans approve of the president’s ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 2, 2009
Opponents of Obama Health Plan Hit Street
Opponents of runaway government spending have staged Boston Tea Party-inspired protests across the country since April to show their displeasure with what they see as an out-of-touch presidential administration. On June 11, protestors hit the streets of Green Bay, Wisconsin, where more than 1,000 rallied to express their dissatisfaction with ...
Aricka Flowers
August 1, 2009
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Pushes Medical Homes
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has announced a plan to increase by 10 percent reimbursement rates for physicians participating in “patient-centered medical homes.” In order to qualify for the raise, physicians will be required to utilize electronic health records; emphasize chronic disease management care through cooperative work with dieticians, ...
Krystle Russin
August 1, 2009
U.S. Gives FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco
Congress has approved a measure to regulate tobacco under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration for the first time in American history. The House of Representatives passed House Bill 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, by a 298-112 vote in April. The Senate followed suit ...
Katie Emanuel
August 1, 2009
Obama vs. Pelosi on Health Care
Jay Cost points out that one of the big problems with the government take-over is inconsistent messaging. And it starts at the top, as the clip shows. Linda Douglass runs a tape where the president insists: “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then ...
Prescribing Higher Health-Care Costs
And plans are underway that could result in restricted access to more expensive drug treatments among patients on government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. If a “public option” is included in any new health-care legislation, the new participants will not have access to cutting-edge drugs if federal bureaucrats determine ...
Blue Dog Medicaid Deal Will Devour Us
Boy, are they wrong. The Medicaid amendment that they passed will cause states to accelerate their already out-of-control spending on Medicaid. Medicaid is a program for low-income households that is jointly financed by the federal and state governments. It has always contained a flawed incentive that causes states to overspend: ...
How Will The Obama Healthcare Plan Be Paid For?
KPIX-5 News – CBS Affiliate, August 4, 2009 Nancy Pelosi was back in her hometown of San Francisco with a pitch for President Obama’s healthcare plan, but many question remain, like how it will be paid for. Hank Plante reports and interviews John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies ...
Will Obama’s health care be better for dogs like it is in Canada?
Cheaper and better health care? On July 31st, television’s 20-20 provided an overview of Obama’s health care plan. Coverage came after they dealt with out-of-control spenders (unfortunately, not our government’s) and Phil Spector’s wife. In regard to Obama’s health care program, Sally Pipes of Pacific Research Institute said, “The only ...
Obama Can’t Afford To Tell Truth on Health Care
President Barack Obama is spreading disinformation about health care almost as quickly as he’s driving up the national debt, such as that 47 million Americans can’t get health care and that a government takeover would be a panacea. Democrats have constantly demagogued the 47 million uninsured figure to gin up ...
Healthcare 101: Congressional ‘reform’ measures are bad news
With public support for his healthcare reform plan eroding fast, President Obama has attempted to cut a higher profile on the issue, most recently during a televised primetime news conference and at Town Hall meetings now taking place around the country. Less than half of Americans approve of the president’s ...
Opponents of Obama Health Plan Hit Street
Opponents of runaway government spending have staged Boston Tea Party-inspired protests across the country since April to show their displeasure with what they see as an out-of-touch presidential administration. On June 11, protestors hit the streets of Green Bay, Wisconsin, where more than 1,000 rallied to express their dissatisfaction with ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Pushes Medical Homes
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has announced a plan to increase by 10 percent reimbursement rates for physicians participating in “patient-centered medical homes.” In order to qualify for the raise, physicians will be required to utilize electronic health records; emphasize chronic disease management care through cooperative work with dieticians, ...
U.S. Gives FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco
Congress has approved a measure to regulate tobacco under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration for the first time in American history. The House of Representatives passed House Bill 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, by a 298-112 vote in April. The Senate followed suit ...