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  • Health Care


    The Experts on Obama’s Health Care Speech

    Frontpage Magazine, September 10, 2009 Doc’s Talk, September 10, 2009 FP: Sally Pipes and David Gratzer, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Sally Pipes, let me start with you. Your thoughts on Obama’s speech? Pipes: President Obama gave a very passionate 48-minute speech to Congress and the nation tonight, his 29th address ...

    Review of the Obama Speech

    2. The $900 billion figure is phony, in that it is an (under)estimate for the first decade in which the various tax increases are implemented before the increased federal spending takes effect. On a ten-year basis — even if we accept all of the other assumptions implicit in the $900 ...

    More government health care would hurt doctors

    One key to good health and a successful health care system for all is a sufficient pool of quality physicians. Yet according to recent Congressional testimony by Dr. Jeffrey Harris, president of the American College of Physicians (ACP), we are facing a critical shortage. To quote his testimony, “The demand ...

    Shut Up, He Explained

    It’s a sign of how badly things are going for Barack Obama on the make-or-break issue of his tenure that the president delivered yesterday’s prime time health care address in a forum traditionally reserved for national crises. But with public disapproval of the president’s handling of health care rising to ...

    Will universal health care coverage harm American innovation?

    Can America institute universal health care coverage without hurting our innovative spirit? It is a fascinating question – courtesy of a libertarian perspective. Our nation has an enviable record of innovation from creation of the telephone to space exploration and medical advances. We also have a shameful record on health ...
    Health Care

    San Francisco’s Employer Health Tax: Change We Can Do Without

    Mayor Gavin Newsom’s Healthy San Francisco plan, which he claims is a model for President Obama’s “public option,” recently picked up some scholarly support. Business owners and low-income workers are not likely to find it encouraging. Effective since January 2008, San Francisco’s Health Care Security Ordinance comprises a head tax ...
    Health Care

    Meet the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss: President Obama’s Best Health “Insurance” Reforms Were Passed In 1997

    The president’s goal of exerting control over Americans’ access to health care has been fighting serious headwinds. While insisting that the government would never get between “you and your doctor,” he also pointed out that the government would only pay for the “blue pill” if it had the same effect ...
    Health Care

    Unreality Reigns Supreme

    Most of the ongoing halftime “analysis” by the journalists is beside the point. The private health insurance sector is about to be destroyed — apparently with the acquiesence of those pro-market, pro-free enterprise, pro-capitalism Republicans — with regulations mandating that pre-existing conditions not be used to deny coverage, that insurance ...

    California Republican Legislators Hike Taxes

    Republican legislators, usually steadfast against tax hikes, wobbled on this one because the 2.35% tax on health insurers’ gross revenues will replace a 5.5% tax that will expire in October. You would have thought that the fact that 59% to 66% of California’ suninsured kids are already eligible for SCHIP ...
    Business & Economics

    Without legal reforms, the health care system will remain broken

    There’s an old joke about the boy who goes to the doctor and uses his index finger to point all over his body, explaining, “It hurts here, here, here and here.” The doctor sighs and says, “Son, your finger is broken.” This poor kid was looking for his ailment in ...

    The Experts on Obama’s Health Care Speech

    Frontpage Magazine, September 10, 2009 Doc’s Talk, September 10, 2009 FP: Sally Pipes and David Gratzer, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Sally Pipes, let me start with you. Your thoughts on Obama’s speech? Pipes: President Obama gave a very passionate 48-minute speech to Congress and the nation tonight, his 29th address ...

    Review of the Obama Speech

    2. The $900 billion figure is phony, in that it is an (under)estimate for the first decade in which the various tax increases are implemented before the increased federal spending takes effect. On a ten-year basis — even if we accept all of the other assumptions implicit in the $900 ...

    More government health care would hurt doctors

    One key to good health and a successful health care system for all is a sufficient pool of quality physicians. Yet according to recent Congressional testimony by Dr. Jeffrey Harris, president of the American College of Physicians (ACP), we are facing a critical shortage. To quote his testimony, “The demand ...

    Shut Up, He Explained

    It’s a sign of how badly things are going for Barack Obama on the make-or-break issue of his tenure that the president delivered yesterday’s prime time health care address in a forum traditionally reserved for national crises. But with public disapproval of the president’s handling of health care rising to ...

    Will universal health care coverage harm American innovation?

    Can America institute universal health care coverage without hurting our innovative spirit? It is a fascinating question – courtesy of a libertarian perspective. Our nation has an enviable record of innovation from creation of the telephone to space exploration and medical advances. We also have a shameful record on health ...
    Health Care

    San Francisco’s Employer Health Tax: Change We Can Do Without

    Mayor Gavin Newsom’s Healthy San Francisco plan, which he claims is a model for President Obama’s “public option,” recently picked up some scholarly support. Business owners and low-income workers are not likely to find it encouraging. Effective since January 2008, San Francisco’s Health Care Security Ordinance comprises a head tax ...
    Health Care

    Meet the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss: President Obama’s Best Health “Insurance” Reforms Were Passed In 1997

    The president’s goal of exerting control over Americans’ access to health care has been fighting serious headwinds. While insisting that the government would never get between “you and your doctor,” he also pointed out that the government would only pay for the “blue pill” if it had the same effect ...
    Health Care

    Unreality Reigns Supreme

    Most of the ongoing halftime “analysis” by the journalists is beside the point. The private health insurance sector is about to be destroyed — apparently with the acquiesence of those pro-market, pro-free enterprise, pro-capitalism Republicans — with regulations mandating that pre-existing conditions not be used to deny coverage, that insurance ...

    California Republican Legislators Hike Taxes

    Republican legislators, usually steadfast against tax hikes, wobbled on this one because the 2.35% tax on health insurers’ gross revenues will replace a 5.5% tax that will expire in October. You would have thought that the fact that 59% to 66% of California’ suninsured kids are already eligible for SCHIP ...
    Business & Economics

    Without legal reforms, the health care system will remain broken

    There’s an old joke about the boy who goes to the doctor and uses his index finger to point all over his body, explaining, “It hurts here, here, here and here.” The doctor sighs and says, “Son, your finger is broken.” This poor kid was looking for his ailment in ...
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