Health Care
Killing insurance
Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 11, 2009
Union Power and Medical Waiting Times
California recently enacted new, tighter rules mandating maximum waiting times for appointments with primary-care docs and specialists in managed-care plans (HMOs), such as Kaiser Permanente. According to regulators, the problem is so bad it threatens a “feudal situation”. On top of this, the California Nurses Association has produced a bizarre ...
John R. Graham
September 11, 2009
Health cost crisis
While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...
John R. Graham
September 11, 2009
Say No To Government Health Care
Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...
Larry Greenfield
September 11, 2009
Health Care
Fixing an ailing health system
The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2009
Having It All
Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 10, 2009
Make September the New August: Tips for Rep. Wilson & Other Obama Critics
So, I also had a different experience than those who heard the Republicans grumbling, and Congressman Wilson call out, “You lie.” It looks like the consensus over on The Corner is that Mr. Wilson was way out of line. As Kathryn Jean Lopez points out, it’s not the House of ...
John R. Graham
September 10, 2009
What Did Obama Promise?
I am glad that an issue that we discussed in the working group may now see the light of day. The idea was to use the states as laboratories of democracy, by encouraging them to experiment with alternative forms of dispute resolution. If any of the experiments were particularly effective, ...
John R. Graham
September 10, 2009
Letters: A government boondoggle
Obamacare is just another government boondoggle The Bennington Banner’s editorial, “So push the button,” directs Democrats to implement the “nuclear option” to force the healthcare bill through Congress — against the will of the American people — and the bipartisan cooperation President Obama has repeatedly promised. Personally, I never thought ...
Daniel T. Riley
September 10, 2009
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2009
Killing insurance
Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...
Union Power and Medical Waiting Times
California recently enacted new, tighter rules mandating maximum waiting times for appointments with primary-care docs and specialists in managed-care plans (HMOs), such as Kaiser Permanente. According to regulators, the problem is so bad it threatens a “feudal situation”. On top of this, the California Nurses Association has produced a bizarre ...
Health cost crisis
While campaigning across the country promoting a federal government takeover of access to medical services, President Barack Obama has repeatedly denounced rising health costs, which he claims are bankrupting families and businesses. He did so again Wednesday night in his speech to a joint session of Congress. The president’s assertions ...
Say No To Government Health Care
Government insurance for health care—the public option—is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, rationed care, and limited access to doctors and ...
Fixing an ailing health system
The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...
Having It All
Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
Make September the New August: Tips for Rep. Wilson & Other Obama Critics
So, I also had a different experience than those who heard the Republicans grumbling, and Congressman Wilson call out, “You lie.” It looks like the consensus over on The Corner is that Mr. Wilson was way out of line. As Kathryn Jean Lopez points out, it’s not the House of ...
What Did Obama Promise?
I am glad that an issue that we discussed in the working group may now see the light of day. The idea was to use the states as laboratories of democracy, by encouraging them to experiment with alternative forms of dispute resolution. If any of the experiments were particularly effective, ...
Letters: A government boondoggle
Obamacare is just another government boondoggle The Bennington Banner’s editorial, “So push the button,” directs Democrats to implement the “nuclear option” to force the healthcare bill through Congress — against the will of the American people — and the bipartisan cooperation President Obama has repeatedly promised. Personally, I never thought ...
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...