Health Care


Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...

Press Coverage on the Congressional Health Care Reform Debate

Sally C. Pipes, Jeffrey H. Anderson, and John R. Graham have been leading voices in oppositon to the government health care plan proposed in Congress this month. Click picture below to view TV interviews, opinion pieces, and media coverage of this important topic. Click here to see PRI’s press coverage ...
Business & Economics

Obama Misunderestimates Why He Won the Presidency

There are limits to what a great communicator can accomplish if he is communicating the wrong message. In the last few weeks, Barack Obama has been receiving a lesson in this truth and learning, perhaps, too, that he, in the words of his less audibly gifted predecessor, “misunderestimated” why he ...

A Baucus-sized blunder on health care reform

Senate Finance Committee chair Max Baucus, D-Mont., has taken center stage in Washington with the release of his highly anticipated health care reform plan. His proposal will likely serve as the foundation of whatever legislation emerges from Congress. Sen. Baucus had promised to be bipartisan. This summer, he convened the ...

San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...

Beware of Obama Care

If our health care system is as bad as some have suggested in “Letters to the Editor” and responses to the earlier blog, and the Canadian, U.K. and other European styled socialized health care systems are so great, then we should see Americans flocking to Canada to take advantage of ...
Health Care

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Better Not, Get Ill

Does he really think it’s that simple? Red pill versus blue pill? What does he think this is, Keanu Reeves trying to figure out what the Matrix is all about? Does he have the slightest idea how complex the U.S. Pharmacopeia is? The answer is clearly “no.” He also recycles ...

Haste makes waste has never been truer in terms of health-care reform

Talk about crazy ideas. The NFL wants to try out a new concept during the pre-season. When the Broncos and Raiders play in Oakland, the referees will wear Raider caps and will be chosen from a pool of former and current members of the Raiders organization who have given verbal ...
Health Care

Government Medicine Machinations pt 2 – Sally Pipes Delivers a Warning

Liberty Conspiracy, July 25, 2009 Sally Pipes, the CEO and President of the Pacific Research Institute, talks to Gardner Goldsmith. This audio is very valuable, because Ms. Pipes has a wide-ranging and deep knowledge base about medicine and how government destroys it. Listen to her in this twenty minute interview, ...

‘Cost’: Health Care’s Four-Letter Word, July 24, 2009 So why not foster competition? World War II veteran Jack Tagg is losing vision in his right eye. He suffers from macular degeneration, a progressive illness that causes blindness. A drug could slow the deterioration, but the British government refused to pay for it, arguing he ...

Mass Disaster, July 29, 2009 The Bay State shows how not to reform health care. “Will Commonwealth care cost taxpayers more? No!” So wrote Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in November 2004, the economy then still in full bloom. “Neither the state nor the taxpayers can afford to pay more.” It’s worth ...

Press Coverage on the Congressional Health Care Reform Debate

Sally C. Pipes, Jeffrey H. Anderson, and John R. Graham have been leading voices in oppositon to the government health care plan proposed in Congress this month. Click picture below to view TV interviews, opinion pieces, and media coverage of this important topic. Click here to see PRI’s press coverage ...
Business & Economics

Obama Misunderestimates Why He Won the Presidency

There are limits to what a great communicator can accomplish if he is communicating the wrong message. In the last few weeks, Barack Obama has been receiving a lesson in this truth and learning, perhaps, too, that he, in the words of his less audibly gifted predecessor, “misunderestimated” why he ...

A Baucus-sized blunder on health care reform

Senate Finance Committee chair Max Baucus, D-Mont., has taken center stage in Washington with the release of his highly anticipated health care reform plan. His proposal will likely serve as the foundation of whatever legislation emerges from Congress. Sen. Baucus had promised to be bipartisan. This summer, he convened the ...

San Francisco Style Health Care May Be Coming

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently wrote a column for the Huffington Post promoting his Healthy San Francisco plan as a model for the federal “public option” touted by President Obama. Healthy San Francisco could be a model, but not in the way Mayor Newsom imagines. Currently under negotiation between ...

Beware of Obama Care

If our health care system is as bad as some have suggested in “Letters to the Editor” and responses to the earlier blog, and the Canadian, U.K. and other European styled socialized health care systems are so great, then we should see Americans flocking to Canada to take advantage of ...
Health Care

Red Pill, Blue Pill, Better Not, Get Ill

Does he really think it’s that simple? Red pill versus blue pill? What does he think this is, Keanu Reeves trying to figure out what the Matrix is all about? Does he have the slightest idea how complex the U.S. Pharmacopeia is? The answer is clearly “no.” He also recycles ...

Haste makes waste has never been truer in terms of health-care reform

Talk about crazy ideas. The NFL wants to try out a new concept during the pre-season. When the Broncos and Raiders play in Oakland, the referees will wear Raider caps and will be chosen from a pool of former and current members of the Raiders organization who have given verbal ...
Health Care

Government Medicine Machinations pt 2 – Sally Pipes Delivers a Warning

Liberty Conspiracy, July 25, 2009 Sally Pipes, the CEO and President of the Pacific Research Institute, talks to Gardner Goldsmith. This audio is very valuable, because Ms. Pipes has a wide-ranging and deep knowledge base about medicine and how government destroys it. Listen to her in this twenty minute interview, ...

‘Cost’: Health Care’s Four-Letter Word, July 24, 2009 So why not foster competition? World War II veteran Jack Tagg is losing vision in his right eye. He suffers from macular degeneration, a progressive illness that causes blindness. A drug could slow the deterioration, but the British government refused to pay for it, arguing he ...
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