Health Care
Doctors on other side of ‘ObamaCare’ — On Oct. 5, President Obama made a speech in the White House Rose Garden to an audience of 50 white-coated doctors, one from each state. The doctors also represented a number of friendly medical organizations, including the American Medical Association (to which between 15 and 20 percent of ...
Cheryl Miller
October 21, 2009
Post Poll Should Cause ObamaCare Opponents to Take Heart
The Post’s question about an insurance mandate reads, “Would you support or oppose a law that requires all Americans to have health insurance, either getting it from work, buying it on their own, or through eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid?” That language sounds as much like it would offer a ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
October 20, 2009
Group, Not Individual, Health Insurance Is Failing
Ana Wilde Mathews of the Wall Street Journal has suggested an answer. Ms. Mathews notes that employers are asking workers to cover more of the costs of covering their entire families. As a result, more working parents with employer-based health benefits are finding that individual coverage is better for their ...
John R. Graham
October 19, 2009
Govt Health Care: Attempting to Spread the Misery
Dakota Voice (Rapid City, SD), October 19, 2009 We frequently hear proponents of government health care cite a figure of 46 million-ish Americans who don’t have health insurance. That would be roughly 16% of Americans who don’t have health care insurance. While it’s pretty mind-boggling that our president and congress ...
Bob Ellis
October 19, 2009
Democrats find the insurance pool too shallow
Democrats have been trashing insurance industry analyses of their health care proposals. But in the hallways of the Capitol, lawmakers concede the truth of the report’s main criticism: The cost of insurance could skyrocket because the framework of the plan would bring more sick people into the system but not ...
Susan Ferrechio
October 19, 2009
Ten Things to Look for in Health Care Reform
Disguised as “reform,” numerous health care proposals are finding support. The result is a mishmash of plans that do little to improve access, quality or cost. There are at least 10 criteria that provide a foundation for reform. Fifty percent of the nation’s health care costs are attributable to lifestyle, ...
Kelly McCutchen
October 16, 2009
New Rule: Back Up Your Health-Insurance Horror Story
Health insurers are covered by HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, and cannot discuss policyholders’ cases. Policyholders who allege insurers’ bad faith, on the other hand, are free to make claims that emotionally sway the public, but leave those of us acquainted with health-insurance regulations utterly baffled. Take, ...
John R. Graham
October 16, 2009
Business & Economics
Ending drugmakers’ exemption will cost jobs
During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The biopharmaceutical industry currently employs more than 100,000 Michiganders and ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
October 15, 2009
AHIP/PriceWaterhouse Blowback?
All intellectual capitalists since Adam Smith have known that we cannot rely on business to carry our philosophical water for us, but even I’m amazed that AHIP has waited so long to release a report (so ably summarized by Mr. Capretta), that describes how the Baucus memorandum (it’s not a ...
John R. Graham
October 15, 2009
Obama Hasn’t Closed the Health-Care Sale
Wait until the voters figure out how Congress is proposing to pay for reform. Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted for the health-care bill drafted by Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, negotiations over the real bill can begin in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s cozy Capitol hideaway. It ...
Karl Rove
October 15, 2009
Doctors on other side of ‘ObamaCare’ — On Oct. 5, President Obama made a speech in the White House Rose Garden to an audience of 50 white-coated doctors, one from each state. The doctors also represented a number of friendly medical organizations, including the American Medical Association (to which between 15 and 20 percent of ...
Post Poll Should Cause ObamaCare Opponents to Take Heart
The Post’s question about an insurance mandate reads, “Would you support or oppose a law that requires all Americans to have health insurance, either getting it from work, buying it on their own, or through eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid?” That language sounds as much like it would offer a ...
Group, Not Individual, Health Insurance Is Failing
Ana Wilde Mathews of the Wall Street Journal has suggested an answer. Ms. Mathews notes that employers are asking workers to cover more of the costs of covering their entire families. As a result, more working parents with employer-based health benefits are finding that individual coverage is better for their ...
Govt Health Care: Attempting to Spread the Misery
Dakota Voice (Rapid City, SD), October 19, 2009 We frequently hear proponents of government health care cite a figure of 46 million-ish Americans who don’t have health insurance. That would be roughly 16% of Americans who don’t have health care insurance. While it’s pretty mind-boggling that our president and congress ...
Democrats find the insurance pool too shallow
Democrats have been trashing insurance industry analyses of their health care proposals. But in the hallways of the Capitol, lawmakers concede the truth of the report’s main criticism: The cost of insurance could skyrocket because the framework of the plan would bring more sick people into the system but not ...
Ten Things to Look for in Health Care Reform
Disguised as “reform,” numerous health care proposals are finding support. The result is a mishmash of plans that do little to improve access, quality or cost. There are at least 10 criteria that provide a foundation for reform. Fifty percent of the nation’s health care costs are attributable to lifestyle, ...
New Rule: Back Up Your Health-Insurance Horror Story
Health insurers are covered by HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, and cannot discuss policyholders’ cases. Policyholders who allege insurers’ bad faith, on the other hand, are free to make claims that emotionally sway the public, but leave those of us acquainted with health-insurance regulations utterly baffled. Take, ...
Ending drugmakers’ exemption will cost jobs
During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The biopharmaceutical industry currently employs more than 100,000 Michiganders and ...
AHIP/PriceWaterhouse Blowback?
All intellectual capitalists since Adam Smith have known that we cannot rely on business to carry our philosophical water for us, but even I’m amazed that AHIP has waited so long to release a report (so ably summarized by Mr. Capretta), that describes how the Baucus memorandum (it’s not a ...
Obama Hasn’t Closed the Health-Care Sale
Wait until the voters figure out how Congress is proposing to pay for reform. Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted for the health-care bill drafted by Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, negotiations over the real bill can begin in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s cozy Capitol hideaway. It ...