Health Care

Business & Economics

ObamaCare and Hidden Agendas

President Obama gives us a false choice on health care: his way or the status quo. Nobody wants the status quo, and Republicans have real alternatives. The real choice is whether we have a single-payer, government run health care system. “The health care system in America is broken. Costs are ...
Health Care

Barack Obama and MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Traffic in “Fishy” Rumors

Many folks are now aware that we have a civic duty to report “fishy” rumors and unfounded gossip about health reform. This is an important duty. Through the miracle of the Internet, all kinds of nonsense can get through. If you make the mistake of actually reading the text of ...

Thank You for Bringing Up Switzerland, Professor Krugman

He is wrong: In Switzerland, the government does not order its residents out of private insurance once they turn 65; they can buy health insurance directly (rather than accepting what their employers choose for them); and they can control more of their health dollars directly than Americans do (rather than ...
Business & Economics

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...

“Fishy” Rumors About New York Health Insurance

So, I took the opportunity to inform the White House of a couple of “fishy” statements made by President Barack Obama in a speech to a New Hampshire rally, in which he claimed that the U.S. government will force health insurers to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer ...

Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare

But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...

Obama to Town Hall Gathering: The public health plan will be just like the US Postal Service

The president said, “UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? No, they are. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems.” (Laughter.) He’s got that right. The Postal Service is going to need a taxpayer bailout of $7 billion this year. And despite the president’s claim, it doesn’t have ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Misunderstands California’s Lessons for Federal Health Reform

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently wrote a letter to congressional leaders expressing concern about three elements of the looming federal health care take-over: increasing Medicaid costs; wellness, prevention, and quality; and coverage for all. The July 31 letter shows that the governor has failed to learn the lessons of his ...
Health Care

The Health Care Crisis Ain’t What It Used to Be: Personal Spending on Non-Health Goods and Services Has Increased by One-Third Since 1995

“The cost of our health care has weighed down the economy and the conscience of our nation long enough,” claims President Obama.1 This belief,unfortunately,does not jibe with the facts. In 1959,before massive government involvement in taxing,financing,and controlling Americans’access to medical services,spending on health goods and services accounted for only 6 ...

Obama: ‘We’re Going to Require Insurers to Cover What They Already Cover’

So, there’s no more “red pill versus blue pill.” Instead, there’s the promise that the U.S. government will force insurance companies to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer — which they already do. And he’s going to prevent insurers from dropping you when your sick — which has ...
Business & Economics

ObamaCare and Hidden Agendas

President Obama gives us a false choice on health care: his way or the status quo. Nobody wants the status quo, and Republicans have real alternatives. The real choice is whether we have a single-payer, government run health care system. “The health care system in America is broken. Costs are ...
Health Care

Barack Obama and MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Traffic in “Fishy” Rumors

Many folks are now aware that we have a civic duty to report “fishy” rumors and unfounded gossip about health reform. This is an important duty. Through the miracle of the Internet, all kinds of nonsense can get through. If you make the mistake of actually reading the text of ...

Thank You for Bringing Up Switzerland, Professor Krugman

He is wrong: In Switzerland, the government does not order its residents out of private insurance once they turn 65; they can buy health insurance directly (rather than accepting what their employers choose for them); and they can control more of their health dollars directly than Americans do (rather than ...
Business & Economics

Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

The American Thinker, August 16, 2009 Lux Libertas, August 16, 2009 These are perilous times. Last November’s election of Barack Obama and a filibuster-proof majority of Democrats in both houses allowed a virulent cabal to capture our nation’s seat of power. As with the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, ...

“Fishy” Rumors About New York Health Insurance

So, I took the opportunity to inform the White House of a couple of “fishy” statements made by President Barack Obama in a speech to a New Hampshire rally, in which he claimed that the U.S. government will force health insurers to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer ...

Even If It’s Not a ‘Death Panel,’ It Doesn’t Belong in Medicare

But even if we don’t go off the deep end with the “death panel” rhetoric, there’s still a fundamental problem with this, which gets to the core of why health insurance is so expensive: There is no reason for a health insurer to pay for such counselling. It’s a service ...

Obama to Town Hall Gathering: The public health plan will be just like the US Postal Service

The president said, “UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? No, they are. It’s the Post Office that’s always having problems.” (Laughter.) He’s got that right. The Postal Service is going to need a taxpayer bailout of $7 billion this year. And despite the president’s claim, it doesn’t have ...

Governor Schwarzenegger Misunderstands California’s Lessons for Federal Health Reform

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently wrote a letter to congressional leaders expressing concern about three elements of the looming federal health care take-over: increasing Medicaid costs; wellness, prevention, and quality; and coverage for all. The July 31 letter shows that the governor has failed to learn the lessons of his ...
Health Care

The Health Care Crisis Ain’t What It Used to Be: Personal Spending on Non-Health Goods and Services Has Increased by One-Third Since 1995

“The cost of our health care has weighed down the economy and the conscience of our nation long enough,” claims President Obama.1 This belief,unfortunately,does not jibe with the facts. In 1959,before massive government involvement in taxing,financing,and controlling Americans’access to medical services,spending on health goods and services accounted for only 6 ...

Obama: ‘We’re Going to Require Insurers to Cover What They Already Cover’

So, there’s no more “red pill versus blue pill.” Instead, there’s the promise that the U.S. government will force insurance companies to cover preventive screenings for breast and prostate cancer — which they already do. And he’s going to prevent insurers from dropping you when your sick — which has ...
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