Health Care


Health care reform, yes. Big government, no.

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Government insurance for health care — the public option — is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes on “The Mark Levin Show” with host Tom Marr

Sally C. Pipes was on WCBM 680 Talk Radio – The Mark Levin Show with host Tom Marr. Sally talked about health care reform proposals being discussed and her book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide.

Mickey Kaus and Realism

Kaus — normally a sensible guy — seems not to understand that needs, whether medical or other, are infinite, while resources remain limited, always and everywhere. Even in principle, therefore, “universal coverage” must evolve, quickly, into something far less compassionate; and in any event, tax increases, even on the middle ...

California Health Insurance Rescissions: Doctors Dissatisfied

(My last post on a long trail of posts about the history of the California rescissions noted that Insurance Commissioner Poizner seems to have learned that some people actually do lie on their health-insurance applications.) Organized medicine’s beef with the settlement is that it does not guarantee that doctors be ...

‘Bonding’ or ‘Fining’ the Uninsured Is a Tax Hike

This is, to some degree, a distraction from the debate over health reform, because uncompensated care is not a significant driver of health spending. It may account for one percent of spending, or 3 percent if you want to take the most extreme, outlying, estimate that might be credible if ...
Health Care

Sickening behavior in the health care debate

Congress and the Obama administration seem to be backing off a half-step on the issue of national health care, which will hopefully cool the debate that has sunk on both sides to calling the opposition Nazis. Foes of the plan even carried signs showing Obama with a Hitler mustache, which ...
Health Care

Hands Off My Granny!

Fox News – Fox Forum, August 19, 2009 Just as some health care fixes may seem self-indulgent (or ridiculous) to those fighting tooth and nail to get a life-saving mastectomy, giving Granny every last shot at prolonging life may seem unnecessary — but it may be simply how we Americans ...

Co-op Confusion

Not that there’s anything theoretically wrong with the co-operative in Green Bay, which required state legislation to enable the corporate structure. But why did it need a federal hand-out from day one? If group co-ops are the “natural” form of pooling risk or leveraging purchasing power, why did they not ...

N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’

‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...

Where Should Treatment Decisions Get Made?

The American Thinker (Bellevue, WA), August 18, 2009 Our beloved little kitty, Maxie, left us on Friday. For those of you who have experienced the death of a pet, I am at the seeing ghosts stage of grieving. With all the debate on end of life decisions and death panels ...

Health care reform, yes. Big government, no.

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Government insurance for health care — the public option — is an inappropriate cure that the American body politic is rejecting. Canadians spend 10 percent of annual GDP on health care, while Americans spend 16 percent. However, Canadians experience long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment, ...
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes on “The Mark Levin Show” with host Tom Marr

Sally C. Pipes was on WCBM 680 Talk Radio – The Mark Levin Show with host Tom Marr. Sally talked about health care reform proposals being discussed and her book, The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide.

Mickey Kaus and Realism

Kaus — normally a sensible guy — seems not to understand that needs, whether medical or other, are infinite, while resources remain limited, always and everywhere. Even in principle, therefore, “universal coverage” must evolve, quickly, into something far less compassionate; and in any event, tax increases, even on the middle ...

California Health Insurance Rescissions: Doctors Dissatisfied

(My last post on a long trail of posts about the history of the California rescissions noted that Insurance Commissioner Poizner seems to have learned that some people actually do lie on their health-insurance applications.) Organized medicine’s beef with the settlement is that it does not guarantee that doctors be ...

‘Bonding’ or ‘Fining’ the Uninsured Is a Tax Hike

This is, to some degree, a distraction from the debate over health reform, because uncompensated care is not a significant driver of health spending. It may account for one percent of spending, or 3 percent if you want to take the most extreme, outlying, estimate that might be credible if ...
Health Care

Sickening behavior in the health care debate

Congress and the Obama administration seem to be backing off a half-step on the issue of national health care, which will hopefully cool the debate that has sunk on both sides to calling the opposition Nazis. Foes of the plan even carried signs showing Obama with a Hitler mustache, which ...
Health Care

Hands Off My Granny!

Fox News – Fox Forum, August 19, 2009 Just as some health care fixes may seem self-indulgent (or ridiculous) to those fighting tooth and nail to get a life-saving mastectomy, giving Granny every last shot at prolonging life may seem unnecessary — but it may be simply how we Americans ...

Co-op Confusion

Not that there’s anything theoretically wrong with the co-operative in Green Bay, which required state legislation to enable the corporate structure. But why did it need a federal hand-out from day one? If group co-ops are the “natural” form of pooling risk or leveraging purchasing power, why did they not ...

N.Y. Congressman Pushes ‘Medicare-for-all’ on ‘Morning Joe’

‘Morning Joe’ fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers. While the uproar over a government-run public option continues in Washington, D.C. and around the country, one Democratic congressman is pushing for an even more drastic “takeover” of health care. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., told ...

Where Should Treatment Decisions Get Made?

The American Thinker (Bellevue, WA), August 18, 2009 Our beloved little kitty, Maxie, left us on Friday. For those of you who have experienced the death of a pet, I am at the seeing ghosts stage of grieving. With all the debate on end of life decisions and death panels ...
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