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  • Health Care


    Socialized medicine takes cheap way, restricts access

    Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, IN), December 9, 2009 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fran Quigley recently argued that “(health) care is cheaper and more widely available via government-run health care in countries like Japan and Great Britain” (“Don’t fear socialized medicine,” Nov. 30). But care is only cheaper in countries with socialized ...

    Debate: Don’t Buy Into Medicare Buy-In

    Sphere (AOL News), December 9, 2009 (Dec. 9) — Senate leaders are knee-deep in negotiations over the final version of their health care reform bill. Public outcry – and fear of losing the support of wavering centrists – has forced Democratic chieftains to jettison the controversial “public option.” In its ...

    Three Strikes against Obamacare

    The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
    Climate Change

    The Big Cutoff

    Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...

    Obamacare Makes Hillarycare Look Pithy

    It takes a lot of audacity to propose a bill that could be shortened by a third and yet still be longer than the Clinton administration’s failed effort. Only Obamacare could make Hillarycare seem pithy. 12/07 11:53 AM This blog post originally appeared on National Review’s Critical Condition.
    Climate Change

    The Gate Crash of 2009

    The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

    Obamacare’s Ugly Math

    The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...

    The $100,000 Obamacare Policy

    However, all is not lost. The Democrats’ version of “reform” might at least reduce the number of uninsured. But to what degree, and at what cost? According to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans (46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus 9 million Medicaid beneficiaries whom the Census ...

    Public Option May Get Cut from Health Care Bill

    As congressional Democrats work on the final version of sweeping health care legislation, it remains unclear which provisions will survive the complex bill-making process. Top aides to President Barack Obama say he may not require creation of a government-run health care system, known as the public option, as part of ...

    Another Victim of Medicaid (And Employer Benefits)

    Mr. Kristof also recounts a horrible story: A man who suffers an abnormal growth of blood vessels in his brain, which has rendered him unable to work. Of course, he lost his employment-based “benefits,” and was unable to acquire individual insurance because of his severe condition. As usual, the story ...

    Socialized medicine takes cheap way, restricts access

    Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, IN), December 9, 2009 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fran Quigley recently argued that “(health) care is cheaper and more widely available via government-run health care in countries like Japan and Great Britain” (“Don’t fear socialized medicine,” Nov. 30). But care is only cheaper in countries with socialized ...

    Debate: Don’t Buy Into Medicare Buy-In

    Sphere (AOL News), December 9, 2009 (Dec. 9) — Senate leaders are knee-deep in negotiations over the final version of their health care reform bill. Public outcry – and fear of losing the support of wavering centrists – has forced Democratic chieftains to jettison the controversial “public option.” In its ...

    Three Strikes against Obamacare

    The public option isn’t the worst thing about the Senate health-care bill. Joseph Lieberman’s words, “I’m going to be stubborn on this,” must be giving Harry Reid heartburn. Lieberman may caucus with the Democrats, but he’s more than willing to go his own way — especially when it comes to ...
    Climate Change

    The Big Cutoff

    Wall Street Journal, December 8, 2009 Global warmist to reporter: Save the mirth! The latest global-warmist email is revealed not by the East Anglia whistle-blower but by Steven Hayward (who by the way has a fine overview of the climate-science scandal in The Weekly Standard). The email’s author, Michael Schlesinger, ...

    Obamacare Makes Hillarycare Look Pithy

    It takes a lot of audacity to propose a bill that could be shortened by a third and yet still be longer than the Clinton administration’s failed effort. Only Obamacare could make Hillarycare seem pithy. 12/07 11:53 AM This blog post originally appeared on National Review’s Critical Condition.
    Climate Change

    The Gate Crash of 2009

    The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

    Obamacare’s Ugly Math

    The Senate’s $2.5 trillion bill will create higher taxes and higher premiums with little return. The scoring is in on the health-care bills, and it’s hard to see what the Democrats’ proposed health-care overhaul would achieve apart from centralizing and consolidating power in Washington. During the campaign, then-Senator Obama said, ...

    The $100,000 Obamacare Policy

    However, all is not lost. The Democrats’ version of “reform” might at least reduce the number of uninsured. But to what degree, and at what cost? According to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans (46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus 9 million Medicaid beneficiaries whom the Census ...

    Public Option May Get Cut from Health Care Bill

    As congressional Democrats work on the final version of sweeping health care legislation, it remains unclear which provisions will survive the complex bill-making process. Top aides to President Barack Obama say he may not require creation of a government-run health care system, known as the public option, as part of ...

    Another Victim of Medicaid (And Employer Benefits)

    Mr. Kristof also recounts a horrible story: A man who suffers an abnormal growth of blood vessels in his brain, which has rendered him unable to work. Of course, he lost his employment-based “benefits,” and was unable to acquire individual insurance because of his severe condition. As usual, the story ...
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