Health Care

Health Care

Myths Of American Healthcare Topic Of A.U. Lecture

Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, was the guest speaker Thursday at Ashland University. Pipes, address “The Top Myths of American Healthcare”, was part of the Fall 2009 Major Issues Lecture Series presented by the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. In ...

Cantor Misses an Opportunity on Health Reform

He missed the perfect opportunity to explain why this woman did not have to lose coverage. After all, she “did have a wonderful, high-paying job, owns her own home, and was a real, contributing member of society. She lost her job. Just a couple of weeks ago, she found out ...

The LA Times Reports; You Decide

Someone, anyone, please tell me where these rigorous thinkers have been for the last few decades. Actually, they seem to recognize how silly their argument is when they point out several paragraphs below that “with [an individual mandate], the nation’s bill could be spread more broadly . . . ” ...

Humana, Inc.’s Unconditional Surrender to Censorship

The activist, Dawn Teo, has unwittingly done a public service by posting an scanned electronic version of the document and envelope that Humana, Inc. mailed to its Medicare Advantage members. I write “unwittingly” because I don’t suppose that there’s a law preventing someone not associated with Humana, Inc., sending the ...

Expand High-Risk Insurance Pools To Handle Pre-Existing Conditions

With his public option stalled on the tracks, a centerpiece of President Obama’s health care agenda is emerging. This new one would require insurers to cover those who have pre-existing conditions — while making them charge prices that ignore those conditions. This would immediately inflate the prices of everyone else’s ...

Baucus Believes Politicians Alone Should Control Health-Reform Debate

Boy, did they get that wrong! In fact, the reason health insurers dole out cash to Senator Baucus and scramble for a seat at his table is that he’s forbidden them from discussing health reform in any other venue. Humana, Inc. learned this when they mailed a one-page document on ...
Business & Economics

What Is a Tax?

What is relevant in the broader context is that this president has revealed himself to be quite comfortable denying that which our lying eyes can see clearly. And so the implicit-but-heavy energy taxes to be imposed by a carbon-regulation regime would not be “taxes.” Nor would banking regulations ostensibly aimed ...
Business & Economics

Federal Medical Malpractice Law Would Hinder Reform

The nation’s doctors are rightly concerned about the need for medical malpractice reform, but their clamor this week for passage of a federal reform law raises troubling legal questions and likely would do little to stem malpractice case filings. There is no question malpractice reform is needed. The Pacific Research ...

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
Health Care

Myths Of American Healthcare Topic Of A.U. Lecture

Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, was the guest speaker Thursday at Ashland University. Pipes, address “The Top Myths of American Healthcare”, was part of the Fall 2009 Major Issues Lecture Series presented by the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. In ...

Cantor Misses an Opportunity on Health Reform

He missed the perfect opportunity to explain why this woman did not have to lose coverage. After all, she “did have a wonderful, high-paying job, owns her own home, and was a real, contributing member of society. She lost her job. Just a couple of weeks ago, she found out ...

The LA Times Reports; You Decide

Someone, anyone, please tell me where these rigorous thinkers have been for the last few decades. Actually, they seem to recognize how silly their argument is when they point out several paragraphs below that “with [an individual mandate], the nation’s bill could be spread more broadly . . . ” ...

Humana, Inc.’s Unconditional Surrender to Censorship

The activist, Dawn Teo, has unwittingly done a public service by posting an scanned electronic version of the document and envelope that Humana, Inc. mailed to its Medicare Advantage members. I write “unwittingly” because I don’t suppose that there’s a law preventing someone not associated with Humana, Inc., sending the ...

Expand High-Risk Insurance Pools To Handle Pre-Existing Conditions

With his public option stalled on the tracks, a centerpiece of President Obama’s health care agenda is emerging. This new one would require insurers to cover those who have pre-existing conditions — while making them charge prices that ignore those conditions. This would immediately inflate the prices of everyone else’s ...

Baucus Believes Politicians Alone Should Control Health-Reform Debate

Boy, did they get that wrong! In fact, the reason health insurers dole out cash to Senator Baucus and scramble for a seat at his table is that he’s forbidden them from discussing health reform in any other venue. Humana, Inc. learned this when they mailed a one-page document on ...
Business & Economics

What Is a Tax?

What is relevant in the broader context is that this president has revealed himself to be quite comfortable denying that which our lying eyes can see clearly. And so the implicit-but-heavy energy taxes to be imposed by a carbon-regulation regime would not be “taxes.” Nor would banking regulations ostensibly aimed ...
Business & Economics

Federal Medical Malpractice Law Would Hinder Reform

The nation’s doctors are rightly concerned about the need for medical malpractice reform, but their clamor this week for passage of a federal reform law raises troubling legal questions and likely would do little to stem malpractice case filings. There is no question malpractice reform is needed. The Pacific Research ...

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
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