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  • Health Care


    Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

    The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...

    Democrats’ Rx would jack up premiums

    Democratic legislators recently rammed their $1.3 trillion health care bill through the House of Representatives. This is bad news for Californians — particularly young adults. The bills favored by leading Democrats would impose many new regulations on insurers and ultimately increase the amount Californians pay for health insurance. Several new ...
    Health Care

    Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program

    This report by John R. Graham, Director of Health Studies at Pacific Research Institute, examines the costs and benefits of Medicare Advantage, which allows consumers to get their benefits through private insurance plans. Under the Senate Health Care bill, the Medicare Advantage program, would be cut by about $118 billion. ...

    Why the Senate Bill Must Be Rejected

    The president met with fellow Democrats at the White House on Tuesday afternoon and reiterated his position that failing to pass any reform was not acceptable. He campaigned on this promise in 2008 and has stuck to his commitment in his many speeches to the nation. In his remarks on ...

    Sensible Alternatives for Fixing Health Care

    Congressional Democrats claim that their health reform effort will deliver higher quality care at lower cost to more people. But their legislative prescription, which relies almost entirely on greater government involvement in the delivery of health care, would fail to accomplish these objectives. Fortunately, there is a better way. With ...

    The Essence of Obamacare


    Reform Plans Could Increase Government Agencies’ Power, Size

    Legislative proposals under consideration in Washington, DC could dramatically expand the size and authority of government agencies, and not merely those traditionally focused on health care. While the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would expand significantly under any of the federal health care reforms currently under consideration, a ...

    ‘Reform’ still stinks

    Yesterday, the Senate’s Democratic leadership blinked first in its showdown with Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.). Desperate for the crucial 60th vote needed to pass their health-reform package, Senate leaders capitulated to Lieberman’s demands that the bill drop both the public option and a provision to let those aged 55 to ...

    Obama’s forgotten health-care promises

    The Baltimore Sun, December 16, 2009 The more details that emerge from health care reform plans coalescing and colliding on Capitol Hill, the more one wonders how President Barack Obama could possibly justify supporting any of them – much less signing one into law. Congressional Democrats are threatening to serve ...

    New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans

    San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released its new report, Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program, by Health Care Studies Director John R. Graham. The report examines the ...

    Media Parade as ObamaCare Hangs in the Balance

    The hour-by-hour drama of the Democrats’ attempt to secure 60 votes in the Senate to advance their health care agenda is gripping the nation. Is Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in? Or is he out? And what about Ben Nelson (D-NE)? While Lieberman is rightly accused of flip-flopping on the issue of ...

    Democrats’ Rx would jack up premiums

    Democratic legislators recently rammed their $1.3 trillion health care bill through the House of Representatives. This is bad news for Californians — particularly young adults. The bills favored by leading Democrats would impose many new regulations on insurers and ultimately increase the amount Californians pay for health insurance. Several new ...
    Health Care

    Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program

    This report by John R. Graham, Director of Health Studies at Pacific Research Institute, examines the costs and benefits of Medicare Advantage, which allows consumers to get their benefits through private insurance plans. Under the Senate Health Care bill, the Medicare Advantage program, would be cut by about $118 billion. ...

    Why the Senate Bill Must Be Rejected

    The president met with fellow Democrats at the White House on Tuesday afternoon and reiterated his position that failing to pass any reform was not acceptable. He campaigned on this promise in 2008 and has stuck to his commitment in his many speeches to the nation. In his remarks on ...

    Sensible Alternatives for Fixing Health Care

    Congressional Democrats claim that their health reform effort will deliver higher quality care at lower cost to more people. But their legislative prescription, which relies almost entirely on greater government involvement in the delivery of health care, would fail to accomplish these objectives. Fortunately, there is a better way. With ...

    The Essence of Obamacare


    Reform Plans Could Increase Government Agencies’ Power, Size

    Legislative proposals under consideration in Washington, DC could dramatically expand the size and authority of government agencies, and not merely those traditionally focused on health care. While the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would expand significantly under any of the federal health care reforms currently under consideration, a ...

    ‘Reform’ still stinks

    Yesterday, the Senate’s Democratic leadership blinked first in its showdown with Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.). Desperate for the crucial 60th vote needed to pass their health-reform package, Senate leaders capitulated to Lieberman’s demands that the bill drop both the public option and a provision to let those aged 55 to ...

    Obama’s forgotten health-care promises

    The Baltimore Sun, December 16, 2009 The more details that emerge from health care reform plans coalescing and colliding on Capitol Hill, the more one wonders how President Barack Obama could possibly justify supporting any of them – much less signing one into law. Congressional Democrats are threatening to serve ...

    New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans

    San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released its new report, Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program, by Health Care Studies Director John R. Graham. The report examines the ...
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