Health Care


President fudges facts on health care proposal

San Diego Union-Tribune, October 4, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 4, 2009 President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated speech to Congress was intended to alleviate growing public concerns about his plan to overhaul American health care. Instead, the president sidestepped legitimate questions about his reform effort and offered up a litany of ...

Obama’s health insurance whopper: He’s misleading the country on a key reform proposal

“As soon as I sign this bill,” President Obama promised in his prime-time address to Congress, “it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage when you get sick.” Thunderous applause followed. It’s easy to understand why – no one wants to lose their insurance coverage ...

Not all med students want Obamacare

As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...

‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect

The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...

NPR Explains It All

So there we have it. “Underinsurance” means an allocation of risk between the insured and the pool (the insurer) that is not gold-plated from the viewpoint of the former. And the rather obvious increase in premiums needed to reduce the “underinsurance” problem? That discussion seems to have been left on ...

In Delivering Care, More Isn’t Always Better, Experts Say

A dirty word in health-care reform is “rationing,” a term that conjures up the image of faceless government bureaucrats denying lifesaving therapies in the name of cutting costs. But what if the real issue is not the specter of future rationing, but the haphazard, even illogical, way in which care ...

With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?

The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...

Dispelling the myths about American health care

Sally Pipes and Jim Blasingame examine the health care debate elements and dispel some of the myths, including the uninsured number and whether Americans will have longer waits for care under the Obama plan. JIM BLASINGAME is the creator and award-winning host of “THE SMALL BUSINESS ADVOCATE” show, a syndicated ...
Business & Economics

Torts, taxes hinder Pennsylvania’s prosperity

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of occasional commentaries on how Pennsylvania can turn around its economic fortunes. Wrongheaded economic development policies and one of the nation’s worst labor climates are serious impediments to Pennsylvania’s prosperity. As if those obstacles were not enough, the commonwealth also has ...

GOP ideas are ignored

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m a senior fast approaching Medicare eligibility and I’m worried. I’m worried about our nation’s future, and I’m worried that if President Obama’s proposed health care plan goes through, Medicare will be reduced by $500 billion. There will be 30 million citizens added to the health ...

President fudges facts on health care proposal

San Diego Union-Tribune, October 4, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 4, 2009 President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated speech to Congress was intended to alleviate growing public concerns about his plan to overhaul American health care. Instead, the president sidestepped legitimate questions about his reform effort and offered up a litany of ...

Obama’s health insurance whopper: He’s misleading the country on a key reform proposal

“As soon as I sign this bill,” President Obama promised in his prime-time address to Congress, “it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage when you get sick.” Thunderous applause followed. It’s easy to understand why – no one wants to lose their insurance coverage ...

Not all med students want Obamacare

As a third year medical student at the Unviersity of Miami Miller School of Medicine with parents strongly considering a move from the Sunshine State to the Old Line State, your piece on the hidden loss for primary care (“Primary care’s hidden loss,” Sept. 29) was well received — that ...

‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect

The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...

NPR Explains It All

So there we have it. “Underinsurance” means an allocation of risk between the insured and the pool (the insurer) that is not gold-plated from the viewpoint of the former. And the rather obvious increase in premiums needed to reduce the “underinsurance” problem? That discussion seems to have been left on ...

In Delivering Care, More Isn’t Always Better, Experts Say

A dirty word in health-care reform is “rationing,” a term that conjures up the image of faceless government bureaucrats denying lifesaving therapies in the name of cutting costs. But what if the real issue is not the specter of future rationing, but the haphazard, even illogical, way in which care ...

With ObamaCare in a Hole, Will the White House Stop Digging?

The Monday morning column from Clark Judge: By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group, Inc. Increasingly in Washington over the last few weeks, we have heard this assessment of the president’s health care upheaval prospects: Something will pass, because the president and his party have such large ...

Dispelling the myths about American health care

Sally Pipes and Jim Blasingame examine the health care debate elements and dispel some of the myths, including the uninsured number and whether Americans will have longer waits for care under the Obama plan. JIM BLASINGAME is the creator and award-winning host of “THE SMALL BUSINESS ADVOCATE” show, a syndicated ...
Business & Economics

Torts, taxes hinder Pennsylvania’s prosperity

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of occasional commentaries on how Pennsylvania can turn around its economic fortunes. Wrongheaded economic development policies and one of the nation’s worst labor climates are serious impediments to Pennsylvania’s prosperity. As if those obstacles were not enough, the commonwealth also has ...

GOP ideas are ignored

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m a senior fast approaching Medicare eligibility and I’m worried. I’m worried about our nation’s future, and I’m worried that if President Obama’s proposed health care plan goes through, Medicare will be reduced by $500 billion. There will be 30 million citizens added to the health ...
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