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  • Health Care


    What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery

    The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeon’s office for a consultation and, ...

    Forget the ‘Cornhusker Kickback’: Senate Medicaid Deal a Recipe for Fraud

    The Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) is the federal financing formula that encourages each state to spend its own taxpayers’ money irresponsibly in order to maximize its take from other states. For example, California’s FMAP was traditionally the 50 percent minimum: For every dollar California spent, the U.S. Treasury would ...
    Health Care

    The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States

    Imagine that you were inspecting a swimming pool that was cracked and leaking water, such that anyone who dove into it would be at risk of cracking his head on the bottom. You would likely make it a priority to fix the pool. However, if the pool were on a ...

    Government binges on anti-obesity campaigns

    San Francisco Examiner, January 21, 2010 Many Americans have made a resolution to lose weight in the new year. That’s admirable. What’s not so admirable is the recent barrage of efforts advanced by government officials to “help” them slim down by taxing or even outlawing foods deemed unhealthy. San Francisco ...

    Danger Ahead

    I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: We are not out of the woods. It is wholly possible, and perhaps even likely, that the Dems will now turn to a limited version of health-care legislation designed and labeled as “insurance reform” — that is, sharp limitations on underwriting ...
    Health Care

    Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform

    This study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and smaller groups to purchase an “entrepreneurs” coverage policy free of the benefit mandates imposed by state laws. The study finds that if such plans were offered to the public, enrollment would be about 8 percent ...
    Health Care

    Study Finds that Insurance Coverage Free of Benefit Mandates Would Enroll Nearly 17 million Individuals

    San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new study, Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform by Health Care Studies senior policy fellow Benjamin Zycher, Ph.D. The study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and ...

    A Switch in Time to Save Nine

    Memo to House Dems: Just say ‘no’ to Obamacare. “The Democratic Party is lashed to health reform—even in the face of polls showing tepid public support.” Thus Politico’s Carrie Brown paraphrases senior Democratic aides. As unappealing as that predicament may sound, Brown writes that those same aides say “it would ...

    Can We Have $21K for Obamacare, Grandma?

    More than 10,250,000 American seniors are enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program, which lets them choose to get their Medicare benefits through private insurers. It’s been widely reported that seniors’ Medicare Advantage benefits would be cut under Obamacare. What hasn’t been widely reported is by how much. According to ...

    Why Dems’ Health Reform Hopes Are ‘Hanging by a Thread’

    Townhall.com, January 18, 2009 As the New Year unfolds and congressional Democrats meet with the President behind closed doors trying to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions, they also appear to have lost a good deal of the optimism they had just a few weeks ago about ...

    What Health Reformers Could Learn from the Market for Cosmetic Surgery

    The article describes Board-certified surgeons populating a website, onto which prospective patients upload photos of body parts which they believe would benefit from surgery. Surgeons nationwide reply with explanations of procedures and price estimates. If patients then decide to proceed, they travel to the surgeon’s office for a consultation and, ...

    Forget the ‘Cornhusker Kickback’: Senate Medicaid Deal a Recipe for Fraud

    The Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) is the federal financing formula that encourages each state to spend its own taxpayers’ money irresponsibly in order to maximize its take from other states. For example, California’s FMAP was traditionally the 50 percent minimum: For every dollar California spent, the U.S. Treasury would ...
    Health Care

    The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States

    Imagine that you were inspecting a swimming pool that was cracked and leaking water, such that anyone who dove into it would be at risk of cracking his head on the bottom. You would likely make it a priority to fix the pool. However, if the pool were on a ...

    Government binges on anti-obesity campaigns

    San Francisco Examiner, January 21, 2010 Many Americans have made a resolution to lose weight in the new year. That’s admirable. What’s not so admirable is the recent barrage of efforts advanced by government officials to “help” them slim down by taxing or even outlawing foods deemed unhealthy. San Francisco ...

    Danger Ahead

    I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: We are not out of the woods. It is wholly possible, and perhaps even likely, that the Dems will now turn to a limited version of health-care legislation designed and labeled as “insurance reform” — that is, sharp limitations on underwriting ...
    Health Care

    Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform

    This study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and smaller groups to purchase an “entrepreneurs” coverage policy free of the benefit mandates imposed by state laws. The study finds that if such plans were offered to the public, enrollment would be about 8 percent ...
    Health Care

    Study Finds that Insurance Coverage Free of Benefit Mandates Would Enroll Nearly 17 million Individuals

    San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new study, Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform by Health Care Studies senior policy fellow Benjamin Zycher, Ph.D. The study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and ...

    A Switch in Time to Save Nine

    Memo to House Dems: Just say ‘no’ to Obamacare. “The Democratic Party is lashed to health reform—even in the face of polls showing tepid public support.” Thus Politico’s Carrie Brown paraphrases senior Democratic aides. As unappealing as that predicament may sound, Brown writes that those same aides say “it would ...

    Can We Have $21K for Obamacare, Grandma?

    More than 10,250,000 American seniors are enrolled in the popular Medicare Advantage program, which lets them choose to get their Medicare benefits through private insurers. It’s been widely reported that seniors’ Medicare Advantage benefits would be cut under Obamacare. What hasn’t been widely reported is by how much. According to ...

    Why Dems’ Health Reform Hopes Are ‘Hanging by a Thread’

    Townhall.com, January 18, 2009 As the New Year unfolds and congressional Democrats meet with the President behind closed doors trying to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions, they also appear to have lost a good deal of the optimism they had just a few weeks ago about ...
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