Health Care
Health Care
On Christmas Eve, Democrats Push Health Care Plan Through Senate
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), December 24, 2009 In the early hours of Christmas Eve on Capitol Hill, Democrats in the Senate pushed through a massive reform of health care in America on a party-line vote. Passed by a 60-39 margin, the plan includes an individual mandate to purchase health ...
Ben Domenech
December 24, 2009
Conservative Alternatives to ObamaCare
(Sue Lowden) Rather than crippling our nation with higher debt and higher taxes to fund government-run health care, I have called for solutions that can begin to drive down the cost of health insurance, thus making it more accessible to those who do not have coverage today. First, Congress ...
Sue Lowden
December 24, 2009
Health reform: Pluses, minuses
Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 24, 2009
Now Is the Time to Fight
However, from the start of Christmas week, the important and interesting question was not whether the Senate would pass its bill (that was a foregone conclusion once Ben Nelson yielded to party pressure and waived his abortion objections in exchange for a nice helping of pork). It was whether those ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 24, 2009
Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform
While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 24, 2009
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Obamacare
Obamacare would require Americans to buy government-approved health insurance. It would make it illegal to offer choices in insurance plans beyond the handful of very similar ones that the government would allow. It would become illegal to offer new and innovative plans. Under any of the government-approved plans, it would ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
December 23, 2009
Health Care Legislation Turns Medicare Into Slush Fund
President Obama has repeatedly pledged never to sign any proposal that would add one dime to the federal deficit, yet he and Congress are finding it impossible to cover millions of uninsured Americans without increasing deficit spending or taking the money from the current Medicare system. Finding money to achieve ...
Thomas Cheplick
December 23, 2009
Health Care
The Federal Government’s Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Has Increased By More Than Half in a Decade
Politicians who want to increase the federal governments control of Americans access to medical services under the banner of reform describe the status quo as some kind of Wild West, where nobody has protection against greedy insurers, incompetent doctors, or dangerous hospitals. The facts show otherwise. As I have described ...
John R. Graham
December 22, 2009
Cutting Medicare Advantage hurts seniors
President Barack Obama has promised time and again that his health reforms won’t force Americans to change insurance plans if they like what they already have. He’s willing to break that promise. A key provision of the Democrats’ reform plan would cut benefits in the Medicare Advantage program by as ...
John R. Graham
December 22, 2009
Hike In Long-Term Care Benefits Is Really Just Low-CLASS Trickery
The extent of smoke and mirrors in both the House and Senate health care bills is frightening. Much mischief is easily concealed in each 2,000-plus-page bill. One part of the health reform bills that has not garnered much attention is Congress’ expansion into long-term care. Just a few months ago, ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 22, 2009
On Christmas Eve, Democrats Push Health Care Plan Through Senate
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), December 24, 2009 In the early hours of Christmas Eve on Capitol Hill, Democrats in the Senate pushed through a massive reform of health care in America on a party-line vote. Passed by a 60-39 margin, the plan includes an individual mandate to purchase health ...
Conservative Alternatives to ObamaCare
(Sue Lowden) Rather than crippling our nation with higher debt and higher taxes to fund government-run health care, I have called for solutions that can begin to drive down the cost of health insurance, thus making it more accessible to those who do not have coverage today. First, Congress ...
Health reform: Pluses, minuses
Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...
Now Is the Time to Fight
However, from the start of Christmas week, the important and interesting question was not whether the Senate would pass its bill (that was a foregone conclusion once Ben Nelson yielded to party pressure and waived his abortion objections in exchange for a nice helping of pork). It was whether those ...
Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform
While Harry Reid, the Scrooge of the Senate, forces a health care vote on December 24, Americans are commencing their Christmas celebrations. Across the continent from Washington, one popular destination, Disneyland, is decorated with Christmas splendor in anticipation of hundreds of thousands of people visiting it over the holidays. There ...
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Obamacare
Obamacare would require Americans to buy government-approved health insurance. It would make it illegal to offer choices in insurance plans beyond the handful of very similar ones that the government would allow. It would become illegal to offer new and innovative plans. Under any of the government-approved plans, it would ...
Health Care Legislation Turns Medicare Into Slush Fund
President Obama has repeatedly pledged never to sign any proposal that would add one dime to the federal deficit, yet he and Congress are finding it impossible to cover millions of uninsured Americans without increasing deficit spending or taking the money from the current Medicare system. Finding money to achieve ...
The Federal Government’s Regulatory Burden on American Health Care Has Increased By More Than Half in a Decade
Politicians who want to increase the federal governments control of Americans access to medical services under the banner of reform describe the status quo as some kind of Wild West, where nobody has protection against greedy insurers, incompetent doctors, or dangerous hospitals. The facts show otherwise. As I have described ...
Cutting Medicare Advantage hurts seniors
President Barack Obama has promised time and again that his health reforms won’t force Americans to change insurance plans if they like what they already have. He’s willing to break that promise. A key provision of the Democrats’ reform plan would cut benefits in the Medicare Advantage program by as ...
Hike In Long-Term Care Benefits Is Really Just Low-CLASS Trickery
The extent of smoke and mirrors in both the House and Senate health care bills is frightening. Much mischief is easily concealed in each 2,000-plus-page bill. One part of the health reform bills that has not garnered much attention is Congress’ expansion into long-term care. Just a few months ago, ...