Health Care
Taking the “Public Option” in Schooling to Task
For anyone still unconvinced that a single-payer (i.e. government-run) healthcare system is a good idea, try looking at the government-run schooling sector. The average per-pupil expenditure in government-run schools nationwide is nearly $11,000 compared to average private school tuition that’s less than $8,600. In spite of a 20 percent funding ...
Vicki E. Murray
February 16, 2010
Let’s Make a Deal
Another possibility, more congenial to conservatives, would be a coverage expansion that follows an explicitly free-market blueprint, but thats funded at a rate that makes Democrats feel comfortable. Writing in The Weekly Standard, for instance, Jeffrey H. Anderson has proposed covering an extra 10 million Americans with a mixture of ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
February 14, 2010
Republicans Must ‘Medal’ at Health Care Summit
Jeffrey Anderson, director of the Benjamin Rush Society, offers a template for a Republican health care proposal in the latest edition of The Weekly Standard. He calls his suggestion The Small Bill and indeed it is a one-page product (admittedly in fairly small type) of seven points aimed at ...
Jeffrey H. Anderson
February 11, 2010
Debate: Health Care Reform
Every member of our society is impacted by the quality, accessibility or affordability of health care in the United States. In 2007, U.S. Census figures estimated that over 22% of the population (69 million people) were either uninsured or underinsured. Is health care a right? Who should pay for it? ...
John R. Graham
February 10, 2010
Starting Over on Health Reform
President Obama has signaled that hed be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like reducing insurance premiums. Such a spirit of compromise is desperately needed, as lawmakers from both parties must forge a more prudent course in pursuit of health reform. ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 10, 2010
Starting Over on Health Care Reform
State House Call, February 10, 2010 President Obama has signaled that hed be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like reducing insurance premiums. Such a spirit of compromise is desperately needed, as lawmakers from both parties must forge a more prudent ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 10, 2010
Health Care
Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform
Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not exempt from antitrust laws. Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...
John R. Graham
February 9, 2010
GOP should show Obama the one-page health reform bill
President Obama will host a bipartisan health-care summit, to be televised on C-SPAN, on February 25. Reaction to the event has been divided. Liberals mostly think it’s a good idea, while conservatives are not sure. Michelle Malkin says Republicans shouldn’t attend. Philip Klein notes that the event will be “pure ...
Matthew Continetti
February 8, 2010
California’s New HMO Regulations
There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, Californias current government-run health plans cant achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled consumer advocates, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...
John R. Graham
February 5, 2010
Meeting In The Middle
Forbes, February 4, 2010 Last week President Obama sparred with House Republicans in an unprecedented debate that highlighted the two parties’ differences on the issues, particularly health reform. The president signaled that he’d be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 4, 2010
Taking the “Public Option” in Schooling to Task
For anyone still unconvinced that a single-payer (i.e. government-run) healthcare system is a good idea, try looking at the government-run schooling sector. The average per-pupil expenditure in government-run schools nationwide is nearly $11,000 compared to average private school tuition that’s less than $8,600. In spite of a 20 percent funding ...
Let’s Make a Deal
Another possibility, more congenial to conservatives, would be a coverage expansion that follows an explicitly free-market blueprint, but thats funded at a rate that makes Democrats feel comfortable. Writing in The Weekly Standard, for instance, Jeffrey H. Anderson has proposed covering an extra 10 million Americans with a mixture of ...
Republicans Must ‘Medal’ at Health Care Summit
Jeffrey Anderson, director of the Benjamin Rush Society, offers a template for a Republican health care proposal in the latest edition of The Weekly Standard. He calls his suggestion The Small Bill and indeed it is a one-page product (admittedly in fairly small type) of seven points aimed at ...
Debate: Health Care Reform
Every member of our society is impacted by the quality, accessibility or affordability of health care in the United States. In 2007, U.S. Census figures estimated that over 22% of the population (69 million people) were either uninsured or underinsured. Is health care a right? Who should pay for it? ...
Starting Over on Health Reform
President Obama has signaled that hed be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like reducing insurance premiums. Such a spirit of compromise is desperately needed, as lawmakers from both parties must forge a more prudent course in pursuit of health reform. ...
Starting Over on Health Care Reform
State House Call, February 10, 2010 President Obama has signaled that hed be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like reducing insurance premiums. Such a spirit of compromise is desperately needed, as lawmakers from both parties must forge a more prudent ...
Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform
Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not exempt from antitrust laws. Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...
GOP should show Obama the one-page health reform bill
President Obama will host a bipartisan health-care summit, to be televised on C-SPAN, on February 25. Reaction to the event has been divided. Liberals mostly think it’s a good idea, while conservatives are not sure. Michelle Malkin says Republicans shouldn’t attend. Philip Klein notes that the event will be “pure ...
California’s New HMO Regulations
There are standards that a single-payer plan could not hope to achieve. Indeed, Californias current government-run health plans cant achieve them. The new regulations are a result of years of negotiations between HMOs, the government, and self-styled consumer advocates, who lobby for laws and regulation friendly to trial lawyers. Indeed, ...
Meeting In The Middle
Forbes, February 4, 2010 Last week President Obama sparred with House Republicans in an unprecedented debate that highlighted the two parties’ differences on the issues, particularly health reform. The president signaled that he’d be willing to work with Republicans if they could build on their shared goals for reform, like ...