Health Care


My Health Care Doesn’t Need “Reform,” Thanks!

I got a call yesterday, in the middle of a really crazy day. As you’ll read in my book, my friends all know not to call me on my deadline days, so I’m always surprised when my phone rings on a Monday or a Tuesday. Well, this was a pleasant ...

Americans Like Obamacare About as Much as Hillarycare

The number of respondents whose “impression” of President Obama is not only unfavorable but strongly so has tripled since January 16 (from 9 to 27 percent). By a margin of almost two-to-one (37 percent to 19 percent), respondents think that the quality of their health care would get worse, rather ...

‘Reform’ at your expense

New York Post, November 17, 2009 The health-reform bill that the Senate will soon debate may differ markedly from the one written by Speaker Nancy Pelosi that passed the House — but both would raise the cost of health care for ordinary Americans. Such an approach is at odds with ...
Health Care

Dispelling Health-Care Myths

Inundated with medical terminology and ill equipped to navigate the options available, most people probably could use a little health-care-system guidance. With extensive experience in the field and an at-times controversial outlook, Pipes brings her knowledge to the public, breaking down the myths about health care and getting straight to ...

Bending the Cost-Curve and the Truth

In July, the Washington Post wrote, “From the start, President Obama has been firm. . . . He told us flatly that he won’t accept a bill that doesn’t ‘bend the curve’ on rising health-care costs.” Furthermore, “Any reform, he has said, must be ‘deficit-neutral.’” Just over three months later, ...

Wallets will feel pinch under health care bill

The Oklahoman, November 14, 2009 Last Saturday, the House of Representatives approved the 1,990-page bill that would overhaul the nation’s health care system. House leaders gloated over their victory. But the American people may not be as enthused. According to several studies, the Democrats’ reform plan will increase the cost ...

The CBO Is Using the Wrong Number of Uninsured

As I detailed in the New York Post last month, according to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans: 46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus the 9 million people on Medicaid who were falsely tallied. That’s 28 million out of 280 million American citizens (according to the Census), ...

Government Health Fixes Will Leave Us Broke, November 13, 2009 By a razor-thin margin, lawmakers approved the trillion-dollar health reform package proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late Saturday evening. Proponents of the measure claim that it will eventually pay for itself — and even lower the nation’s healthcare costs and the federal deficit. This is ...

Federal Medicaid Funds Addictive Like Hard Drugs

Medicaid has grown out-of-control in the last four and a half decades, because there is nothing preventing states from competing against each other in a “race to the bottom” for federal funds. Last February, Congress and President Obama made it worse, through the so-called “stimulus” bill (ARRA), which bailed out ...

When Private Insurers Are No Longer Private

The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn reports that IMS, a respected global research and consulting firm, projected back in March that American drug companies would actually suffer negative growth from 2008–13. Then came Obamacare — or even the prospect of it. Now, as of last month, IMS has updated its projections ...

My Health Care Doesn’t Need “Reform,” Thanks!

I got a call yesterday, in the middle of a really crazy day. As you’ll read in my book, my friends all know not to call me on my deadline days, so I’m always surprised when my phone rings on a Monday or a Tuesday. Well, this was a pleasant ...

Americans Like Obamacare About as Much as Hillarycare

The number of respondents whose “impression” of President Obama is not only unfavorable but strongly so has tripled since January 16 (from 9 to 27 percent). By a margin of almost two-to-one (37 percent to 19 percent), respondents think that the quality of their health care would get worse, rather ...

‘Reform’ at your expense

New York Post, November 17, 2009 The health-reform bill that the Senate will soon debate may differ markedly from the one written by Speaker Nancy Pelosi that passed the House — but both would raise the cost of health care for ordinary Americans. Such an approach is at odds with ...
Health Care

Dispelling Health-Care Myths

Inundated with medical terminology and ill equipped to navigate the options available, most people probably could use a little health-care-system guidance. With extensive experience in the field and an at-times controversial outlook, Pipes brings her knowledge to the public, breaking down the myths about health care and getting straight to ...

Bending the Cost-Curve and the Truth

In July, the Washington Post wrote, “From the start, President Obama has been firm. . . . He told us flatly that he won’t accept a bill that doesn’t ‘bend the curve’ on rising health-care costs.” Furthermore, “Any reform, he has said, must be ‘deficit-neutral.’” Just over three months later, ...

Wallets will feel pinch under health care bill

The Oklahoman, November 14, 2009 Last Saturday, the House of Representatives approved the 1,990-page bill that would overhaul the nation’s health care system. House leaders gloated over their victory. But the American people may not be as enthused. According to several studies, the Democrats’ reform plan will increase the cost ...

The CBO Is Using the Wrong Number of Uninsured

As I detailed in the New York Post last month, according to the Census, there are 28 million uninsured Americans: 46 million, minus 9 million non-citizens, minus the 9 million people on Medicaid who were falsely tallied. That’s 28 million out of 280 million American citizens (according to the Census), ...

Government Health Fixes Will Leave Us Broke, November 13, 2009 By a razor-thin margin, lawmakers approved the trillion-dollar health reform package proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late Saturday evening. Proponents of the measure claim that it will eventually pay for itself — and even lower the nation’s healthcare costs and the federal deficit. This is ...

Federal Medicaid Funds Addictive Like Hard Drugs

Medicaid has grown out-of-control in the last four and a half decades, because there is nothing preventing states from competing against each other in a “race to the bottom” for federal funds. Last February, Congress and President Obama made it worse, through the so-called “stimulus” bill (ARRA), which bailed out ...

When Private Insurers Are No Longer Private

The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn reports that IMS, a respected global research and consulting firm, projected back in March that American drug companies would actually suffer negative growth from 2008–13. Then came Obamacare — or even the prospect of it. Now, as of last month, IMS has updated its projections ...
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