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  • Health Care

    Health Care

    Taxing Health Insurance: How Much Do States Earn?

    Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs Taxing Health Insurance: How Much Do States Earn? presents a first-of-its-kind report on the potential cost of increased federal control of health insurance. This report, written ...
    Health Care

    New PRI Sudy Shows that Increased Federal Control of Health Insurance Plans Will Reduce States’ Tax Revenue

    Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs San Francisco, March 17, 2010 – Today the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a first-of-its-kind report on the potential ...

    High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

    Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...

    Higher taxes ahead

    The Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But is such activism largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump? Robert Miller says the government can create jobs by throwing money at but the question is where do those resources ...

    Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

    Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...

    ObamaCare vs The 57

    With perhaps a third of practicing physicians threatening to “Go Galt” should ObamaCare pass, it’s easy to overlook another potentially devastating effect of this monstrosity: ” Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.” ...

    Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

    A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

    Dem And Voter Differences Are Irreconcilable

    Investor’s Business Daily, March 8, 2010 During his 35th speech on health care at the White House last Wednesday, President Obama called on Congress to give his reform package an “up-or-down vote” before the Easter recess, with or without Republican support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry ...

    Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

    I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...
    Health Care

    Did You Hear About Anthem Blue Cross Cutting Premiums 20 Percent?

    Probably not. But it’s just as accurate as recent headlines trumpeting a 39 percent increase for individual policyholders. The insurer’s letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, describes a wide range of premium changes, from a reduction of 20 percent to an increase of 35 percent, after ...
    Health Care

    Taxing Health Insurance: How Much Do States Earn?

    Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs Taxing Health Insurance: How Much Do States Earn? presents a first-of-its-kind report on the potential cost of increased federal control of health insurance. This report, written ...
    Health Care

    New PRI Sudy Shows that Increased Federal Control of Health Insurance Plans Will Reduce States’ Tax Revenue

    Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs San Francisco, March 17, 2010 – Today the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released a first-of-its-kind report on the potential ...

    High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

    Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...

    Higher taxes ahead

    The Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But is such activism largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump? Robert Miller says the government can create jobs by throwing money at but the question is where do those resources ...

    Massachusetts’ ‘reform’ mess

    Federal lawmakers pondering how to vote on Obama-Care this week should notice that Massachusetts is back asking Washington for hundreds of millions more to bail out its universal health-coverage system. When it became law in 2006, the Bay State’s plan was supposed to fix everything — with much the same ...

    ObamaCare vs The 57

    With perhaps a third of practicing physicians threatening to “Go Galt” should ObamaCare pass, it’s easy to overlook another potentially devastating effect of this monstrosity: ” Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Georgia will see significant reductions in dollars available to fund Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs.” ...

    Health Care Subject Matter Experts Part 2 Sally C. Pipes

    A few weeks ago, my Leadership Program of the Rockies class heard Sally C. Pipes speak on the American health care system. Who is Sally Pipes, you ask? (It’s okay, I didn’t know either!) She is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen’s Guide, and ...

    Dem And Voter Differences Are Irreconcilable

    Investor’s Business Daily, March 8, 2010 During his 35th speech on health care at the White House last Wednesday, President Obama called on Congress to give his reform package an “up-or-down vote” before the Easter recess, with or without Republican support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry ...

    Single-Payer and Group Coverage Empower Government, Not the People

    I agree with Professor Chaufan that the “reforms” many states embraced to expand coverage with private insurance have failed, but disagree that it is because of a lack of government power. In fact, such reforms massively increase government power. For example, Massachusetts’ latest reform (passed by Governor Romney in 2006) ...
    Health Care

    Did You Hear About Anthem Blue Cross Cutting Premiums 20 Percent?

    Probably not. But it’s just as accurate as recent headlines trumpeting a 39 percent increase for individual policyholders. The insurer’s letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, describes a wide range of premium changes, from a reduction of 20 percent to an increase of 35 percent, after ...
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