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  • Health Care


    Repeal Of Bill, All Or In Part, Is Problematic

    It’s springtime, and with the enactment of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care monstrosity, repeal is in the air. And why not? Supported by substantial popular majorities now energized as never before, congressional Republicans opposed the legislation unanimously, and the polls point unambiguously to substantial gains for the GOP this November. And ...
    Health Care

    What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Score: More Than $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue at Risk from Federal Health “Reform”

    Key Points State revenues in 2008 included an estimated $6.5 billion in revenues from premium taxes levied on health insurance. The federal takeover of health insurance will lure 15 million more people into Medicaid, and nine million into federally licensed “exchanges” from state-regulated health insurance. The “reform” will reduce states’ ...

    California stands to gain most from health bill

    The stakes are high for Californians when it comes to the health care overhaul, mainly because the coverage problems in this vast state are so large. With a new UCLA study estimating that more than 8 million Californians, or nearly 25 percent of the population, lack health coverage, many health ...
    Health Care

    What CBO Doesn’t Score: Over $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue At Risk

    Now that Congress has reached the “end of the beginning” of the federal take-over of people’s access to medical services, please allow me to point out a cost that Congress has ignored. According the the CBO’s score of the Senate health “reform,” H.R. 3590, the bill would insure 31 million ...

    Obamacare wins: Now the pain begins

    With the passage of the health “reform” bill, President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have ensured that the American economy and America’s household economics are in for a rough decade. Liberals are hailing the vote as historic, and indeed it was — a blunder ...
    Health Care

    The Battle Is Lost, and the War Has Begun

    Unlike past threats to the American way of life, this time the threat comes from within. Lincoln warned us that this would be so: All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa . . . , with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from ...

    What Now?

    With the Democrats’ health-care legislation having cleared the last legislative hurdle, it is all but inevitable that President Obama will be signing it into law. Is this the end of the road for the debate, or is there a way forward for real reform that puts decisions into the hands ...

    Federal health takeover threatens Hawaii budget

    Hawaii’s Congressional delegation is committed to a massive reorganization of health insurance by the federal government. This mission is about to collide with state budgets, causing much collateral damage. Most people remain unaware that health-insurance premiums contribute to states’ tax revenues. On average, states tax private health insurance 2 percent ...
    Health Care

    They Still Don’t Have the Votes

    In turn, Pelosi either decided that by accepting the language, she would lose more votes in the House than she would gain, or else knew that Democratic senators, with their strong preference for taxpayer-funded abortion, would never go along with this concession to the views of the vast majority of ...

    CNBC Video: Paying for Health Care

    Discussing whether Dems are relying too much on higher taxes to pay for health care reform, with Gov. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman; Sally Pipes, Pacific Research and CNBC’s Hampton Pearson.

    Repeal Of Bill, All Or In Part, Is Problematic

    It’s springtime, and with the enactment of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care monstrosity, repeal is in the air. And why not? Supported by substantial popular majorities now energized as never before, congressional Republicans opposed the legislation unanimously, and the polls point unambiguously to substantial gains for the GOP this November. And ...
    Health Care

    What the Congressional Budget Office Doesn’t Score: More Than $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue at Risk from Federal Health “Reform”

    Key Points State revenues in 2008 included an estimated $6.5 billion in revenues from premium taxes levied on health insurance. The federal takeover of health insurance will lure 15 million more people into Medicaid, and nine million into federally licensed “exchanges” from state-regulated health insurance. The “reform” will reduce states’ ...

    California stands to gain most from health bill

    The stakes are high for Californians when it comes to the health care overhaul, mainly because the coverage problems in this vast state are so large. With a new UCLA study estimating that more than 8 million Californians, or nearly 25 percent of the population, lack health coverage, many health ...
    Health Care

    What CBO Doesn’t Score: Over $6.5 Billion Annual State Revenue At Risk

    Now that Congress has reached the “end of the beginning” of the federal take-over of people’s access to medical services, please allow me to point out a cost that Congress has ignored. According the the CBO’s score of the Senate health “reform,” H.R. 3590, the bill would insure 31 million ...

    Obamacare wins: Now the pain begins

    With the passage of the health “reform” bill, President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have ensured that the American economy and America’s household economics are in for a rough decade. Liberals are hailing the vote as historic, and indeed it was — a blunder ...
    Health Care

    The Battle Is Lost, and the War Has Begun

    Unlike past threats to the American way of life, this time the threat comes from within. Lincoln warned us that this would be so: All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa . . . , with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from ...

    What Now?

    With the Democrats’ health-care legislation having cleared the last legislative hurdle, it is all but inevitable that President Obama will be signing it into law. Is this the end of the road for the debate, or is there a way forward for real reform that puts decisions into the hands ...

    Federal health takeover threatens Hawaii budget

    Hawaii’s Congressional delegation is committed to a massive reorganization of health insurance by the federal government. This mission is about to collide with state budgets, causing much collateral damage. Most people remain unaware that health-insurance premiums contribute to states’ tax revenues. On average, states tax private health insurance 2 percent ...
    Health Care

    They Still Don’t Have the Votes

    In turn, Pelosi either decided that by accepting the language, she would lose more votes in the House than she would gain, or else knew that Democratic senators, with their strong preference for taxpayer-funded abortion, would never go along with this concession to the views of the vast majority of ...

    CNBC Video: Paying for Health Care

    Discussing whether Dems are relying too much on higher taxes to pay for health care reform, with Gov. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman; Sally Pipes, Pacific Research and CNBC’s Hampton Pearson.
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