Health Care

Health Care

The Mess of Massachusetts’ Health-Care

FOX Business: Pacific Research Institute CEO Sally Pipes on how Massachusetts’; health-care, pushed by Mitt Romey, shows what the federal government’s health-care reform will do to the country.

Canada Still Working Towards Universal Health Care

Or, it would be if government planners could bring about such outcomes. In fact, five million Canadians have no access to a primary care physician. (That’s about 15 percent of the population.) Remarkably, the Canadian people’s response to this astounding government failure is to support government-run health care by a ...
Health Care

The Ryan Republican Medicare Reforms: What They Are, What They’re Not, and What They Might Become

Key Points The Medicare part of the Ryan budget is superior to Obamacare but needs more definition. The current proposal would limit future Medicare beneficiaries’ choices to those selected from a federal exchange. Medicare beneficiaries would benefit more from Republicans’ clear commitment to restore Medicare Advantage, a popular alternative to ...

R.I.’s Medicaid waiver’s big influence

Rhode Island may be small, but when it comes to keeping costs down and resisting federal control of health care, the Ocean State punches way out of its weight class. Medicaid, the health program for low-income residents, is a strain on every state’s budget. A fundamental problem with Medicaid is ...

Piping Up: Medical Innovation Critical To Bringing Down Health Care Costs

By the end of this decade, national health care spending is projected to amount to one-fifth of the country’s GDP. That’s more than four times military expenditures–and five times the amount spent each year on education. And that’s a conservative estimate. In a recent study, consulting firm Deloitte revealed that ...

Obamacare mandate much like status quo

The legal wrangling over President Barack Obama’s health care law is heating up. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta recently announced that it would expedite its consideration of one constitutional challenge to the law. The case centers on the law’s individual mandate – the requirement that all ...

Colorado Republicans for Obamacare?

The bill was rolling happily along a couple of weeks ago, when the state’s liberty groups caught wind of it and convinced Stephens to “test” whether or not this was actually an Obamacare-enabling exchange, by offering an amendment that the exchange could only start up if the state got a ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

How Obamacare undermines the doctor-patient relationship

America recently marked the first anniversary of the passage of Obamacare. It wasn’t a happy birthday for American patients. Obamacare is already exacerbating some of the current trends in American medicine that work against the interests of patients. Paramount among them is an erosion in the quality of the nation’s ...

BOOK REVIEW: How to dismantle Obamacare

WHY OBAMACARE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA: HOW THE NEW HEALTH CARE LAW DRIVES UP COSTS, PUTS GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF YOUR DECISIONS, AND THREATENS YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS By Grace-Marie Turner, James P. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller and Robert E. Moffit Broadside Books, $14.99, 272 pages “ObamaCare is wrong for families, ...
Health Care

The Mess of Massachusetts’ Health-Care

FOX Business: Pacific Research Institute CEO Sally Pipes on how Massachusetts’; health-care, pushed by Mitt Romey, shows what the federal government’s health-care reform will do to the country.

Canada Still Working Towards Universal Health Care

Or, it would be if government planners could bring about such outcomes. In fact, five million Canadians have no access to a primary care physician. (That’s about 15 percent of the population.) Remarkably, the Canadian people’s response to this astounding government failure is to support government-run health care by a ...
Health Care

The Ryan Republican Medicare Reforms: What They Are, What They’re Not, and What They Might Become

Key Points The Medicare part of the Ryan budget is superior to Obamacare but needs more definition. The current proposal would limit future Medicare beneficiaries’ choices to those selected from a federal exchange. Medicare beneficiaries would benefit more from Republicans’ clear commitment to restore Medicare Advantage, a popular alternative to ...

R.I.’s Medicaid waiver’s big influence

Rhode Island may be small, but when it comes to keeping costs down and resisting federal control of health care, the Ocean State punches way out of its weight class. Medicaid, the health program for low-income residents, is a strain on every state’s budget. A fundamental problem with Medicaid is ...

Piping Up: Medical Innovation Critical To Bringing Down Health Care Costs

By the end of this decade, national health care spending is projected to amount to one-fifth of the country’s GDP. That’s more than four times military expenditures–and five times the amount spent each year on education. And that’s a conservative estimate. In a recent study, consulting firm Deloitte revealed that ...

Obamacare mandate much like status quo

The legal wrangling over President Barack Obama’s health care law is heating up. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta recently announced that it would expedite its consideration of one constitutional challenge to the law. The case centers on the law’s individual mandate – the requirement that all ...

Colorado Republicans for Obamacare?

The bill was rolling happily along a couple of weeks ago, when the state’s liberty groups caught wind of it and convinced Stephens to “test” whether or not this was actually an Obamacare-enabling exchange, by offering an amendment that the exchange could only start up if the state got a ...

Death Trap Democrats

Despite November’s New Deal magnitude political earthquake, surviving House Democrats just laughed off their historic 63 seat loss and reelected ultra-left San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader, a position she will now apparently hold for life. Somehow Democrats are convinced that the American people will come to ...

How Obamacare undermines the doctor-patient relationship

America recently marked the first anniversary of the passage of Obamacare. It wasn’t a happy birthday for American patients. Obamacare is already exacerbating some of the current trends in American medicine that work against the interests of patients. Paramount among them is an erosion in the quality of the nation’s ...

BOOK REVIEW: How to dismantle Obamacare

WHY OBAMACARE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA: HOW THE NEW HEALTH CARE LAW DRIVES UP COSTS, PUTS GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE OF YOUR DECISIONS, AND THREATENS YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS By Grace-Marie Turner, James P. Capretta, Thomas P. Miller and Robert E. Moffit Broadside Books, $14.99, 272 pages “ObamaCare is wrong for families, ...
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