Health Care


Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco

Massachusetts health reform is in the news — driven by reports of long waits for care and its architect’s presidential ambitions. Former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney delivered a widely panned speech the week before last on health care. The three-part speech attempted the impossible: It defended ...

Comparative-Effectiveness Research: How Many Lives Will It Cost?

Yes, I certainly appreciated the last “dig” and I shake my head at the irony of PhRMA funding research designed to push back key elements of a law for which PhRMA lobbied and invested. I doubt that Obamacare would have passed without PhRMA’s support. If PhRMA had resisted Obamacare, the ...

Bay State On Road to Single-Payer

Your editorial’s criticism of Mitt Romney’s 2006 Massachusetts health law is correct in that taxes, costs and political interference in medical decisions have all gone up while access to medical care has deteriorated (“Obama’s Running Mate,” May 12). The Massachusetts law also jeopardizes the very solvency of private health plans ...

Who Is the Republican Health Care Candidate?

As Romney and Gingrich bind their wounds, I’m sure that they are more surprised than anybody at the hostile response their recent comments have drawn. After all, it is true that trace elements of the “individual mandate” can be found in conservative policy proposals from the days of yore. Our ...
Health Care

Are Hospitals Being Stiffed by the Uninsured?

“The whole issue is that people need to take control of their lives, people need to not think of health care as an entitlement, they need to get health insurance, and you know it is possible. When you break down that 50.7 million Americans who don’t have insurance at one ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...

New Health Care Law Cripples State Budgets

America’s fiscal crisis is about to explode. In 2010 state budget deficits reached an all-time high of $191 billion. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch has predicted that state deficits could reach a staggering $500 billion this year when the stimulus funds propping up state budgets run out in ...

Politicians can’t control health care costs

California legislators are considering Assembly Bill 52, which would give the executive branch in Sacramento the power to decide whether health plans should be allowed to increase their premiums at rates that keep pace with medical costs. Health plans may be a politically attractive target, but giving politicians the power ...

Shooting the Messenger: California’s Proposal to Control Health Plans’ Rate Increases

California legislators are considering a bill, AB 52, that would give the executive branch the power to decide whether health plans should be allowed to increase their premiums at rates that keep pace with medical costs. Health plans may be a politically attractive target, but giving politicians the power to ...

A Plan That Leads Health Care To Nowhere

President Obama recently offered up his plan for cutting the federal budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. A big chunk of those proposed savings–$480 billion, or more than 10%–is supposed to come from federal health care programs. Unfortunately, the president plans to achieve those savings through heavy-handed rationing. ...

Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco

Massachusetts health reform is in the news — driven by reports of long waits for care and its architect’s presidential ambitions. Former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney delivered a widely panned speech the week before last on health care. The three-part speech attempted the impossible: It defended ...

Comparative-Effectiveness Research: How Many Lives Will It Cost?

Yes, I certainly appreciated the last “dig” and I shake my head at the irony of PhRMA funding research designed to push back key elements of a law for which PhRMA lobbied and invested. I doubt that Obamacare would have passed without PhRMA’s support. If PhRMA had resisted Obamacare, the ...

Bay State On Road to Single-Payer

Your editorial’s criticism of Mitt Romney’s 2006 Massachusetts health law is correct in that taxes, costs and political interference in medical decisions have all gone up while access to medical care has deteriorated (“Obama’s Running Mate,” May 12). The Massachusetts law also jeopardizes the very solvency of private health plans ...

Who Is the Republican Health Care Candidate?

As Romney and Gingrich bind their wounds, I’m sure that they are more surprised than anybody at the hostile response their recent comments have drawn. After all, it is true that trace elements of the “individual mandate” can be found in conservative policy proposals from the days of yore. Our ...
Health Care

Are Hospitals Being Stiffed by the Uninsured?

“The whole issue is that people need to take control of their lives, people need to not think of health care as an entitlement, they need to get health insurance, and you know it is possible. When you break down that 50.7 million Americans who don’t have insurance at one ...

Mission Impossible: Medicare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key Points • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) is a new bureaucracy established by Obamacare that will limit Medicare beneficiaries’ access to certain medical goods and services—especially new prescription drugs. • IPAB puts Medicare beneficiaries’ access to prescription drugs and certain other medical goods and services under control of ...

New Health Care Law Cripples State Budgets

America’s fiscal crisis is about to explode. In 2010 state budget deficits reached an all-time high of $191 billion. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch has predicted that state deficits could reach a staggering $500 billion this year when the stimulus funds propping up state budgets run out in ...

Politicians can’t control health care costs

California legislators are considering Assembly Bill 52, which would give the executive branch in Sacramento the power to decide whether health plans should be allowed to increase their premiums at rates that keep pace with medical costs. Health plans may be a politically attractive target, but giving politicians the power ...

Shooting the Messenger: California’s Proposal to Control Health Plans’ Rate Increases

California legislators are considering a bill, AB 52, that would give the executive branch the power to decide whether health plans should be allowed to increase their premiums at rates that keep pace with medical costs. Health plans may be a politically attractive target, but giving politicians the power to ...

A Plan That Leads Health Care To Nowhere

President Obama recently offered up his plan for cutting the federal budget deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. A big chunk of those proposed savings–$480 billion, or more than 10%–is supposed to come from federal health care programs. Unfortunately, the president plans to achieve those savings through heavy-handed rationing. ...
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