Health Care


Leavitt: Most States Won’t Have Exchanges By Deadline

My readers have known this since April 8. Read more here.

Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients

It’s a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by governor Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless it puts Washington State on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by conservative ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...

Price Caps Will Only Cap Availability of Insurance

Earlier this month, the California Assembly voted to give the state insurance commissioner the power to reject health insurance rate hikes that he deemed “excessive.” The state senate must now take up the measure, known as AB 52. A week later, AB 52 effectively went national. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ...

Congress Should Apply Clinton-era Reform to Medicare

A successful welfare reform from the 1990s offers a model to reform a currently out-of-control program many Americans assume to be an entitlement, but which is actually welfare. The program is Medicaid, which should be easier to fix, politically, than the so-called entitlements of Social Security and Medicare. The politicians ...

Will Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Survive Obamacare?

Reports from consulting firms don’t normally make national news. Then again, most such reports don’t predict the downfall of the American health care system. Earlier this month, the consulting group McKinsey projected that tens of millions of Americans could find themselves without the health coverage they now get through their ...

Path Dependency in Medicare Reform

Arguments will not change this fact: People change when the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of changing, but not before. This can be the only explanation for the majority of respondents to polls (described here) which ask the foolish question whether “Medicare should remain as it ...
Business & Economics

Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) would not have passed without the support of business interests in the health sector. • Stock prices of for-profit health plans have significantly outperformed the broader stock market since President Obama’s election in 2008, but also since the Republican “wave” of 2010. ...

Politicizing Premiums Does Not Control Health Costs

Health plans are largely pass-throughs, paying medical claims from providers whose charges have been rocketing skyward. In California, a recent analysis of daily inpatient charges for hospitals revealed that payments from private health plans increased from $1,954 in 2000 to $5,061 in 2009 – 159 percent – during a time ...

Grim Reality of Medicare Reform

Sure, I’ll admit I had the urge to jump up and down and pump my fists in the air. But then I read Henry Olsen’s warning about alienating blue-collar voters, and I decided that while McCarthy’s scorched-earth approach may be the right one for the conservative patriot to adopt when ...

Leavitt: Most States Won’t Have Exchanges By Deadline

My readers have known this since April 8. Read more here.

Lesson for California: Washington State’s Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Will Benefit Taxpayers and Patients

It’s a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by governor Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless it puts Washington State on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by conservative ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...

Price Caps Will Only Cap Availability of Insurance

Earlier this month, the California Assembly voted to give the state insurance commissioner the power to reject health insurance rate hikes that he deemed “excessive.” The state senate must now take up the measure, known as AB 52. A week later, AB 52 effectively went national. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ...

Congress Should Apply Clinton-era Reform to Medicare

A successful welfare reform from the 1990s offers a model to reform a currently out-of-control program many Americans assume to be an entitlement, but which is actually welfare. The program is Medicaid, which should be easier to fix, politically, than the so-called entitlements of Social Security and Medicare. The politicians ...

Will Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Survive Obamacare?

Reports from consulting firms don’t normally make national news. Then again, most such reports don’t predict the downfall of the American health care system. Earlier this month, the consulting group McKinsey projected that tens of millions of Americans could find themselves without the health coverage they now get through their ...

Path Dependency in Medicare Reform

Arguments will not change this fact: People change when the pain of not changing becomes greater than the pain of changing, but not before. This can be the only explanation for the majority of respondents to polls (described here) which ask the foolish question whether “Medicare should remain as it ...
Business & Economics

Federal Health Reform and Stock Market Returns of Health Insurers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) would not have passed without the support of business interests in the health sector. • Stock prices of for-profit health plans have significantly outperformed the broader stock market since President Obama’s election in 2008, but also since the Republican “wave” of 2010. ...

Politicizing Premiums Does Not Control Health Costs

Health plans are largely pass-throughs, paying medical claims from providers whose charges have been rocketing skyward. In California, a recent analysis of daily inpatient charges for hospitals revealed that payments from private health plans increased from $1,954 in 2000 to $5,061 in 2009 – 159 percent – during a time ...

Grim Reality of Medicare Reform

Sure, I’ll admit I had the urge to jump up and down and pump my fists in the air. But then I read Henry Olsen’s warning about alienating blue-collar voters, and I decided that while McCarthy’s scorched-earth approach may be the right one for the conservative patriot to adopt when ...
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