Health Care

Health Care

Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations governing Health Benefits Exchanges and Small-Business Health Options Exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). • These regulations are poorly defined, confirming that the exchanges will empower state functionaries to reduce choice and competition in health ...

Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...
Business & Economics

Old Boss or New Boss, state stem cell agency still a bust

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) has chosen financier Jonathan Thomas as its new boss — but it matters little who runs the state stem-cell agency. The focus should be on results, and by that standard, Californians do not get what they paid for. Thomas, an investment banker schooled ...
Health Care

Comparative Effectiveness Reviews: Quantitative Analysis of Research and Development Investment Effects

A based free-market think tank, examines an expanded quasi-federal comparative effectiveness review (CER) process and the negative effects on private-sector investment in research and development of new and improved medical technologies. Download the PDF San Francisco (July 15, 2011) — A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Big Government and Health-Care Stocks: A Happy Marriage?

Please read the entire column at The Apothecary.

Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Health Care

Land deals protect fake threats

SACRAMENTO – As I took the nearly six-hour drive recently from the Sacramento area, past Ukiah and up to Eureka, through the heart of California’s redwood-forested north coast, I was reminded of the spectacular beauty of California. Driving through Mendocino and Humboldt counties also reminded me of the spectacular ways ...
Health Care

Bust or Bailout? The Future of Private Health Plans Under ObamaCare

A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based free-market think tank, shows how ObamaCare threatens the solvency of private health plans, which will significantly reduce consumer choice and increase costs. The ultimate result will likely be either a massive taxpayer bailout of private health plans ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...

Washington’s Medicaid Reform Could Benefit Every State in the US

It’s a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless, it puts Washington state on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by ...
Health Care

Health Insurance Exchanges: What If They Issued 347 Pages of Regulations and Nobody Cared?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations governing Health Benefits Exchanges and Small-Business Health Options Exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). • These regulations are poorly defined, confirming that the exchanges will empower state functionaries to reduce choice and competition in health ...

Government Mandates Make Health Savings More Elusive

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released some data that show that the digital revolution continues to evade health care. Through mid-May, just 1,026 registered hospitals and physicians out of a possible 56,599 have demonstrated that they are using electronic medical records and other health information technology in ...
Business & Economics

Old Boss or New Boss, state stem cell agency still a bust

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) has chosen financier Jonathan Thomas as its new boss — but it matters little who runs the state stem-cell agency. The focus should be on results, and by that standard, Californians do not get what they paid for. Thomas, an investment banker schooled ...
Health Care

Comparative Effectiveness Reviews: Quantitative Analysis of Research and Development Investment Effects

A based free-market think tank, examines an expanded quasi-federal comparative effectiveness review (CER) process and the negative effects on private-sector investment in research and development of new and improved medical technologies. Download the PDF San Francisco (July 15, 2011) — A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Big Government and Health-Care Stocks: A Happy Marriage?

Please read the entire column at The Apothecary.

Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Health Care

Land deals protect fake threats

SACRAMENTO – As I took the nearly six-hour drive recently from the Sacramento area, past Ukiah and up to Eureka, through the heart of California’s redwood-forested north coast, I was reminded of the spectacular beauty of California. Driving through Mendocino and Humboldt counties also reminded me of the spectacular ways ...
Health Care

Bust or Bailout? The Future of Private Health Plans Under ObamaCare

A new research study released by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a California-based free-market think tank, shows how ObamaCare threatens the solvency of private health plans, which will significantly reduce consumer choice and increase costs. The ultimate result will likely be either a massive taxpayer bailout of private health plans ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...

Washington’s Medicaid Reform Could Benefit Every State in the US

It’s a short law with big potential: SB 5596, signed by Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire at the end of May, is only three pages long. Nevertheless, it puts Washington state on a path to Medicaid solvency and sets an example for California and the nation. Remarkably, the law, sponsored by ...
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