Health Care

Health Care

Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare

Most Americans saw their insurance bills jump this year, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The average employer-based premium for a family increased a startling 9% in 2011. Over the next decade, rates are expected to double. The Kaiser report is only the latest piece of ...
Business & Economics

Comparative effectiveness reviews mean fewer cures

Elected officials have powerful incentives to spend, and the administrators of government agencies — always seeking to increase their budgets — are happy to oblige. But the federal budget is finite. There are equally-powerful incentives to create more programs, as politicians are driven to make more citizens dependent upon government. ...
Government Spending

The deficit ‘super committee’ and health care

The federal debt-reduction “super committee” recently held its third meeting to explore changes in the tax code. The 12-member bipartisan panel must find $1.5 trillion in federal savings by Thanksgiving. Committee members have gone to great lengths to emphasize their differences, but there is still room for agreement. The committee ...
Health Care

An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility

An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law — the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...
Health Care

Doctors and AMA Split Over Contentious Issue of ObamaCare

For more than 160 years, the American Medical Association has served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors. But the AMA’s lofty status has been under threat over the last several years — and is under attack today. In fact, the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors ...
Health Care

The Census, ObamaCare and the Uninsured

The Wall Street Journal The U.S. Census Bureau has released its latest estimates on poverty, income and health-insurance coverage. Strikingly, the official poverty rate is the highest it’s been in 50 years. As one might expect, the number of Americans without health insurance also rose—to 49.9 million, an increase of ...

Two New Ventures Simplify Consumer-Driven Health Care

A friend of mine who made a lot of money use to tease me when I (constantly) expressed shock at how simple so many successful business ideas are. “All great businesses are simple,” he said. Here are two in the healthcare space: Bloom Health and ZocDoc. Although disrupting different parts ...
Government Spending

Rick Perry’s Texas: It’s Better to Create More Jobs Than More Medicaid Dependents

Key Points: Texas has a significantly higher rate of uninsured residents, and a somewhat less expensive Medicaid program, than the national average. These conditions have not resulted in poor outcomes: In both health-system outputs and causes of mortality, Texas generally performs as well as other states. Therefore, throwing more money ...
Health Care

The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare

President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...
Health Care

Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare

Most Americans saw their insurance bills jump this year, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The average employer-based premium for a family increased a startling 9% in 2011. Over the next decade, rates are expected to double. The Kaiser report is only the latest piece of ...
Business & Economics

Comparative effectiveness reviews mean fewer cures

Elected officials have powerful incentives to spend, and the administrators of government agencies — always seeking to increase their budgets — are happy to oblige. But the federal budget is finite. There are equally-powerful incentives to create more programs, as politicians are driven to make more citizens dependent upon government. ...
Government Spending

The deficit ‘super committee’ and health care

The federal debt-reduction “super committee” recently held its third meeting to explore changes in the tax code. The 12-member bipartisan panel must find $1.5 trillion in federal savings by Thanksgiving. Committee members have gone to great lengths to emphasize their differences, but there is still room for agreement. The committee ...
Health Care

An ObamaCare Reform Law that Is a CLASS in Fiscal Irresponsibility

An internal Obama administration e-mail recently leaked to the press appeared to reveal that officials would shut down a controversial component of the health reform law — the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or CLASS Act. Long championed by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), CLASS would establish a ...

California workers could suffer under Obamacare

A coalition of 26 states filed a petition recently asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. California should have been the 27th. That’s because no state stands to take a bigger economic hit when and if Obamacare ...
Health Care

Doctors and AMA Split Over Contentious Issue of ObamaCare

For more than 160 years, the American Medical Association has served as the self-appointed chief lobbying group for doctors. But the AMA’s lofty status has been under threat over the last several years — and is under attack today. In fact, the AMA now only counts about 17% of doctors ...
Health Care

The Census, ObamaCare and the Uninsured

The Wall Street Journal The U.S. Census Bureau has released its latest estimates on poverty, income and health-insurance coverage. Strikingly, the official poverty rate is the highest it’s been in 50 years. As one might expect, the number of Americans without health insurance also rose—to 49.9 million, an increase of ...

Two New Ventures Simplify Consumer-Driven Health Care

A friend of mine who made a lot of money use to tease me when I (constantly) expressed shock at how simple so many successful business ideas are. “All great businesses are simple,” he said. Here are two in the healthcare space: Bloom Health and ZocDoc. Although disrupting different parts ...
Government Spending

Rick Perry’s Texas: It’s Better to Create More Jobs Than More Medicaid Dependents

Key Points: Texas has a significantly higher rate of uninsured residents, and a somewhat less expensive Medicaid program, than the national average. These conditions have not resulted in poor outcomes: In both health-system outputs and causes of mortality, Texas generally performs as well as other states. Therefore, throwing more money ...
Health Care

The Best Jobs Program? Full Repeal of ObamaCare

President Barack Obama is currently barnstorming around the country to drum up support for his $447-billion plan to put unemployed Americans back to work. But Congress need not hand him a check for half a trillion dollars in order to jump start the economy. If lawmakers are really serious about ...
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