Health Care


State Public Option Reforms Reveal Folly of Gov’t Healthcare

Over the last few years, several states have tried their hand at creating a “public option” health insurance plan. Their experiences offer a cautionary tale to those pushing for similar reforms at the federal level — as well as to states considering public options of their own. In its purest form, the ...

Flaws with Single-Payer

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...

Read Why We Can't Afford Single-Payer

No ‘California Dreamin’ for Single Payer Healthcare

California is dreaming about a government takeover of health insurance once again. Earlier this month, state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced SB 770. The bill would seek a federal waiver to allow the state to use federal funds earmarked for Medicare and Medicaid to create a state-run health insurance system that ...

Read about the middlemen in healthcare

Pharmacy benefit managers are picking patients’ pockets

Pharmacy benefit managers are in the congressional hot seat. Last Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing examining the middlemen’s impact on patients. Earlier in March, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability launched an investigation into PBM tactics that are “harming patient care and increasing costs for consumers.” ...

Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...

Don’t Fall for the Fear, GOP Seeks Sustainable Medicaid

The Biden administration is fear-mongering about what the “extreme MAGA Republican House Freedom Caucus” has in store for the country. Last week, the White House put out a statement declaring the Freedom Caucus’s proposal to impose work requirements in Medicaid a “Five-Alarm Fire!” But the real emergency is Medicaid’s finances. Spending on the ...

The Future Of Health Care Is Here, If You Know Where To Look

Nearly half of Americans say the healthcare system is failing them. Six in ten report having had a bad healthcare experience. About half of patients say they have trouble affording health care—even those who are insured. All told, Americans’ satisfaction with their healthcare system hit a new low in 2022. The default response to statistics like these ...

A Bipartisan Regulatory Reform Opportunity: 340B

Despite the rancor, there are many bipartisan opportunities for the divided 118th Congress. Near the top of the to-do list should be reforming the well-intentioned, but poorly designed, 340B drug discount program. 340B enables qualifying institutions to purchase medicines from manufacturers at steep discounts, generally between 25% and 50% off list ...

Key Takeaways from President Biden’s Proposed 2024 Healthcare Budget

The United States currently faces a deficit of over $700 billion.  Not including other health programs, in 2021, over $734 billion was spent on Medicaid alone. Despite these facts, President Biden’s 2024 budget proposal aims to increase funding for healthcare by 11.5%. The proposal claims proposed tax increases  will not ...

Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...

State Public Option Reforms Reveal Folly of Gov’t Healthcare

Over the last few years, several states have tried their hand at creating a “public option” health insurance plan. Their experiences offer a cautionary tale to those pushing for similar reforms at the federal level — as well as to states considering public options of their own. In its purest form, the ...

Flaws with Single-Payer

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...

Read Why We Can't Afford Single-Payer

No ‘California Dreamin’ for Single Payer Healthcare

California is dreaming about a government takeover of health insurance once again. Earlier this month, state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, introduced SB 770. The bill would seek a federal waiver to allow the state to use federal funds earmarked for Medicare and Medicaid to create a state-run health insurance system that ...

Read about the middlemen in healthcare

Pharmacy benefit managers are picking patients’ pockets

Pharmacy benefit managers are in the congressional hot seat. Last Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing examining the middlemen’s impact on patients. Earlier in March, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability launched an investigation into PBM tactics that are “harming patient care and increasing costs for consumers.” ...

Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...

Don’t Fall for the Fear, GOP Seeks Sustainable Medicaid

The Biden administration is fear-mongering about what the “extreme MAGA Republican House Freedom Caucus” has in store for the country. Last week, the White House put out a statement declaring the Freedom Caucus’s proposal to impose work requirements in Medicaid a “Five-Alarm Fire!” But the real emergency is Medicaid’s finances. Spending on the ...

The Future Of Health Care Is Here, If You Know Where To Look

Nearly half of Americans say the healthcare system is failing them. Six in ten report having had a bad healthcare experience. About half of patients say they have trouble affording health care—even those who are insured. All told, Americans’ satisfaction with their healthcare system hit a new low in 2022. The default response to statistics like these ...

A Bipartisan Regulatory Reform Opportunity: 340B

Despite the rancor, there are many bipartisan opportunities for the divided 118th Congress. Near the top of the to-do list should be reforming the well-intentioned, but poorly designed, 340B drug discount program. 340B enables qualifying institutions to purchase medicines from manufacturers at steep discounts, generally between 25% and 50% off list ...

Key Takeaways from President Biden’s Proposed 2024 Healthcare Budget

The United States currently faces a deficit of over $700 billion.  Not including other health programs, in 2021, over $734 billion was spent on Medicaid alone. Despite these facts, President Biden’s 2024 budget proposal aims to increase funding for healthcare by 11.5%. The proposal claims proposed tax increases  will not ...

Sanders’ Haughty Stance Against Medical Innovators Harms Lives

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has summoned Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel to Capitol Hill for a public chastising next week. The hearing will probe why the biotech firm would consider raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine. Since the federal government played some role in the vaccine’s development, Sen. Sanders argues, it ...
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