Health Care


Read this recent healthcare op-ed on irresponsible Colorado legislation

Banning Healthcare Facility Fees Is Bad News For Colorado

Colorado lawmakers are considering HB 23-1215, a measure that would ban certain types of “facility fees.” These are charges patients receive from a hospital or clinic in addition to their share of the cost of a procedure, sometimes without advance notice. Nobody likes being surprised by a medical bill. But scrapping ...

Government health care hurts minority communities

Racial health gap is about government, not race

Black Americans continue to lag behind their peers of other races on numerous measures of health, from life expectancy to prevalence of chronic disease. Progressives take these data points as proof of systemic racism. The only antidote is more government: higher subsidies for insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges, Medicaid expansion, even ...

Canadian Court Bolsters Socialized Medicine, U.S. Should Worry

Private health insurance will remain off-limits for most Canadians, especially those in British Columbia. The Supreme Court of Canada just refused to hear an appeal challenging British Columbia’s ban on private coverage. It marks the end of a battle that Vancouver orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Day, founder of the successful private Cambie ...

California single-payer bill is incremental step to disaster

The California Senate will hold a hearing today on a bill that would lay the groundwork for a government takeover of the state’s health care system. Legislators have been trying to install single-payer health care for years. But this new effort has a better chance of advancing than its legislative ...

Obama’s Exchange Scam Doesn’t Grant Healthcare Access

The Biden administration has devoted billions of taxpayer dollars to boosting enrollment on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges — mostly by paying people to sign up, in the form of enhanced premium subsidies. So it’s no surprise that the 2023 open enrollment period broke records, with 16 million Americans securing coverage through ...

Price controls in Medicare will kill new cures

President Biden just released his budget plan for the next fiscal year. It purports to extend Medicare’s solvency by decades and reassure the millions of Americans who rely on the program. But once they realize his approach will grind drug research to a halt, perhaps they’ll come to a different conclusion. The ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes – It’s Baaack, Single-Payer Health Care in California

Our podcast guest this week is Sally Pipes, PRI president and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care. Sally discusses two health care bills that are wending their way through the legislature.

The Federal Gov Is $31 Trillion In Debt

Sorry, taxpayers can’t afford unlimited Obamacare subsidies

Congress returns from a spring recess on Monday. In early March, President Joe Biden released his $6.8 trillion spending plan for fiscal 2024, complete with a proposal to permanently extend the generous healthcare insurance subsidies enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March 2021. Many Republicans are insisting on spending cuts, ...

Free-Market Solutions to Improving American Health Care

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part three of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  As you’ve heard today, there’s no shortage of evidence that neither federal entitlement programs nor government-run healthcare systems can provide patients ...

QALYs block life-saving drugs

Don’t Let Progressives Assign A Dollar Value To Human Life

How do you measure a year? Your desk calendar might suggest months or days. The musical “Rent” famously offered 525,600 minutes and a number of other more creative metrics. Ask a progressive health policy expert, though, and they may give you the most shocking option of all. For years, progressives ...

Read this recent healthcare op-ed on irresponsible Colorado legislation

Banning Healthcare Facility Fees Is Bad News For Colorado

Colorado lawmakers are considering HB 23-1215, a measure that would ban certain types of “facility fees.” These are charges patients receive from a hospital or clinic in addition to their share of the cost of a procedure, sometimes without advance notice. Nobody likes being surprised by a medical bill. But scrapping ...

Government health care hurts minority communities

Racial health gap is about government, not race

Black Americans continue to lag behind their peers of other races on numerous measures of health, from life expectancy to prevalence of chronic disease. Progressives take these data points as proof of systemic racism. The only antidote is more government: higher subsidies for insurance through Obamacare’s exchanges, Medicaid expansion, even ...

Canadian Court Bolsters Socialized Medicine, U.S. Should Worry

Private health insurance will remain off-limits for most Canadians, especially those in British Columbia. The Supreme Court of Canada just refused to hear an appeal challenging British Columbia’s ban on private coverage. It marks the end of a battle that Vancouver orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Day, founder of the successful private Cambie ...

California single-payer bill is incremental step to disaster

The California Senate will hold a hearing today on a bill that would lay the groundwork for a government takeover of the state’s health care system. Legislators have been trying to install single-payer health care for years. But this new effort has a better chance of advancing than its legislative ...

Obama’s Exchange Scam Doesn’t Grant Healthcare Access

The Biden administration has devoted billions of taxpayer dollars to boosting enrollment on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges — mostly by paying people to sign up, in the form of enhanced premium subsidies. So it’s no surprise that the 2023 open enrollment period broke records, with 16 million Americans securing coverage through ...

Price controls in Medicare will kill new cures

President Biden just released his budget plan for the next fiscal year. It purports to extend Medicare’s solvency by decades and reassure the millions of Americans who rely on the program. But once they realize his approach will grind drug research to a halt, perhaps they’ll come to a different conclusion. The ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes – It’s Baaack, Single-Payer Health Care in California

Our podcast guest this week is Sally Pipes, PRI president and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care. Sally discusses two health care bills that are wending their way through the legislature.

The Federal Gov Is $31 Trillion In Debt

Sorry, taxpayers can’t afford unlimited Obamacare subsidies

Congress returns from a spring recess on Monday. In early March, President Joe Biden released his $6.8 trillion spending plan for fiscal 2024, complete with a proposal to permanently extend the generous healthcare insurance subsidies enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March 2021. Many Republicans are insisting on spending cuts, ...

Free-Market Solutions to Improving American Health Care

Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part three of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th.  As you’ve heard today, there’s no shortage of evidence that neither federal entitlement programs nor government-run healthcare systems can provide patients ...

QALYs block life-saving drugs

Don’t Let Progressives Assign A Dollar Value To Human Life

How do you measure a year? Your desk calendar might suggest months or days. The musical “Rent” famously offered 525,600 minutes and a number of other more creative metrics. Ask a progressive health policy expert, though, and they may give you the most shocking option of all. For years, progressives ...
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