Health Care


In California, efforts to reduce health disparities raise privacy concerns

California’s health insurance exchange wants to collect and use data on a raft of sensitive customer information, from race and ethnicity to sexual orientation and gender identity. How officials will tackle the task without running afoul of privacy laws remains an open question. A policy on collecting demographic characteristics – ...

Obamacare Is In Serious Trouble, And Obama’s Subsidies Are Worth Refusing

President Obama and his signature legislative accomplishment — Obamacare — are in deep trouble. The health insurance exchanges established by the law aren’t working properly; it now appears that the federally operated will not be fixed by November 30, as the president promised. Millions of Americans are irate that ...

Here come more Obamacare lawsuits

The Obamacare rollout has been a debacle, with delays in the implementation of mandates, technical glitches in the exchanges, cancelled individual policies and more. It’s about to get worse. The federal judiciary is currently hearing four cases challenging decisions made by the Internal Revenue Service that could soon deliver more ...

How Obamacare costs full-time employees

Some 60 percent of Americans — nearly 160 million people — get insurance through their jobs. Thanks to Obamacare, that number is about to nosedive. The president’s signature law is hiking the cost of health insurance for American businesses of all sizes. They’re responding by dumping coverage for workers, spouses, ...

President Obama Actually Meant, ‘If You Like Your Insurance Plan, Too Bad’

He didn’t say it just once. No, the president said it at least twenty-three separate times over a four-year period: “If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Hundreds of thousands of ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Obamacare’s problem isn’t just growing pains

The reviews are in for, Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed online health insurance marketplace, which launched earlier this month. The government-run exchange is a “disaster,” “really bad,” “a failure,” “terrible” and “an absolute train wreck of a website.” That’s just what the law’s supporters are saying. Don’t panic, though, say Obamacare’s defenders: ...

Move to save Medicaid money endangers lives

A particularly brutal kind of medical rationing is coming to Oregon. As of Oct. 1, Oregon’s Medicaid program stopped covering major medical interventions for patients assessed as having two years or less to live. Not only is the move immoral, it’s likely illegal. This coverage restriction comes courtesy of the ...

The News Is The Declining Incentives For Medical Innovation

The federal health exchange, one of the centerpieces of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”), is gasping for life.  This is not the important story, however. The U.S. health care system has flaws.  And, these flaws should have been the focus of the health care reforms back in ...

ObamaCare Unraveling And It Only Gets Worse In 2014

With ObamaCare’s health insurance exchanges unraveling — especially, the federally run portal for the 36 states that decided not to set up their own exchanges — it’s safe to say that the president’s effort to expand coverage isn’t going well. It’s about to get worse. Once the calendar flips ...

In California, efforts to reduce health disparities raise privacy concerns

California’s health insurance exchange wants to collect and use data on a raft of sensitive customer information, from race and ethnicity to sexual orientation and gender identity. How officials will tackle the task without running afoul of privacy laws remains an open question. A policy on collecting demographic characteristics – ...

Obamacare Is In Serious Trouble, And Obama’s Subsidies Are Worth Refusing

President Obama and his signature legislative accomplishment — Obamacare — are in deep trouble. The health insurance exchanges established by the law aren’t working properly; it now appears that the federally operated will not be fixed by November 30, as the president promised. Millions of Americans are irate that ...

Here come more Obamacare lawsuits

The Obamacare rollout has been a debacle, with delays in the implementation of mandates, technical glitches in the exchanges, cancelled individual policies and more. It’s about to get worse. The federal judiciary is currently hearing four cases challenging decisions made by the Internal Revenue Service that could soon deliver more ...

How Obamacare costs full-time employees

Some 60 percent of Americans — nearly 160 million people — get insurance through their jobs. Thanks to Obamacare, that number is about to nosedive. The president’s signature law is hiking the cost of health insurance for American businesses of all sizes. They’re responding by dumping coverage for workers, spouses, ...

President Obama Actually Meant, ‘If You Like Your Insurance Plan, Too Bad’

He didn’t say it just once. No, the president said it at least twenty-three separate times over a four-year period: “If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you.” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Hundreds of thousands of ...

The indispensable man revisited

We are in San Francisco visiting daughter number two, who is working here for a start-up. We picked this weekend to visit so that we could attend the gala annual dinner held by the Pacific Research Institute. This year’s dinner honored George Shultz. Charles Krauthammer was the featured speaker and, ...

Obamacare’s problem isn’t just growing pains

The reviews are in for, Obamacare’s much-ballyhooed online health insurance marketplace, which launched earlier this month. The government-run exchange is a “disaster,” “really bad,” “a failure,” “terrible” and “an absolute train wreck of a website.” That’s just what the law’s supporters are saying. Don’t panic, though, say Obamacare’s defenders: ...

Move to save Medicaid money endangers lives

A particularly brutal kind of medical rationing is coming to Oregon. As of Oct. 1, Oregon’s Medicaid program stopped covering major medical interventions for patients assessed as having two years or less to live. Not only is the move immoral, it’s likely illegal. This coverage restriction comes courtesy of the ...

The News Is The Declining Incentives For Medical Innovation

The federal health exchange, one of the centerpieces of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”), is gasping for life.  This is not the important story, however. The U.S. health care system has flaws.  And, these flaws should have been the focus of the health care reforms back in ...

ObamaCare Unraveling And It Only Gets Worse In 2014

With ObamaCare’s health insurance exchanges unraveling — especially, the federally run portal for the 36 states that decided not to set up their own exchanges — it’s safe to say that the president’s effort to expand coverage isn’t going well. It’s about to get worse. Once the calendar flips ...
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