Health Care


Medicare Part D saves money and lives

Federal officials recently set off budgetary alarm bells with new data on Medicare prescription drug spending. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pegged Medicare Part D’s 2013 price tag at $103 billion. That’s a large number — and largely misleading. A closer look at Part D reveals a program ...

Obamacare will make U.S. doctor shortage worse

Need to see a doctor? It might take a while, thanks to Obama-Care. A recent report from the Association of American Medical Colleges projects the United States will lack as many as 31,000 primary-care physicians by 2025. For specialists, the shortage could exceed 63,000 by then. That’s not what the ...

Drug importation is a dangerous idea that won’t die

A federal judge just struck down a program in Maine allowing state residents to import prescription drugs from foreign countries. The reason: it’s against federal law — and justifiably so. The importation of price-controlled foreign drugs severely undermines research into future cures, hurting patients in the long run. And more ...
Health Care

Looking at Obamacare, five years on

Obamacare turns five years old March 23. But don’t break out the cake and candles. There’s not much to celebrate. When he signed his signature piece of legislation into law, President Obama guaranteed lower health costs, universal coverage and higher-quality care. Five years later, the health law has failed to ...

GOP is ready for Obamacare’s downfall

This week, House Republicans released their proposed budget, which would repeal Obamacare “in its entirety.” This time, though, they have a plan for replacing it. Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), John Kline (R-Minn.), and Fred Upton (R-Mich.) recently offered a proposal that will move the United States away from Obamacare toward ...

We all deserve better than single-payer health care

A new report from the Government Accountability Office has confirmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t take care of those it’s supposed to serve. The GAO has placed the VA’s health system on the “high risk” list of federal programs that are vulnerable to “fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.” ...

Obamacare’s ‘gobbledygook’ defense sets a fightening precedent

Justice Antonin Scalia provided the most memorable bon mot from last week’s oral arguments in King v. Burwell — the latest and most important Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare since 2012. “How can the federal government establish a state exchange?” he asked Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. “That’s gobbledygook.” ...

Obamacare runs roughshod over separation of powers

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will weigh Obamacare’s fate for a second time. The high court handed the law a reprieve in 2012, when Chief Justice John Roberts authored an opinion upholding the individual mandate requiring Americans to obtain health insurance. On March 4, the nine justices will consider ...

Obamacare is punishing working-class Americans

Employees at Staples will soon get a little bit more vacation — thanks to Obamacare. Unfortunately, that time off will be unpaid — and in most cases, unwelcome. The retailer, which employs 85,000 people, has limited part-time work to 25 hours a week to avoid Obamacare’s fines for not providing ...

As public sours, Obamacare faces an uncertain future

In a few weeks, ObamaCare’s second open enrollment season will close. Unfortunately for the president, the law may not live to see a third open enrollment — thanks to an increasingly hostile public and a case before the Supreme Court that could render a major part of the law unconstitutional. ...

Medicare Part D saves money and lives

Federal officials recently set off budgetary alarm bells with new data on Medicare prescription drug spending. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pegged Medicare Part D’s 2013 price tag at $103 billion. That’s a large number — and largely misleading. A closer look at Part D reveals a program ...

Obamacare will make U.S. doctor shortage worse

Need to see a doctor? It might take a while, thanks to Obama-Care. A recent report from the Association of American Medical Colleges projects the United States will lack as many as 31,000 primary-care physicians by 2025. For specialists, the shortage could exceed 63,000 by then. That’s not what the ...

Drug importation is a dangerous idea that won’t die

A federal judge just struck down a program in Maine allowing state residents to import prescription drugs from foreign countries. The reason: it’s against federal law — and justifiably so. The importation of price-controlled foreign drugs severely undermines research into future cures, hurting patients in the long run. And more ...
Health Care

Looking at Obamacare, five years on

Obamacare turns five years old March 23. But don’t break out the cake and candles. There’s not much to celebrate. When he signed his signature piece of legislation into law, President Obama guaranteed lower health costs, universal coverage and higher-quality care. Five years later, the health law has failed to ...

GOP is ready for Obamacare’s downfall

This week, House Republicans released their proposed budget, which would repeal Obamacare “in its entirety.” This time, though, they have a plan for replacing it. Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), John Kline (R-Minn.), and Fred Upton (R-Mich.) recently offered a proposal that will move the United States away from Obamacare toward ...

We all deserve better than single-payer health care

A new report from the Government Accountability Office has confirmed that the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t take care of those it’s supposed to serve. The GAO has placed the VA’s health system on the “high risk” list of federal programs that are vulnerable to “fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.” ...

Obamacare’s ‘gobbledygook’ defense sets a fightening precedent

Justice Antonin Scalia provided the most memorable bon mot from last week’s oral arguments in King v. Burwell — the latest and most important Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare since 2012. “How can the federal government establish a state exchange?” he asked Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. “That’s gobbledygook.” ...

Obamacare runs roughshod over separation of powers

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will weigh Obamacare’s fate for a second time. The high court handed the law a reprieve in 2012, when Chief Justice John Roberts authored an opinion upholding the individual mandate requiring Americans to obtain health insurance. On March 4, the nine justices will consider ...

Obamacare is punishing working-class Americans

Employees at Staples will soon get a little bit more vacation — thanks to Obamacare. Unfortunately, that time off will be unpaid — and in most cases, unwelcome. The retailer, which employs 85,000 people, has limited part-time work to 25 hours a week to avoid Obamacare’s fines for not providing ...

As public sours, Obamacare faces an uncertain future

In a few weeks, ObamaCare’s second open enrollment season will close. Unfortunately for the president, the law may not live to see a third open enrollment — thanks to an increasingly hostile public and a case before the Supreme Court that could render a major part of the law unconstitutional. ...
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