Health Care


Dear America: Don’t Buy the Single-Payer Snake Oil

Americans have grown infatuated with single-payer health care. Gallup recently found that six in 10 people support replacing Obamacare with a “federally funded health care program providing insurance for all Americans.” This support is troubling. Single-payer systems are little more than snake oil. Both in the United States and abroad, ...

Why Is The FDA Leaving Doctors In The Dark?

FDA officials apparently think that doctors aren’t smart enough to understand the labels on the medications they prescribe. The agency recently released draft guidance for how the pharmaceutical industry should label “biosimilars,” a new class of medicines. These guidelines state that biosimilars’ labels should leave out critical information in order ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

Obamacare’s Co-Op Disaster: Only 7 Remain

July has been rough for Obamacare’s non-profit co-op health plans. Four closed after running out of money — three in just one week. Just seven of the original 23 co-ops are still standing. Those seven all lost money last year — and may yet go out of business before the ...

More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

President Obama and his closest advisers need to invest in a new crystal ball. When Obamacare’s health-insurance exchanges opened in 2014, the administration predicted that the marketplaces would quickly thrive — and offer consumers a wide range of affordable coverage options. But today, three enrollment periods later, the exchanges are ...

Dems Fiddle While Obamacare’s Exchanges Burn

This past weekend, Democrats finalized their 2016 election platform at a meeting in Orlando. Oddly enough, it calls for the destruction of Obamacare. “Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option” — that is, government-run health care — says the platform. In a nod ...

Don’t buy the ColoradoCare single payer snake oil

The good people of Colorado must be smoking something these days. That’s the only explanation for the decision by 156,000 of the state’s more than 3 million registered voters to endorse a November ballot initiative that would create a statewide single-payer health care system. Patients in single-payer systems elsewhere must ...

Pulling The Plug On ObamaCare’s Life Support

Health insurance premiums have risen rapidly in the three years since the launch of ObamaCare’s exchanges, despite the law’s multibillion-dollar efforts to keep a lid on them. ObamaCare created three mechanisms for bailing out insurers if they lost too much money through the exchanges — the so-called risk corridor, risk ...
Health Care Reform

Impact Magazine — Summer 2016

Download the Magazine Letter from the President DEAR FRIENDS   America faces many challenges today that threaten the opportunity for her citizens to achieve their full potential. We have a healthcare system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by government bureaucrats instead of doctors and patients. We have unsustainable ...

Need A Roadmap For Healthcare Reform? Look At Medicare Part D

Paul Ryan and his House Republican colleagues just released their much-anticipated plan to reform America’s healthcare system. Their 37-page proposal would, among other things, transform Medicare into a “premium support” program. Seniors would be able to use federal subsidies to buy their choice of health plans from private insurers, instead ...

Dear America: Don’t Buy the Single-Payer Snake Oil

Americans have grown infatuated with single-payer health care. Gallup recently found that six in 10 people support replacing Obamacare with a “federally funded health care program providing insurance for all Americans.” This support is troubling. Single-payer systems are little more than snake oil. Both in the United States and abroad, ...

Why Is The FDA Leaving Doctors In The Dark?

FDA officials apparently think that doctors aren’t smart enough to understand the labels on the medications they prescribe. The agency recently released draft guidance for how the pharmaceutical industry should label “biosimilars,” a new class of medicines. These guidelines state that biosimilars’ labels should leave out critical information in order ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

Obamacare’s Co-Op Disaster: Only 7 Remain

July has been rough for Obamacare’s non-profit co-op health plans. Four closed after running out of money — three in just one week. Just seven of the original 23 co-ops are still standing. Those seven all lost money last year — and may yet go out of business before the ...

More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

President Obama and his closest advisers need to invest in a new crystal ball. When Obamacare’s health-insurance exchanges opened in 2014, the administration predicted that the marketplaces would quickly thrive — and offer consumers a wide range of affordable coverage options. But today, three enrollment periods later, the exchanges are ...

Dems Fiddle While Obamacare’s Exchanges Burn

This past weekend, Democrats finalized their 2016 election platform at a meeting in Orlando. Oddly enough, it calls for the destruction of Obamacare. “Americans should be able to access public coverage through Medicare or a public option” — that is, government-run health care — says the platform. In a nod ...

Don’t buy the ColoradoCare single payer snake oil

The good people of Colorado must be smoking something these days. That’s the only explanation for the decision by 156,000 of the state’s more than 3 million registered voters to endorse a November ballot initiative that would create a statewide single-payer health care system. Patients in single-payer systems elsewhere must ...

Pulling The Plug On ObamaCare’s Life Support

Health insurance premiums have risen rapidly in the three years since the launch of ObamaCare’s exchanges, despite the law’s multibillion-dollar efforts to keep a lid on them. ObamaCare created three mechanisms for bailing out insurers if they lost too much money through the exchanges — the so-called risk corridor, risk ...
Health Care Reform

Impact Magazine — Summer 2016

Download the Magazine Letter from the President DEAR FRIENDS   America faces many challenges today that threaten the opportunity for her citizens to achieve their full potential. We have a healthcare system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by government bureaucrats instead of doctors and patients. We have unsustainable ...

Need A Roadmap For Healthcare Reform? Look At Medicare Part D

Paul Ryan and his House Republican colleagues just released their much-anticipated plan to reform America’s healthcare system. Their 37-page proposal would, among other things, transform Medicare into a “premium support” program. Seniors would be able to use federal subsidies to buy their choice of health plans from private insurers, instead ...
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