Health Care


How to Cover the Sick and Lower Premiums without Breaking the Bank

Fifty-one percent of Americans now disapprove of Obamacare — the highest share this year, according to Gallup. It’s easy to see why. Insurers are abandoning the health law’s exchanges, leaving consumers few plans to choose from. Those carriers that haven’t pulled out plan to hike rates an average of 25 ...

Trump And Clinton’s Healthcare Debate Was No Contest

Donald Trump’s penchant for brusque remarks came in handy during the second presidential debate, eight days ago. When the discussion turned to the president’s health law, the GOP candidate’s message was clear: “Obamacare is a disaster. You know it. We all know it.” Only Hillary’s own spouse put it better, ...

Health Care Needs Effective Reforms, Not the CREATES Act

Congress is back in session. With the election looming, this means a frenetic dash to pass bills on a number of big ticket items, including the budget and Zika funding. While the legislative fight over these issues will likely dominate the headlines, we cannot forget about other below-the-radar, but nevertheless ...

Legal challenges loom for Obamacare

Obamacare’s remarkable run of legal luck may be running out. Earlier this summer, the Obama administration said that it would appeal a federal judge’s March ruling that found some of the health care law’s payments to insurers unconstitutional. That announcement came on the heels of another loss for Obamacare in ...

The ‘Public Option’ Is Just Single-Payer on the Installment Plan

Obamacare’s government-run insurance markets are collapsing. Insurers are losing millions of dollars — and proposing double-digit premium hikes combined with high deductibles to try to stanch the bleeding. It’s no wonder that exchange enrollment is roughly half what the Congressional Budget Office predicted. So what’s the left’s answer to this ...

How Hillary Plans To Triple Down On ObamaCare’s Failures

This month, three leading Democrats signaled where they’d like to take the U.S. health care system in the post-Obama era — and that’s back to the future. President Obama called for a “public option” — that is, an insurance plan wholly run by the government — after he leaves office. ...

To Save Medicaid, Hold States Accountable

Taxpayers spent a record $554 billion for Medicaid last year — a 12% rise from 2014 and much higher than forecast. President Obama deserves the credit — and blame — for that rapid increase. And the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicts that the program will cost $890 billion ...

Aetna’s Obamacare Pullout Means the ‘Insurance Death Spiral’ Has Arrived

Aetna the nation’s fourth-largest health insurer, just decided to stop offering plans on Obamacare’s exchanges in all but four states in 2017. The firm says that it was losing roughly $300 million per year on these policies. And it projected that its losses would only increase, since the share of ...

Aetna and The Great Obamacare Unraveling: Insurers Are Sick of Trying to Survive in a Health-Care Economy Permanently Altered By This Bad Law

Health insurance giant Aetna just announced that it will sell health plans in only four of Obamacare’s state exchanges next year, down from the 15 it currently operates in. The law’s partisans claim that the move is payback for the Obama administration’s recent decision to block Aetna’s merger with rival ...

Hillary Won the Nomination, But Bernie Won On Healthcare

Many pundits speculated that Hillary Clinton would devote a significant portion of her Democratic Convention speech to health care. But she dedicated just one sentence to the topic. The reason? Earlier in the week, Bernie Sanders had already laid out her campaign’s position. In exchange for her formal rival’s endorsement, ...

How to Cover the Sick and Lower Premiums without Breaking the Bank

Fifty-one percent of Americans now disapprove of Obamacare — the highest share this year, according to Gallup. It’s easy to see why. Insurers are abandoning the health law’s exchanges, leaving consumers few plans to choose from. Those carriers that haven’t pulled out plan to hike rates an average of 25 ...

Trump And Clinton’s Healthcare Debate Was No Contest

Donald Trump’s penchant for brusque remarks came in handy during the second presidential debate, eight days ago. When the discussion turned to the president’s health law, the GOP candidate’s message was clear: “Obamacare is a disaster. You know it. We all know it.” Only Hillary’s own spouse put it better, ...

Health Care Needs Effective Reforms, Not the CREATES Act

Congress is back in session. With the election looming, this means a frenetic dash to pass bills on a number of big ticket items, including the budget and Zika funding. While the legislative fight over these issues will likely dominate the headlines, we cannot forget about other below-the-radar, but nevertheless ...

Legal challenges loom for Obamacare

Obamacare’s remarkable run of legal luck may be running out. Earlier this summer, the Obama administration said that it would appeal a federal judge’s March ruling that found some of the health care law’s payments to insurers unconstitutional. That announcement came on the heels of another loss for Obamacare in ...

The ‘Public Option’ Is Just Single-Payer on the Installment Plan

Obamacare’s government-run insurance markets are collapsing. Insurers are losing millions of dollars — and proposing double-digit premium hikes combined with high deductibles to try to stanch the bleeding. It’s no wonder that exchange enrollment is roughly half what the Congressional Budget Office predicted. So what’s the left’s answer to this ...

How Hillary Plans To Triple Down On ObamaCare’s Failures

This month, three leading Democrats signaled where they’d like to take the U.S. health care system in the post-Obama era — and that’s back to the future. President Obama called for a “public option” — that is, an insurance plan wholly run by the government — after he leaves office. ...

To Save Medicaid, Hold States Accountable

Taxpayers spent a record $554 billion for Medicaid last year — a 12% rise from 2014 and much higher than forecast. President Obama deserves the credit — and blame — for that rapid increase. And the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicts that the program will cost $890 billion ...

Aetna’s Obamacare Pullout Means the ‘Insurance Death Spiral’ Has Arrived

Aetna the nation’s fourth-largest health insurer, just decided to stop offering plans on Obamacare’s exchanges in all but four states in 2017. The firm says that it was losing roughly $300 million per year on these policies. And it projected that its losses would only increase, since the share of ...

Aetna and The Great Obamacare Unraveling: Insurers Are Sick of Trying to Survive in a Health-Care Economy Permanently Altered By This Bad Law

Health insurance giant Aetna just announced that it will sell health plans in only four of Obamacare’s state exchanges next year, down from the 15 it currently operates in. The law’s partisans claim that the move is payback for the Obama administration’s recent decision to block Aetna’s merger with rival ...

Hillary Won the Nomination, But Bernie Won On Healthcare

Many pundits speculated that Hillary Clinton would devote a significant portion of her Democratic Convention speech to health care. But she dedicated just one sentence to the topic. The reason? Earlier in the week, Bernie Sanders had already laid out her campaign’s position. In exchange for her formal rival’s endorsement, ...
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