Health Care

Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...

Repeal and Delay Is A Frightening Prospect

The inauguration of President Donald Trump on Friday marks the beginning of the end for President Obama’s signature health law. But will repealing and replacing Obamacare cost patients their lives? The media is doing everything it can to convince the public of as much. A New York Times op-ed bears ...

Sally Pipes On The Ed Morrissey Show

Confused about the GOP approach to repealing and replacing ObamaCare? Healthcare expert and president of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, has analyzed the different GOP proposals and will brief us on what to expect. Related links

Elements Of ACA Replacement: Dr. Patricia Salber Interviews Sally Pipes

On the heels of the hearing for President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for HHS secretary Representative Tom Price, R-Georgia, Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, spoke with Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, about potential elements of an Affordable Care Act replacement ...
Business & Economics

Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right

In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...
Drug Pricing

Health Care Expert: If Obamacare Isn’t Immediately Repealed, Then It Likely Never Will Be

Ever since the Affordable Care Act — colloquially known as “Obamacare” — was signed into law in March 2010, the primary goal of congressional Republicans has been to repeal the law and replace it with a market-based solution that they say works for all Americans. For years, Republicans were only ...

Why Democrats Should Support Tom Price’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will consider President-elect Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services: Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga. The hearing will no doubt be another showdown in the war over Obamacare’s fate. Price, an orthopedic doctor in Atlanta before he ...

GOP Will Fix Health Insurance With High-Risk Pools

Congressional Republicans are counting the days until Donald Trump assumes the Oval Office – and they can finally give voters what they asked for on Nov. 8: a repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Democrats claim that repeal will jeopardize the ability of those with preexisting conditions to access affordable health ...
Charter Schools

Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

The New Senate’s Top Priority: Destroying Drug Innovation?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar just introduced a federal budget amendment that would legalize the importation of foreign prescription drugs. This particular policy change has long topped Democrats’ health care wish list, but shockingly, they might find support across the aisle this year, as President-elect Trump has spoken glowingly of importation. ...
Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...

Repeal and Delay Is A Frightening Prospect

The inauguration of President Donald Trump on Friday marks the beginning of the end for President Obama’s signature health law. But will repealing and replacing Obamacare cost patients their lives? The media is doing everything it can to convince the public of as much. A New York Times op-ed bears ...

Sally Pipes On The Ed Morrissey Show

Confused about the GOP approach to repealing and replacing ObamaCare? Healthcare expert and president of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, has analyzed the different GOP proposals and will brief us on what to expect. Related links

Elements Of ACA Replacement: Dr. Patricia Salber Interviews Sally Pipes

On the heels of the hearing for President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for HHS secretary Representative Tom Price, R-Georgia, Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, spoke with Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, about potential elements of an Affordable Care Act replacement ...
Business & Economics

Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right

In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...
Drug Pricing

Health Care Expert: If Obamacare Isn’t Immediately Repealed, Then It Likely Never Will Be

Ever since the Affordable Care Act — colloquially known as “Obamacare” — was signed into law in March 2010, the primary goal of congressional Republicans has been to repeal the law and replace it with a market-based solution that they say works for all Americans. For years, Republicans were only ...

Why Democrats Should Support Tom Price’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will consider President-elect Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services: Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga. The hearing will no doubt be another showdown in the war over Obamacare’s fate. Price, an orthopedic doctor in Atlanta before he ...

GOP Will Fix Health Insurance With High-Risk Pools

Congressional Republicans are counting the days until Donald Trump assumes the Oval Office – and they can finally give voters what they asked for on Nov. 8: a repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Democrats claim that repeal will jeopardize the ability of those with preexisting conditions to access affordable health ...
Charter Schools

Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

The New Senate’s Top Priority: Destroying Drug Innovation?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar just introduced a federal budget amendment that would legalize the importation of foreign prescription drugs. This particular policy change has long topped Democrats’ health care wish list, but shockingly, they might find support across the aisle this year, as President-elect Trump has spoken glowingly of importation. ...
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