Health Care


Lawmakers Release Details On Universal Health Care Bill

SACRAMENTO — Following last week’s failed effort by House Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act, and wary of future GOP attempts to chisel away at the 2010 healthcare law, two state lawmakers on Thursday released details about legislation to create universal health coverage for every California resident. Similar to ...

Oregon’s Drug Price Bill Is Hard To Swallow

President Donald Trump is not the only politician saying he is going to work to get drug prices down. Oregon lawmakers are already patting themselves on the back for tackling drug prices. Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland) says the measure, Oregon House Bill 2387, could be a model for national reform. ...
Health Care

Trump Idea To Expand Health Care Competition Faces Hurdles

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Allowing insurers to market health care policies across state lines is one of President Donald Trump’s main ideas for bringing down costs. While supporters of the idea cast it as a way to make insurance policies more competitive, critics say it’s unlikely to result in more ...
Drug Innovation

ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Drug Innovation

Issue Brief: Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...

Drug Importation Won’t Save Dollars Or Lives

A recent oped in The Hill by MedShadow Foundation founder Suzanne Robotti claims that permitting Americans to import prescription drugs from Canada would save dollars and lives. It would do neither. Prescription drug importation has several notable proponents, like Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Amy Kobuchar (D-Minn.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), ...

GOP Brings Flexibility, Choice And Quality To Medicaid

House Republicans have promised to announce their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare on Feb. 27, shortly after returning from recess. Judging from the policy brief released before the President’s Day break, Medicaid reform will be a major component of that plan. This is welcome news. Obamacare drastically expanded ...

Repeal And Replace Is More Popular Than Polls Suggest

In a recent letter to their fellow senators, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., argue that public support for Obamacare is “at an all-time high,” and that “the overwhelming majority of Americans want to improve the ACA, not destroy it.” They seem to be basing ...
Health Care

Modernizing And Simplifying Health Insurance

Americans are anxious to see if Congress and the Trump administration will repeal and replace ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. The law has been a point of sharp partisan division since its inception, and more Americans (30 percent) say the law has hurt them than helped them ...
Health Care

California Lawmakers Introduce Universal Health Care Plan

SACRAMENTO — In a surprise move that further complicates President Donald Trump’s push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, two California lawmakers Friday introduced legislation that would create a single-payer health care system covering all 38 million Californians, including its undocumented residents. “We’ve reached this pivotal moment,” Sen. ...

Lawmakers Release Details On Universal Health Care Bill

SACRAMENTO — Following last week’s failed effort by House Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act, and wary of future GOP attempts to chisel away at the 2010 healthcare law, two state lawmakers on Thursday released details about legislation to create universal health coverage for every California resident. Similar to ...

Oregon’s Drug Price Bill Is Hard To Swallow

President Donald Trump is not the only politician saying he is going to work to get drug prices down. Oregon lawmakers are already patting themselves on the back for tackling drug prices. Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D-Portland) says the measure, Oregon House Bill 2387, could be a model for national reform. ...
Health Care

Trump Idea To Expand Health Care Competition Faces Hurdles

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Allowing insurers to market health care policies across state lines is one of President Donald Trump’s main ideas for bringing down costs. While supporters of the idea cast it as a way to make insurance policies more competitive, critics say it’s unlikely to result in more ...
Drug Innovation

ISSUE BRIEF: Oregon Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...
Drug Innovation

Issue Brief: Proposal To Regulate Excess Costs Is Price Controls By Another Name

Introduced in February, HB 2387 would require pharmaceutical firms to reimburse insurers for any “excess costs” associated with covered drugs. Excess costs are defined as the difference between the average wholesale price of a drug and either: the typical price in other countries; or, the difference between a health plan’s ...

Drug Importation Won’t Save Dollars Or Lives

A recent oped in The Hill by MedShadow Foundation founder Suzanne Robotti claims that permitting Americans to import prescription drugs from Canada would save dollars and lives. It would do neither. Prescription drug importation has several notable proponents, like Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Amy Kobuchar (D-Minn.), and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), ...

GOP Brings Flexibility, Choice And Quality To Medicaid

House Republicans have promised to announce their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare on Feb. 27, shortly after returning from recess. Judging from the policy brief released before the President’s Day break, Medicaid reform will be a major component of that plan. This is welcome news. Obamacare drastically expanded ...

Repeal And Replace Is More Popular Than Polls Suggest

In a recent letter to their fellow senators, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., argue that public support for Obamacare is “at an all-time high,” and that “the overwhelming majority of Americans want to improve the ACA, not destroy it.” They seem to be basing ...
Health Care

Modernizing And Simplifying Health Insurance

Americans are anxious to see if Congress and the Trump administration will repeal and replace ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. The law has been a point of sharp partisan division since its inception, and more Americans (30 percent) say the law has hurt them than helped them ...
Health Care

California Lawmakers Introduce Universal Health Care Plan

SACRAMENTO — In a surprise move that further complicates President Donald Trump’s push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, two California lawmakers Friday introduced legislation that would create a single-payer health care system covering all 38 million Californians, including its undocumented residents. “We’ve reached this pivotal moment,” Sen. ...
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