Health Care


By Upholding The Constitution, Trump Can Breathe New Life Into “Repeal and Replace”

Republicans are still smarting from the failure of the American Health Care Act just 10 days ago. Speaker Ryan acknowledged reality when he said in the aftermath of the bills collapse, “Obamacare is the law of the land . . . for the foreseeable future.” “Foreseeable future” need not mean ...

San Francisco’s Universal Health Care Plan Eyed As Model For California

SAN FRANCISCO — Maria Consuelo believes she’s alive today because of a groundbreaking program this left-leaning city created a decade ago – one that guarantees health coverage to every one of its 864,000 residents. It’s made San Francisco the only place in the country where truly universal health coverage exists, ...

Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California

While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...

How Trump Can Keep The Drive To Repeal Obamacare Alive Through Executive Action

There’s no doubt about it — last week’s failure to pass the American Health Care Act was a painful setback in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. But Obamacare’s critics need not give up. There are plenty of executive actions the Trump administration could take to roll back the ...

Listen To PRI’s Sally Pipes On “To The Point With Warren Olney”

Listen to PRI’s Sally Pipes talk about the “do-or-die” time for the American Health Care Act on “To The Point With Warren Olney” on KCRW 89.9 FM. Sally Pipes on “To The Point With Warren Olney” On KCRW FM
Business & Economics

How Hasty Obama-Era Rules Are Doing More Harm Than Good

In a flurry of activity during its waning hours, the Obama administration hastily approved far too many ill-conceived regulations that will affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans. In this rush to regulate, the outgoing administration violated regulatory procedures on vitally important issues, and, as a consequence, the ...

ObamaCare’s Unhappy 7th Birthday

As the GOP’s fractious debate over health care reform drags on, some Americans are beginning to look back on ObamaCare through rose-colored glasses. Although voters put in power on Nov. 8, 2016, a party committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare, public approval for the health law just reached 54% — ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective

The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Health Care

Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises

The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...

By Upholding The Constitution, Trump Can Breathe New Life Into “Repeal and Replace”

Republicans are still smarting from the failure of the American Health Care Act just 10 days ago. Speaker Ryan acknowledged reality when he said in the aftermath of the bills collapse, “Obamacare is the law of the land . . . for the foreseeable future.” “Foreseeable future” need not mean ...

San Francisco’s Universal Health Care Plan Eyed As Model For California

SAN FRANCISCO — Maria Consuelo believes she’s alive today because of a groundbreaking program this left-leaning city created a decade ago – one that guarantees health coverage to every one of its 864,000 residents. It’s made San Francisco the only place in the country where truly universal health coverage exists, ...

Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California

While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...

How Trump Can Keep The Drive To Repeal Obamacare Alive Through Executive Action

There’s no doubt about it — last week’s failure to pass the American Health Care Act was a painful setback in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. But Obamacare’s critics need not give up. There are plenty of executive actions the Trump administration could take to roll back the ...

Listen To PRI’s Sally Pipes On “To The Point With Warren Olney”

Listen to PRI’s Sally Pipes talk about the “do-or-die” time for the American Health Care Act on “To The Point With Warren Olney” on KCRW 89.9 FM. Sally Pipes on “To The Point With Warren Olney” On KCRW FM
Business & Economics

How Hasty Obama-Era Rules Are Doing More Harm Than Good

In a flurry of activity during its waning hours, the Obama administration hastily approved far too many ill-conceived regulations that will affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans. In this rush to regulate, the outgoing administration violated regulatory procedures on vitally important issues, and, as a consequence, the ...

ObamaCare’s Unhappy 7th Birthday

As the GOP’s fractious debate over health care reform drags on, some Americans are beginning to look back on ObamaCare through rose-colored glasses. Although voters put in power on Nov. 8, 2016, a party committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare, public approval for the health law just reached 54% — ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Putting The CBO’s Score Of The American Health Care Act In Perspective

The Congressional Budget Office’s new analysis of the American Health Care Act seems to provide plenty of ammunition for Obamacare’s defenders. But if the last few years have proven anything, it’s that we shouldn’t put too much faith in the CBO’s predictions — especially about the future. The report simultaneously ...
Health Care

Health Care Spending Increases, Federal Share Rises

The federal government spends more on health care than any other entity or group, in part due to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributed to the federal government becoming the largest purchaser of health insurance and other health care services ...
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