Health Care


Imposing Price Controls Is Never The Answer

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is currently reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), which is supposed to help us prepare for the next public health emergency. Never missing an opportunity to impose price controls on anything and everything, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to ...

Reimagine Health Insurance Away from Routine Maintenance

The health insurance system fails most Americans, according to a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Nearly 6 in 10 insured adults have trouble using their coverage. Within that group, nearly 1 in 5 was unable to get needed care. It’s tempting to see this survey data as proof that health insurers aren’t doing ...

The insane progressive push for ‘Medicare for All’

Fifteen senators and more than 100 House members recently introduced legislation that would launch a federal takeover of the US health-insurance system and install “Medicare for All.” “We live in a country where millions of people ration lifesaving medication or skip necessary trips to the doctor because of cost,” said Rep. ...

The Medicare For All Dream Won’t Die. Neither Will The Problems With Single-Payer.

For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, states have started removing people who are ineligible for Medicaid benefits from the program. Democrats have responded with hysteria. The Biden administration is pressing states to slow down and keep as many people as possible enrolled in the program. Democrats are ...

Read about the CHOICE arrangement act

GOP Notches a Victory Battle for Healthcare Choice

Any time lawmakers can introduce greater choice and dynamism into the health insurance market, patients benefit. The CHOICE Arrangement Act, which passed the House last month, is a perfect example. The bill would codify the so-called “individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements,” or ICHRAs, established through executive order by President  Donald Trump in ...

Read the latest on the Medicaid purge

Let’s ensure Medicaid covers only the truly eligible

State Medicaid programs are in the midst of removing millions of people from their rolls. According to new data , more than 1.5 million in 27 states have found themselves jettisoned from the program since the end of March. Many Democrats have alleged that this Medicaid purge is unfair and unjust. In reality, it’s essential to ...

Medicare for All Means Tax Increases and Long Waits for Everyone

This month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., launched his latest bid to ban private health insurance and force all Americans into a government-run health plan. The Vermont socialist gets points for consistency. He’s introduced legislation that would establish “Medicare for All” in the last four sessions of Congress and has been ...

Democrats want to take medicinal price controls further

Senate Democrats Take One More Step Toward Socialized Medicine

It’s been less than a year since Democrats enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, which gives Medicare the power to set the prices of certain medicines. Those price controls have yet to go into effect. But Democrats already want more. They’ve introduced new legislation that would amp up those price controls ...

There is a new Senate bill that targets PBMs

Break the Grip of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

A new Senate bill takes aim at one of the chief drivers of the high out-of-pocket drug costs that many consumers are experiencing — middlemen known as “pharmacy benefit managers.” Introduced in mid-June by a bipartisan group of senators including Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Ranking Member Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, ...

Read the latest on drug price controls

Dems’ Drug Price Controls Would Mean Fewer Drugs And Fewer Jobs

Hundreds of lifesaving therapies will never be invented, and as many as 1.1 million jobs will be lost if Senate Democrats successfully expand their prescription drug price-fixing program, according to a major new study. The study, conducted by the research group Vital Transformation, modeled the effects of the SMART Prices Act. Sponsored ...

Imposing Price Controls Is Never The Answer

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is currently reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), which is supposed to help us prepare for the next public health emergency. Never missing an opportunity to impose price controls on anything and everything, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to ...

Reimagine Health Insurance Away from Routine Maintenance

The health insurance system fails most Americans, according to a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Nearly 6 in 10 insured adults have trouble using their coverage. Within that group, nearly 1 in 5 was unable to get needed care. It’s tempting to see this survey data as proof that health insurers aren’t doing ...

The insane progressive push for ‘Medicare for All’

Fifteen senators and more than 100 House members recently introduced legislation that would launch a federal takeover of the US health-insurance system and install “Medicare for All.” “We live in a country where millions of people ration lifesaving medication or skip necessary trips to the doctor because of cost,” said Rep. ...

The Medicare For All Dream Won’t Die. Neither Will The Problems With Single-Payer.

For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, states have started removing people who are ineligible for Medicaid benefits from the program. Democrats have responded with hysteria. The Biden administration is pressing states to slow down and keep as many people as possible enrolled in the program. Democrats are ...

Read about the CHOICE arrangement act

GOP Notches a Victory Battle for Healthcare Choice

Any time lawmakers can introduce greater choice and dynamism into the health insurance market, patients benefit. The CHOICE Arrangement Act, which passed the House last month, is a perfect example. The bill would codify the so-called “individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements,” or ICHRAs, established through executive order by President  Donald Trump in ...

Read the latest on the Medicaid purge

Let’s ensure Medicaid covers only the truly eligible

State Medicaid programs are in the midst of removing millions of people from their rolls. According to new data , more than 1.5 million in 27 states have found themselves jettisoned from the program since the end of March. Many Democrats have alleged that this Medicaid purge is unfair and unjust. In reality, it’s essential to ...

Medicare for All Means Tax Increases and Long Waits for Everyone

This month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., launched his latest bid to ban private health insurance and force all Americans into a government-run health plan. The Vermont socialist gets points for consistency. He’s introduced legislation that would establish “Medicare for All” in the last four sessions of Congress and has been ...

Democrats want to take medicinal price controls further

Senate Democrats Take One More Step Toward Socialized Medicine

It’s been less than a year since Democrats enacted the Inflation Reduction Act, which gives Medicare the power to set the prices of certain medicines. Those price controls have yet to go into effect. But Democrats already want more. They’ve introduced new legislation that would amp up those price controls ...

There is a new Senate bill that targets PBMs

Break the Grip of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

A new Senate bill takes aim at one of the chief drivers of the high out-of-pocket drug costs that many consumers are experiencing — middlemen known as “pharmacy benefit managers.” Introduced in mid-June by a bipartisan group of senators including Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Ranking Member Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, ...

Read the latest on drug price controls

Dems’ Drug Price Controls Would Mean Fewer Drugs And Fewer Jobs

Hundreds of lifesaving therapies will never be invented, and as many as 1.1 million jobs will be lost if Senate Democrats successfully expand their prescription drug price-fixing program, according to a major new study. The study, conducted by the research group Vital Transformation, modeled the effects of the SMART Prices Act. Sponsored ...
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