Health Care

Health Care

Sally Pipes On Newsmax TV on Senate GOP Health Plan

Watch PRI’s Sally Pipes discuss the Senate Republican health plan, also known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act, with Bill Tucker on Newsmax TV. She argues that Senate Republicans embraced Obamacare in their health care bill. RELATED LINKS Sally Pipes on Newsmax TV – Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare in their ...

GOP Health Reform Is Hardly Sweeping

Listen to the critics of the GOP’s healthcare reform effort, and you might think Republicans are intent on personally cancelling the insurance policies of 300 million Americans. Earlier this month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., referred to the Senate’s Obamacare replacement, which became public June 22, as “a bill that’s going ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...

Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare In Their Healthcare Bill

Today, the Senate Republican leadership released its draft of a bill that would supposedly repeal and replace Obamacare. It does neither. With this bill, Senate Republicans are betraying the promises they made on the campaign trail for the better part of seven years. If it passes, the GOP will have ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class

Download the Brief KUSI television reported on June 12 that “Gov. Brown and the Democrats in Sacramento are in open revolt against President Trump.” While not a new development, it seems to indicate that California is seceding from the Union as it had threatened without providing official notice. Yes, it’s ...

Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform

As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...

Health Insurer Bailouts Have Gone On Long Enough

For years, Democrats have ignored the Constitution in order to prop up Obamacare’s collapsing insurance exchanges. Now, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, wants to let them off the hook. Brady recently encouraged Congress to continue making cost-sharing reduction payments to marketplace insurers. These subsidies reimburse coverage ...

Dream Of Single Payer Would Be A Nightmare

Fully government-run health care may be coming to the Empire State. The State Senate will soon consider the New York Health Act, a bill that would sweep every New Yorker into a single, government-funded health plan. The Assembly green-lit the bill in mid-May. On paper, the measure seems like a ...
Business & Economics

The Best Way To Help Patients Afford Health Care Is To Make Health Care More Affordable

Cultures from biblical times to the ancient Chinese have all expressed some form of the wisdom that the best form of charity is to prevent poverty in the first place. This wisdom is lacking today, particularly with respect to the U.S. health care sector. A recent analysis by investment research ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes On Newsmax TV on Senate GOP Health Plan

Watch PRI’s Sally Pipes discuss the Senate Republican health plan, also known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act, with Bill Tucker on Newsmax TV. She argues that Senate Republicans embraced Obamacare in their health care bill. RELATED LINKS Sally Pipes on Newsmax TV – Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare in their ...

GOP Health Reform Is Hardly Sweeping

Listen to the critics of the GOP’s healthcare reform effort, and you might think Republicans are intent on personally cancelling the insurance policies of 300 million Americans. Earlier this month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., referred to the Senate’s Obamacare replacement, which became public June 22, as “a bill that’s going ...

The Senate Health Care Bill Is Just Obamacare Lite

After weeks of closed-door negotiations, the Senate Republican leadership on Thursday released its bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. It’s the product of a 13-member Senate working group. The bill is a disappointment. It’s little more than repeal in name only. And its ideas for replacement are almost indistinguishable from ...
Government Spending

Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...

Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare In Their Healthcare Bill

Today, the Senate Republican leadership released its draft of a bill that would supposedly repeal and replace Obamacare. It does neither. With this bill, Senate Republicans are betraying the promises they made on the campaign trail for the better part of seven years. If it passes, the GOP will have ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Majority Party’s War on Trump Is Really War on California’s Middle Class

Download the Brief KUSI television reported on June 12 that “Gov. Brown and the Democrats in Sacramento are in open revolt against President Trump.” While not a new development, it seems to indicate that California is seceding from the Union as it had threatened without providing official notice. Yes, it’s ...

Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform

As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...

Health Insurer Bailouts Have Gone On Long Enough

For years, Democrats have ignored the Constitution in order to prop up Obamacare’s collapsing insurance exchanges. Now, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, wants to let them off the hook. Brady recently encouraged Congress to continue making cost-sharing reduction payments to marketplace insurers. These subsidies reimburse coverage ...

Dream Of Single Payer Would Be A Nightmare

Fully government-run health care may be coming to the Empire State. The State Senate will soon consider the New York Health Act, a bill that would sweep every New Yorker into a single, government-funded health plan. The Assembly green-lit the bill in mid-May. On paper, the measure seems like a ...
Business & Economics

The Best Way To Help Patients Afford Health Care Is To Make Health Care More Affordable

Cultures from biblical times to the ancient Chinese have all expressed some form of the wisdom that the best form of charity is to prevent poverty in the first place. This wisdom is lacking today, particularly with respect to the U.S. health care sector. A recent analysis by investment research ...
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