Health Care
Drug Pricing
Report: 340B Drug Program Rife with Abuse, Profiteering
A program designed to help poor people afford prescription drugs is being used by hospitals to generate easy profits, according to a Pacific Research Institute report. A well-intended program designed to help poor people obtain prescription drugs is riddled with abuse and creates a perverse incentive for healthcare providers to ...
Gregory A. Freeman
December 20, 2017
Don’t Blame Trump for Lower Health Insurance Signups. Blame Obamacare.
Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment period ended Friday. In the 39 states using the federal insurance exchange, 4.7 million people signed up for 2018 coverage, as of Dec. 9. At this point, that’s about 4.5 million fewer people who signed up than last year. This year’s lower numbers shouldn’t be surprising. Those ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 20, 2017
Falling Obamacare Enrollment Should Surprise No One
Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment season just ended for the 39 states served by — and it was a major failure in terms of enrollees. Fewer than 10 million people signed up for 2018 health plans through the state and federal exchanges, according to one recent projection. That’s down from 12.2 million ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 19, 2017
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to talk about his new study on the 340B program, a well-meaning yet very important government program designed to help the needy afford prescription drugs that, in practice, is being abused and shortchanging those it was intended to help.
Pacific Research Institute
December 18, 2017
Myths and Realities of the Health Care Affordability Problem
According to the five-second rule, you can still eat your food that has fallen on the floor, so long as you picked it up within five seconds. Only, this common perception is bad advice. In reality, if a person eats food that has fallen on a dirty floor, he risks ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 14, 2017
Health Care
Waiting Times For Canada’s Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High
Waiting times for medically necessary health care services under Canada’s single-payer system have hit a record high, according to a report from the Fraser Institute. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has touted Canada’s single-payer system, saying it is a model the United States should follow. He introduced a “Medicare for All” plan this past September. “The ...
Ali Meyer
December 13, 2017
Business & Economics
Well-Meaning Drug Discount Program Encourages Hospitals to Profit Rather than Effectively Serve Poor
A new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute finds that a program to give discounted prescription drugs to poor Americans is riddled with abuse, has created a perverse incentive for providers to profit instead of effectively serve the poor, and is hurting overall health care quality. Click here ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 13, 2017
Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
Much like the old lady who swallowed a fly, the federal government has swallowed a fly over a well-meaning program designed to help the poor afford prescription drugs called 340B. Instead of ensuring the poor have low-cost drugs, 340B has created an incentive for hospitals to profit. Click here to ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 13, 2017
Single-Payer Would Sicken, Not Cure, Massachusetts
Progressives in Massachusetts believe they’ve taken the first step toward a government-run, single-payer health care, thanks to a bill that passed the state Senate in November. The measure would, among other things, commission a study to analyze the cost of a statewide single-payer system. If the tab is less expensive ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 12, 2017
Californians Like Single-Payer Health Care — Until They Learn Taxes Must Rise To Pay For It
Whether to establish a state-run, single-payer health-care system is shaping up to be one of the main differences among the candidates for governor in California in the run-up to the June primary election. The front-runner, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, says the only thing stopping single-payer in California is a lack ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 12, 2017
Report: 340B Drug Program Rife with Abuse, Profiteering
A program designed to help poor people afford prescription drugs is being used by hospitals to generate easy profits, according to a Pacific Research Institute report. A well-intended program designed to help poor people obtain prescription drugs is riddled with abuse and creates a perverse incentive for healthcare providers to ...
Don’t Blame Trump for Lower Health Insurance Signups. Blame Obamacare.
Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment period ended Friday. In the 39 states using the federal insurance exchange, 4.7 million people signed up for 2018 coverage, as of Dec. 9. At this point, that’s about 4.5 million fewer people who signed up than last year. This year’s lower numbers shouldn’t be surprising. Those ...
Falling Obamacare Enrollment Should Surprise No One
Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment season just ended for the 39 states served by — and it was a major failure in terms of enrollees. Fewer than 10 million people signed up for 2018 health plans through the state and federal exchanges, according to one recent projection. That’s down from 12.2 million ...
Wayne Winegarden – Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to talk about his new study on the 340B program, a well-meaning yet very important government program designed to help the needy afford prescription drugs that, in practice, is being abused and shortchanging those it was intended to help.
Myths and Realities of the Health Care Affordability Problem
According to the five-second rule, you can still eat your food that has fallen on the floor, so long as you picked it up within five seconds. Only, this common perception is bad advice. In reality, if a person eats food that has fallen on a dirty floor, he risks ...
Waiting Times For Canada’s Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High
Waiting times for medically necessary health care services under Canada’s single-payer system have hit a record high, according to a report from the Fraser Institute. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has touted Canada’s single-payer system, saying it is a model the United States should follow. He introduced a “Medicare for All” plan this past September. “The ...
Well-Meaning Drug Discount Program Encourages Hospitals to Profit Rather than Effectively Serve Poor
A new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute finds that a program to give discounted prescription drugs to poor Americans is riddled with abuse, has created a perverse incentive for providers to profit instead of effectively serve the poor, and is hurting overall health care quality. Click here ...
Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
Much like the old lady who swallowed a fly, the federal government has swallowed a fly over a well-meaning program designed to help the poor afford prescription drugs called 340B. Instead of ensuring the poor have low-cost drugs, 340B has created an incentive for hospitals to profit. Click here to ...
Single-Payer Would Sicken, Not Cure, Massachusetts
Progressives in Massachusetts believe they’ve taken the first step toward a government-run, single-payer health care, thanks to a bill that passed the state Senate in November. The measure would, among other things, commission a study to analyze the cost of a statewide single-payer system. If the tab is less expensive ...
Californians Like Single-Payer Health Care — Until They Learn Taxes Must Rise To Pay For It
Whether to establish a state-run, single-payer health-care system is shaping up to be one of the main differences among the candidates for governor in California in the run-up to the June primary election. The front-runner, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, says the only thing stopping single-payer in California is a lack ...