Health Care


The VA’s Standards Just Hit A New Low

The Veterans Health Administration has found a new way to endanger the heroes entrusted to its care. A recent investigation by USA Today revealed that, for at least 15 years, Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities have hired healthcare professionals with revoked medical licenses — a practice that directly violates federal law. ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea

Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...

ObamaCare Faces Two Existential Challenges In 2018

It’s a New Year — but not a happy one for ObamaCare’s defenders. Two recent developments could lead to the collapse of the health law’s exchanges. First, the Trump administration will soon announce that it will allow insurers to sell “short-term” health plans that last up to 364 days.  Currently, insurers ...

Help Us Make 2018 A Great Year for Freedom

With the end of the year upon us, what better time to talk about all that we have accomplished at the Pacific Research Institute in 2017. In the past 12 months, we have: promoted policies that expand access to high-quality education through school choice, charter schools, and digital learning opportunities ...

California Can Expect More of the Same from Sacramento in 2018

There are no fortune tellers at PRI, but it isn’t hard to foresee what is likely to happen in California in 2018. First, it’s a sure bet that the Legislature will pass a boxcar load of unneeded, heavy-handed and odious policies when lawmakers reconvene on Jan. 3. One that will ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...

VA Negligence Is Killing Veterans

A bombshell report just revealed that a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital knowingly hired a physician with a record of more than a dozen cases of malpractice, including the death of a patient. Other recent VA physician recruits include a known sexual predator and a dangerous felon. A separate analysis ...

Bye Bye! PRI’s Ode to 2017

One of my all-time favorite shows is “The McLaughlin Group.” I used to love watching Dr. McLaughlin spar over the years with the likes of Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Clarence Page, Freddy “the Beadle” Barnes, Mor-ton Kondracke, the late great Jack Germond, and “The Prince of Darkness” Robert Novak.  There ...

Getting Out Our 2018 Crystal Ball

With the holiday season upon us, now is the time when pundits in Washington and Sacramento get out their crystal balls and offer their unsolicited predictions on what will happen in politics, policy, and government in 2018. Now that we have the “Right by the Bay” blog at PRI, we’re ...

The VA’s Standards Just Hit A New Low

The Veterans Health Administration has found a new way to endanger the heroes entrusted to its care. A recent investigation by USA Today revealed that, for at least 15 years, Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities have hired healthcare professionals with revoked medical licenses — a practice that directly violates federal law. ...

Democrats Idolize Canada’s Health System as It Recovers from Worst Year Ever

Mainstream Democrats are clamoring for Canadian-style single-payer health care — a demand once relegated to the far-left fringe of the party. Sixteen Senate Democrats, including several with aspirations for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, have signed onto Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan. Fealty to single-payer is already proving ...

Expanding SF Restaurant Surcharge Statewide is a Bad Idea

Dining at a premium San Francisco restaurant will always be expensive. But add in the cost of The City’s health care surcharge and eating out, even at modest and lesser establishments, is even more expensive. What’s more, one gubernatorial candidate wants to expand the program that requires the surcharge to ...

ObamaCare Faces Two Existential Challenges In 2018

It’s a New Year — but not a happy one for ObamaCare’s defenders. Two recent developments could lead to the collapse of the health law’s exchanges. First, the Trump administration will soon announce that it will allow insurers to sell “short-term” health plans that last up to 364 days.  Currently, insurers ...

Help Us Make 2018 A Great Year for Freedom

With the end of the year upon us, what better time to talk about all that we have accomplished at the Pacific Research Institute in 2017. In the past 12 months, we have: promoted policies that expand access to high-quality education through school choice, charter schools, and digital learning opportunities ...

California Can Expect More of the Same from Sacramento in 2018

There are no fortune tellers at PRI, but it isn’t hard to foresee what is likely to happen in California in 2018. First, it’s a sure bet that the Legislature will pass a boxcar load of unneeded, heavy-handed and odious policies when lawmakers reconvene on Jan. 3. One that will ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...

VA Negligence Is Killing Veterans

A bombshell report just revealed that a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital knowingly hired a physician with a record of more than a dozen cases of malpractice, including the death of a patient. Other recent VA physician recruits include a known sexual predator and a dangerous felon. A separate analysis ...

Bye Bye! PRI’s Ode to 2017

One of my all-time favorite shows is “The McLaughlin Group.” I used to love watching Dr. McLaughlin spar over the years with the likes of Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Clarence Page, Freddy “the Beadle” Barnes, Mor-ton Kondracke, the late great Jack Germond, and “The Prince of Darkness” Robert Novak.  There ...

Getting Out Our 2018 Crystal Ball

With the holiday season upon us, now is the time when pundits in Washington and Sacramento get out their crystal balls and offer their unsolicited predictions on what will happen in politics, policy, and government in 2018. Now that we have the “Right by the Bay” blog at PRI, we’re ...
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