Health Care

Health Care

Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California

The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...
Business & Economics

Price Controls Will Reduce Innovation and Health Outcomes

Abraham Kaplan famously noted that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” Put differently, solving problems requires the right tool, not the convenient tool. Congress should remember this wisdom in its upcoming deliberations regarding the cost of prescription drugs. The ...

Gov. Brown’s Rolling Stone Interview is a Must-Read

As much as we have criticized Gov. Jerry Brown, we have to acknowledge that on occasion he will act as the senior statesman of his party, beating back its most mindless impulses. The most recent example: his judicious counsel on single-payer health care. Of course Brown has been a supporter ...

With Repeal And Replace On Hold, A New Path Forward For Health Reform

The drive to repeal and replace Obamacare appears dead. The latest attempt to roll it back — a bill authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La. — never even got a vote.  And the September 30 deadline for passing a healthcare overhaul with a simple Senate majority under the ...
Business & Economics

Reforming the 340B Program Will Lower the Price of Prescription Drugs

The U.S. health care system needs systemic reforms that comprehensively address the problems of declining quality and rising costs. Alas, beneficial systemic reforms will not be implemented any time soon. There are still opportunities for Congress to implement tailored reforms that can help address these problems in the near term. ...

A Scientific Basis for the EPA on the Clean Power Plan

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will make official on Tuesday what we knew all along – the Administration is officially withdrawing the controversial Clean Power Plan rule on power plant emissions. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has railed against the repeal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) claiming that the EPA’s ...

Single-Payer Health Care Means You Might Be Denied Surgery for Being Too Fat — No, Really

Do people who are overweight or obese deserve health care? In the United Kingdom’s socialized health care system, the answer appears to be “no.” And if Democrats get their way, the same could be true in the United States. To save money, the U.K. National Health Service recently announced it ...

Obamacare Might Not Be Dead, But IPAB Should Be

Full-scale repeal of Obamacare has failed, at least for now. But there are still components of the law that can, and should, be rolled back immediately. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is a prime example. Obamacare created the board of 15 unelected, presidentially-appointed bureaucrats to keep Medicare’s costs under control. If entitlement spending growth ...

To Grow America’s Economy, We Need Tax Reform and Spending Reform

Washington D.C. has turned its sights on tax reform. Critics, almost reflexively, oppose the effort based on claims that tax reform will increase the deficit. A little perspective is in order, consequently. The chart below presents data on total federal, state, and local government revenues and spending relative to the ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...
Health Care

Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California

The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...
Business & Economics

Price Controls Will Reduce Innovation and Health Outcomes

Abraham Kaplan famously noted that if you, “give a small boy a hammer, he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding.” Put differently, solving problems requires the right tool, not the convenient tool. Congress should remember this wisdom in its upcoming deliberations regarding the cost of prescription drugs. The ...

Gov. Brown’s Rolling Stone Interview is a Must-Read

As much as we have criticized Gov. Jerry Brown, we have to acknowledge that on occasion he will act as the senior statesman of his party, beating back its most mindless impulses. The most recent example: his judicious counsel on single-payer health care. Of course Brown has been a supporter ...

With Repeal And Replace On Hold, A New Path Forward For Health Reform

The drive to repeal and replace Obamacare appears dead. The latest attempt to roll it back — a bill authored by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La. — never even got a vote.  And the September 30 deadline for passing a healthcare overhaul with a simple Senate majority under the ...
Business & Economics

Reforming the 340B Program Will Lower the Price of Prescription Drugs

The U.S. health care system needs systemic reforms that comprehensively address the problems of declining quality and rising costs. Alas, beneficial systemic reforms will not be implemented any time soon. There are still opportunities for Congress to implement tailored reforms that can help address these problems in the near term. ...

A Scientific Basis for the EPA on the Clean Power Plan

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will make official on Tuesday what we knew all along – the Administration is officially withdrawing the controversial Clean Power Plan rule on power plant emissions. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has railed against the repeal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) claiming that the EPA’s ...

Single-Payer Health Care Means You Might Be Denied Surgery for Being Too Fat — No, Really

Do people who are overweight or obese deserve health care? In the United Kingdom’s socialized health care system, the answer appears to be “no.” And if Democrats get their way, the same could be true in the United States. To save money, the U.K. National Health Service recently announced it ...

Obamacare Might Not Be Dead, But IPAB Should Be

Full-scale repeal of Obamacare has failed, at least for now. But there are still components of the law that can, and should, be rolled back immediately. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is a prime example. Obamacare created the board of 15 unelected, presidentially-appointed bureaucrats to keep Medicare’s costs under control. If entitlement spending growth ...

To Grow America’s Economy, We Need Tax Reform and Spending Reform

Washington D.C. has turned its sights on tax reform. Critics, almost reflexively, oppose the effort based on claims that tax reform will increase the deficit. A little perspective is in order, consequently. The chart below presents data on total federal, state, and local government revenues and spending relative to the ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...
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