Health Care


California’s Drug Pricing Challenge

Watch a Sacramento panel discussion on California’s drug pricing challenge, co-hosted by PRI and the Manhattan Institute. Moderated by former longtime Capitol journalist Marcey Brightwell, panelists include Dr. Tom Coburn of the Manhattan Institute (and former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma), PRI’s Sally Pipes, and Brett Johnson of the California Life ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...
Health Care

California Shows its Obamacare Support by Outspending U.S. 4-to-1 on Ads

By Ana B. Ibarra and Carmen Heredia Rodriguez The marketing blitz is on. Californians are getting barraged with online pop-up ads, radio spots and television commercials, all aimed at persuading them to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans during this year’s open-enrollment season. Covered California, the state’s Obamacare ...

Bernie, Stop Fibbing About Canada’s Single-Payer Disaster

Late last month, Senator Bernie Sanders traveled to Canada to see firsthand what the United States can “learn” from our northern neighbor’s single-payer healthcare system. The pied piper of single-payer praised the Canadian system profusely, declaring that there is not “any debate” about whether “the quality of care is as ...
Blended Learning

Celebrating a Virtual “Friendsgiving”

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, we’re also preparing for an overload of turkey, pumpkin pie, and relatives. Thanksgiving is about more than getting a food coma.  It’s about getting together with your loved ones and giving thanks for all that we are thankful for in life. ...
Health Care

Dr. Beth Haynes – How the Free Market Can Improve our Health Care

Dr. Beth Haynes of the Benjamin Rush Institute joins us to discuss how free-market solutions can improve people’s healthcare, the ongoing fights over Obamacare and single-payer health care, and the latest trends in health care today.

There’s No Reason For Congress Not to Repeal the Individual Mandate in Tax Reform

On Tuesday, Senate Republican leaders announced plans to scrap Obamacare’s individual mandate in their latest tax reform legislation. If passed, the mandate would be fully repealed by 2019. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has already signaled willingness to include the measure in the House tax reform bill should the Senate bill pass. ...

More Government Spending Won’t Make Our Country Successful

As he celebrated Democrats’ November election wins, California’s overwrought Tom Steyer took a moment to sound a bit like someone from the other party — before he reverted back to form. “When we think about what a more prosperous, healthy America would look like, we really have to start again ...

Australia’s Health Care System is Hardly “Free”

During my recent vacation in Australia and New Zealand, my friends and I spent an enjoyable day in Melbourne while on a Tasmanian cruise. Whenever I visit a big city for the first time on a trip, I always book a survey tour to take in all the key highlights. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...

California’s Drug Pricing Challenge

Watch a Sacramento panel discussion on California’s drug pricing challenge, co-hosted by PRI and the Manhattan Institute. Moderated by former longtime Capitol journalist Marcey Brightwell, panelists include Dr. Tom Coburn of the Manhattan Institute (and former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma), PRI’s Sally Pipes, and Brett Johnson of the California Life ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...
Health Care

California Shows its Obamacare Support by Outspending U.S. 4-to-1 on Ads

By Ana B. Ibarra and Carmen Heredia Rodriguez The marketing blitz is on. Californians are getting barraged with online pop-up ads, radio spots and television commercials, all aimed at persuading them to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans during this year’s open-enrollment season. Covered California, the state’s Obamacare ...

Bernie, Stop Fibbing About Canada’s Single-Payer Disaster

Late last month, Senator Bernie Sanders traveled to Canada to see firsthand what the United States can “learn” from our northern neighbor’s single-payer healthcare system. The pied piper of single-payer praised the Canadian system profusely, declaring that there is not “any debate” about whether “the quality of care is as ...
Blended Learning

Celebrating a Virtual “Friendsgiving”

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, we’re also preparing for an overload of turkey, pumpkin pie, and relatives. Thanksgiving is about more than getting a food coma.  It’s about getting together with your loved ones and giving thanks for all that we are thankful for in life. ...
Health Care

Dr. Beth Haynes – How the Free Market Can Improve our Health Care

Dr. Beth Haynes of the Benjamin Rush Institute joins us to discuss how free-market solutions can improve people’s healthcare, the ongoing fights over Obamacare and single-payer health care, and the latest trends in health care today.

There’s No Reason For Congress Not to Repeal the Individual Mandate in Tax Reform

On Tuesday, Senate Republican leaders announced plans to scrap Obamacare’s individual mandate in their latest tax reform legislation. If passed, the mandate would be fully repealed by 2019. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has already signaled willingness to include the measure in the House tax reform bill should the Senate bill pass. ...

More Government Spending Won’t Make Our Country Successful

As he celebrated Democrats’ November election wins, California’s overwrought Tom Steyer took a moment to sound a bit like someone from the other party — before he reverted back to form. “When we think about what a more prosperous, healthy America would look like, we really have to start again ...

Australia’s Health Care System is Hardly “Free”

During my recent vacation in Australia and New Zealand, my friends and I spent an enjoyable day in Melbourne while on a Tasmanian cruise. Whenever I visit a big city for the first time on a trip, I always book a survey tour to take in all the key highlights. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...
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