Health Care

Health Care

Flu Rages as FDA Approval Process Delays New Cure

As one of the worst influenza outbreaks in recent history continues to spread in the United States, the release of a new drug that could quickly cure the illness is being delayed by Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) overly cumbersome approval process. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acting director ...

Trump’s Short-Term Health Plans Will Legalize Affordable Care

The Trump administration is preparing to offer Americans an affordable alternative to the high-cost coverage on Obamacare’s exchanges by overturning one of the previous administration’s most burdensome regulations. On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule based on President Trump’s October 12, 2017, Executive ...

Sally Pipes – The False Promise of Single Payer

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally Pipes joins us to discuss her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, and explore the impact single-payer would have on California’s healthcare system.

Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer Message Won’t Fly

Government-run health care is back on the front burner of American politics. Last week, President Trump took a shot at Democrats for pushing for British-style single-payer health care. The United Kingdom’s “system is going broke and not working,” he wrote on Twitter. The president’s tweet followed an online town-hall meeting ...

What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...

Sally Pipes Discusses Latest with CA Single-Payer on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle”

PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the latest developments with the push to create a single-payer health care system in California and across the country with host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC-FM. Click here to ...
Health Care

20 Companies Already Have a Healthcare Alliance Like the Amazon, Berkshire and JP Morgan Plan — Is It Working?

By Jeri Clausing When Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan announced plans earlier this month to create a new company that will take charge of healthcare delivery to their more than 1 million combined workers, it created a lot of buzz, both because of the high-profile players and the scant ...
Business & Economics

Put the Risks on Health Insurers, Where It Belongs

When it comes to the U.S. health insurance market, the adage about communist economics is apropos. In this instance, instead of being “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”, it is “they pretend to sell insurance, we pretend to buy it”. What we call health insurance in the ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...
Health Care

Flu Rages as FDA Approval Process Delays New Cure

As one of the worst influenza outbreaks in recent history continues to spread in the United States, the release of a new drug that could quickly cure the illness is being delayed by Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) overly cumbersome approval process. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acting director ...

Trump’s Short-Term Health Plans Will Legalize Affordable Care

The Trump administration is preparing to offer Americans an affordable alternative to the high-cost coverage on Obamacare’s exchanges by overturning one of the previous administration’s most burdensome regulations. On February 20, the Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule based on President Trump’s October 12, 2017, Executive ...

Sally Pipes – The False Promise of Single Payer

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally Pipes joins us to discuss her new book, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care, and explore the impact single-payer would have on California’s healthcare system.

Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer Message Won’t Fly

Government-run health care is back on the front burner of American politics. Last week, President Trump took a shot at Democrats for pushing for British-style single-payer health care. The United Kingdom’s “system is going broke and not working,” he wrote on Twitter. The president’s tweet followed an online town-hall meeting ...

What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...

Sally Pipes Discusses Latest with CA Single-Payer on “Air Talk with Larry Mantle”

PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the latest developments with the push to create a single-payer health care system in California and across the country with host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” on Southern California Public Radio/KPCC-FM. Click here to ...
Health Care

20 Companies Already Have a Healthcare Alliance Like the Amazon, Berkshire and JP Morgan Plan — Is It Working?

By Jeri Clausing When Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan announced plans earlier this month to create a new company that will take charge of healthcare delivery to their more than 1 million combined workers, it created a lot of buzz, both because of the high-profile players and the scant ...
Business & Economics

Put the Risks on Health Insurers, Where It Belongs

When it comes to the U.S. health insurance market, the adage about communist economics is apropos. In this instance, instead of being “they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”, it is “they pretend to sell insurance, we pretend to buy it”. What we call health insurance in the ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

Doctors Who Support Single-Payer Should Seek a Second Opinion

Sen. Bernie Sanders isn’t alone in his adoration for universal healthcare. According to one recent survey, 56 percent of U.S. doctors are at least somewhat supportive of government-run healthcare. Their support is somewhat understandable. Every insurer has different administrative requirements, covers different therapies at different levels, and reimburses on a ...
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