Health Care


Read latest about problems with PBMs

Pharmacy benefit manager reform must remain a priority for Congress

Congress has returned to Capitol Hill from summer recess. Lawmakers in both chambers have a full slate of policy priorities to attend to — not least among them funding the government and averting a shutdown before the Sept. 30 deadline. Several healthcare items will also remain near the top of ...

Read latest on push for free-market healthcare reform

Conservatives Must Take Back Healthcare Debate

U.S. House Republicans are launching a task force aimed at drawing out new ideas for healthcare reform. The task force “will convene members from various committees as well as independent experts and stakeholders from across the health care sector to reform what’s broken and build on what’s working,” per Reps. ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win

Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...

Government Regulation Threatens Life-Saving Innovation

Drug Companies Are Delivering a “Golden Age of Medicine.” Let’s Protect It.

New vaccines for scourges like malaria and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. New cancer drugs that can cut death rates by half or even cause complete remission. The discovery of a biomarker that could identify people who would benefit from investigational drugs for Parkinson’s Disease. Breakthrough treatments that curb obesity ...

Read about dangers of single-payer health care

Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond

Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes

Learn how price controls threaten access to drugs

Despite Democrats’ Celebratory Mood, It’s A Sad Day For American Patients.

President Joe Biden celebrated a milestone today—but American patients have no reason to cheer. The White House announced the first 10 prescription drugs that, starting in 2026, will be subject to price controls authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act . . . It’s laudable that lawmakers want to reduce out-of-pocket ...

Learn About GOP Healthcare Reform Plans

Republican candidates have sensible ideas for Medicare reform

Though they didn’t mention them onstage, several GOP candidates have previously proposed ideas for Medicare reform. That’s a good thing. The program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is set to run out of money in 2031. Absent major changes, the program will only continue hurtling toward insolvency. The problem ...

Read latest on government price controls

Medicaid Drug Price Transparency Rule Is More Sinister Than It Seems

The Biden administration claims to support price transparency in healthcare. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has formally warned hundreds of hospitals to comply with federal rules requiring them to post their prices publicly. And the agency just rolled out a new rule designed to “advance prescription drug transparency ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

Left’s Rhetoric Unmoored from Reality: U.S. Likes Its Healthcare

Three in four rate their health plan as either good or very good. And satisfaction ratings barely differed across political, racial, or socioeconomic groups. America’s health insurance system isn’t perfect. But, as these numbers suggest, it works pretty well for most people — which is more than can be said for ...

Read the latest about PBMs

It’s Time To End the PBM Shakedown

Who says bipartisanship is dead? In the House and Senate, members of both parties are advancing legislation to check the power of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), the self-dealing middlemen in the drug supply chain that inflate Americans’ spending on prescriptions by billions of dollars a year. By shining a light ...

Read latest about problems with PBMs

Pharmacy benefit manager reform must remain a priority for Congress

Congress has returned to Capitol Hill from summer recess. Lawmakers in both chambers have a full slate of policy priorities to attend to — not least among them funding the government and averting a shutdown before the Sept. 30 deadline. Several healthcare items will also remain near the top of ...

Read latest on push for free-market healthcare reform

Conservatives Must Take Back Healthcare Debate

U.S. House Republicans are launching a task force aimed at drawing out new ideas for healthcare reform. The task force “will convene members from various committees as well as independent experts and stakeholders from across the health care sector to reform what’s broken and build on what’s working,” per Reps. ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win

Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...

Government Regulation Threatens Life-Saving Innovation

Drug Companies Are Delivering a “Golden Age of Medicine.” Let’s Protect It.

New vaccines for scourges like malaria and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. New cancer drugs that can cut death rates by half or even cause complete remission. The discovery of a biomarker that could identify people who would benefit from investigational drugs for Parkinson’s Disease. Breakthrough treatments that curb obesity ...

Read about dangers of single-payer health care

Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond

Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes

Learn how price controls threaten access to drugs

Despite Democrats’ Celebratory Mood, It’s A Sad Day For American Patients.

President Joe Biden celebrated a milestone today—but American patients have no reason to cheer. The White House announced the first 10 prescription drugs that, starting in 2026, will be subject to price controls authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act . . . It’s laudable that lawmakers want to reduce out-of-pocket ...

Learn About GOP Healthcare Reform Plans

Republican candidates have sensible ideas for Medicare reform

Though they didn’t mention them onstage, several GOP candidates have previously proposed ideas for Medicare reform. That’s a good thing. The program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is set to run out of money in 2031. Absent major changes, the program will only continue hurtling toward insolvency. The problem ...

Read latest on government price controls

Medicaid Drug Price Transparency Rule Is More Sinister Than It Seems

The Biden administration claims to support price transparency in healthcare. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has formally warned hundreds of hospitals to comply with federal rules requiring them to post their prices publicly. And the agency just rolled out a new rule designed to “advance prescription drug transparency ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

Left’s Rhetoric Unmoored from Reality: U.S. Likes Its Healthcare

Three in four rate their health plan as either good or very good. And satisfaction ratings barely differed across political, racial, or socioeconomic groups. America’s health insurance system isn’t perfect. But, as these numbers suggest, it works pretty well for most people — which is more than can be said for ...

Read the latest about PBMs

It’s Time To End the PBM Shakedown

Who says bipartisanship is dead? In the House and Senate, members of both parties are advancing legislation to check the power of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), the self-dealing middlemen in the drug supply chain that inflate Americans’ spending on prescriptions by billions of dollars a year. By shining a light ...
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