Health Care


The FDA has problems — Here are the qualities the next commissioner must have to fix them

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the nation’s most ubiquitous regulatory agency.  It oversees a vast array of medical and food products that account for 25 cents of every consumer dollar, with a value of over a trillion dollars annually. And the agency has problems. It’s too risk-averse, bureaucratically ...

Americans Who Want Socialism Should Consider Moving to California

Trump adviser and distinguished economist Larry Kudlow wants to put socialism on trial, challenge it, debate it, rebut it — and convict it. “I don’t want us to stand idly by,” Kudlow said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. “I don’t want to let this stuff fester.” It ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s CA Ideas in Action Conference

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” Conference in Sacramento.  For those of you who weren’t able to join us, below is your chance to watch 4 great panel discussions showcasing how free-market ideas are best suited to address California’s unique challenges and move the state toward ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses New York Health Act on Focus Today

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the New York Health Act and the national push for single-payer health care on “Focus Today”.

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...

Medicare expansion would make socialized health insurance inevitable

Several lawmakers want to pull more people into Medicare. This would hurt anyone with private insurance, and it would inevitably lead to single-payer, government funded healthcare, which would deprive people of any choice over their healthcare. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., recently introduced S.470, a bill that would let any citizen or ...

Americans like Medicare for all — until they realize what’s in it

By Sally C. Pipes Fifty-six percent of Americans want to establish Medicare for All, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll published in January. A Reuters survey last August found even stronger support, with 70 percent of Americans backing single-payer. With favorability numbers like those, it’s no surprise that Democrats ...

America Should Take Note of Britain’s Suffering Before Embracing Medicare-for-All

The United Kingdom’s single-payer healthcare system is struggling to retain doctors. More than half of those who work for the country’s National Health Service are thinking about reducing their hours or quitting altogether rather than deal with the 70-year-old Service’s infamously low salaries and heavy caseloads. The NHS had banked on replenishing its ranks ...

Governors Are Laying the Groundwork for Single-Payer

Democrats can’t stop talking about single-payer health care. Most of those vying for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020 have declared their support for the idea, which first rose to national prominence during the 2016 Democratic primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against longtime single-payer champion Bernie Sanders. In February, Sanders — the pied piper of single-payer ...

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive

New York’s progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Ricardo Rivera, the chief sponsors of the New York Health Act, just expanded their proposal for installing the state government as the sole payer for health care in New York and outlaw private ...

The FDA has problems — Here are the qualities the next commissioner must have to fix them

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the nation’s most ubiquitous regulatory agency.  It oversees a vast array of medical and food products that account for 25 cents of every consumer dollar, with a value of over a trillion dollars annually. And the agency has problems. It’s too risk-averse, bureaucratically ...

Americans Who Want Socialism Should Consider Moving to California

Trump adviser and distinguished economist Larry Kudlow wants to put socialism on trial, challenge it, debate it, rebut it — and convict it. “I don’t want us to stand idly by,” Kudlow said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. “I don’t want to let this stuff fester.” It ...

What We’re Watching – The Best of PRI’s CA Ideas in Action Conference

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” Conference in Sacramento.  For those of you who weren’t able to join us, below is your chance to watch 4 great panel discussions showcasing how free-market ideas are best suited to address California’s unique challenges and move the state toward ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Discusses New York Health Act on Focus Today

Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the New York Health Act and the national push for single-payer health care on “Focus Today”.

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...

Medicare expansion would make socialized health insurance inevitable

Several lawmakers want to pull more people into Medicare. This would hurt anyone with private insurance, and it would inevitably lead to single-payer, government funded healthcare, which would deprive people of any choice over their healthcare. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., recently introduced S.470, a bill that would let any citizen or ...

Americans like Medicare for all — until they realize what’s in it

By Sally C. Pipes Fifty-six percent of Americans want to establish Medicare for All, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll published in January. A Reuters survey last August found even stronger support, with 70 percent of Americans backing single-payer. With favorability numbers like those, it’s no surprise that Democrats ...

America Should Take Note of Britain’s Suffering Before Embracing Medicare-for-All

The United Kingdom’s single-payer healthcare system is struggling to retain doctors. More than half of those who work for the country’s National Health Service are thinking about reducing their hours or quitting altogether rather than deal with the 70-year-old Service’s infamously low salaries and heavy caseloads. The NHS had banked on replenishing its ranks ...

Governors Are Laying the Groundwork for Single-Payer

Democrats can’t stop talking about single-payer health care. Most of those vying for the party’s presidential nomination in 2020 have declared their support for the idea, which first rose to national prominence during the 2016 Democratic primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against longtime single-payer champion Bernie Sanders. In February, Sanders — the pied piper of single-payer ...

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive

New York’s progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Ricardo Rivera, the chief sponsors of the New York Health Act, just expanded their proposal for installing the state government as the sole payer for health care in New York and outlaw private ...
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