Health Care


Yes, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, The VA Is Badly Broken

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently offered a vigorous defense of the Veterans Health Administration, arguing that its problems were a “myth” peddled by Republicans who want to privatize the system. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” she said. One of her fellow Democrats would beg to differ. And he has a relevant ...

A Scientist’s Week at the Vatican

Ten years ago this month, I had the experience of a lifetime. I was one of a small group of scholars from around the world who were convened by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences for a “study week.” Our subject was “Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context ...

Hair care’s lessons for health care

The other day, I found myself in a predicament. I was having a bit of a bad hair day. So I went to a Drybar, the chain of quick-service salons, and poof! An hour and $49 later, I was ready for the catwalk. Consider the simple chain of events that transpired. Within ...
Health Care

Read Sally Pipes in Western Journal Story on How Medicare for All Hurts Seniors

GOP Senator: ‘Medicare for All’ Is the ‘Greatest Threat’ to People on Medicare Now By Randy DeSoto Wyoming senator and former surgeon John Barrasso says it is seniors relying on Medicare who will be hurt the most if Sen. Bernie Sanders-style “Medicare for All” is adopted. “There will be fewer ...

FDA Has Problems, But Too-Fast, Too-Lenient Reviews Aren’t Among Them

In its international edition on April 25, the New York Times ran a blatantly anti-Semitic political cartoon that portrayed a blind President Trump wearing a yarmulke being led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was depicted as a dog wearing a collar with a star of David. It was, ...
Health Care

Read Western Journal Story on Sally Pipes’ Medicare-for-All Warning

Medical Expert from Canada Explains Why Elderly Will Suffer Most Under ‘Medicare for All By Randy DeSoto Sally Pipes — CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, who immigrated to the U.S. from Canada — warned Americans that seniors will be among those most negatively impacted through denied health care if ...

Pharmaceutical Rebates — Keeping The Right Score

Sometimes the important reforms are those that address the mundane details. The Administration’s proposed changes to how pharmaceutical rebates are paid fall into this category. While far from a panacea, this reform could meaningfully improve the pharmaceutical market. For this reason, the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) just released “budget score“ on ...

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare-for-All with Mark Levin on Fox News

Watch the latest video at Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss all things health care with Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News Channel. They discuss Obamacare, the push for Medicare-for-All/single-payer health care in Congress ...

US Congress mandates silliness, USDA complies

By Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen An editorial, “Label without a cause[i],” on these pages almost five years ago was prescient. Its subtitle read, “Mandatory labeling of GM [genetically modified] food in the United States will not only make all food more costly but also bamboozle consumers.” Well, ...

Resurrecting Obamacare’s most hated provision

Since Congress effectively ended the unpopular requirement that all Americans obtain health coverage by zeroing out the fine for noncompliance as of the first of this year, three states and the District of Columbia have enacted mandates of their own. The mandate that Massachusetts imposed in 2006 is now back ...

Yes, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, The VA Is Badly Broken

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently offered a vigorous defense of the Veterans Health Administration, arguing that its problems were a “myth” peddled by Republicans who want to privatize the system. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” she said. One of her fellow Democrats would beg to differ. And he has a relevant ...

A Scientist’s Week at the Vatican

Ten years ago this month, I had the experience of a lifetime. I was one of a small group of scholars from around the world who were convened by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences for a “study week.” Our subject was “Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context ...

Hair care’s lessons for health care

The other day, I found myself in a predicament. I was having a bit of a bad hair day. So I went to a Drybar, the chain of quick-service salons, and poof! An hour and $49 later, I was ready for the catwalk. Consider the simple chain of events that transpired. Within ...
Health Care

Read Sally Pipes in Western Journal Story on How Medicare for All Hurts Seniors

GOP Senator: ‘Medicare for All’ Is the ‘Greatest Threat’ to People on Medicare Now By Randy DeSoto Wyoming senator and former surgeon John Barrasso says it is seniors relying on Medicare who will be hurt the most if Sen. Bernie Sanders-style “Medicare for All” is adopted. “There will be fewer ...

FDA Has Problems, But Too-Fast, Too-Lenient Reviews Aren’t Among Them

In its international edition on April 25, the New York Times ran a blatantly anti-Semitic political cartoon that portrayed a blind President Trump wearing a yarmulke being led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was depicted as a dog wearing a collar with a star of David. It was, ...
Health Care

Read Western Journal Story on Sally Pipes’ Medicare-for-All Warning

Medical Expert from Canada Explains Why Elderly Will Suffer Most Under ‘Medicare for All By Randy DeSoto Sally Pipes — CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, who immigrated to the U.S. from Canada — warned Americans that seniors will be among those most negatively impacted through denied health care if ...

Pharmaceutical Rebates — Keeping The Right Score

Sometimes the important reforms are those that address the mundane details. The Administration’s proposed changes to how pharmaceutical rebates are paid fall into this category. While far from a panacea, this reform could meaningfully improve the pharmaceutical market. For this reason, the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) just released “budget score“ on ...

Sally Pipes Talks Medicare-for-All with Mark Levin on Fox News

Watch the latest video at Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss all things health care with Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News Channel. They discuss Obamacare, the push for Medicare-for-All/single-payer health care in Congress ...

US Congress mandates silliness, USDA complies

By Henry I. Miller and Drew L. Kershen An editorial, “Label without a cause[i],” on these pages almost five years ago was prescient. Its subtitle read, “Mandatory labeling of GM [genetically modified] food in the United States will not only make all food more costly but also bamboozle consumers.” Well, ...

Resurrecting Obamacare’s most hated provision

Since Congress effectively ended the unpopular requirement that all Americans obtain health coverage by zeroing out the fine for noncompliance as of the first of this year, three states and the District of Columbia have enacted mandates of their own. The mandate that Massachusetts imposed in 2006 is now back ...
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