Health Care

Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes Discuss Medicare for All with the Heritage Foundation

Sally C. Pipes joins a panel at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. to discuss how the real life costs of Medicare for All will impact Americans.
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Talks Single-Payer Healthcare with KWIT-FM in Iowa

Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discusses single-payer healthcare plans with NPR-affiliate KWIT-FM in Sioux City. Click to listen here

Sally Pipes: Bernie Sanders offers wrong solution to cut drug prices

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., again defended his “Medicare-for all” plan Sunday, as he headed from Detroit to the nearby Canadian city of Windsor with a group of diabetics to dramatize the lower cost of insulin in Canada. Sanders is bound to mention his Canadian trip when he debates nine other presidential contenders ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...

Read Henry Miller’s Latest at Issues and Insights

Opioids: Bad Science, Bad Policy, Bad Outcomes By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Josh Bloom There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the lamppost, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what the feds and ...
Health Care

Hear Sally C. Pipes on the Wilkow Majority SiriusXM

Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, explains that Joe Biden’s public option in his healthcare plan won’t let you keep your insurance on the Wilkow Majority, SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125.  

Democrats wrong to call for more government meddling in healthcare

At the recent Democratic presidential primary debate, all 20 candidates agreed on something surprising — that Obamacare was a massive failure. They didn’t admit that outright. But all of them proposed big changes to our nation’s healthcare system. A handful called for abolishing private health insurance. Others advocated letting people buy into ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Joins the Heartland Institute to Discuss California’s Medicaid expansion

Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, explains why California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to expand Medicaid in the state to illegal immigrants will further bankrupt an already overtaxed state. Listen Here

Don’t Slash Medicare In Last – Minute Budget Agreement

The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in Washington. White House officials are feverishly negotiating with congressional leaders to raise the debt ceiling and reach a two-year budget deal that averts more than $126 billion in automatic spending cuts. Democrats want the deal to dramatically raise domestic spending levels. Republicans ...

People Don’t Know What ‘Medicare For All’ Means. Democrats Want It That Way.

Next week, Democrats will convene their second round of presidential debates. As during last month’s debate, health care is sure to be a focus. The candidates have sharpened their differences on the issue in recent days. Frontrunner Joe Biden released his vision for health reform—a sort of Obamacare on steroids—last ...
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes Discuss Medicare for All with the Heritage Foundation

Sally C. Pipes joins a panel at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. to discuss how the real life costs of Medicare for All will impact Americans.
Health Care

Sally C. Pipes Talks Single-Payer Healthcare with KWIT-FM in Iowa

Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy, discusses single-payer healthcare plans with NPR-affiliate KWIT-FM in Sioux City. Click to listen here

Sally Pipes: Bernie Sanders offers wrong solution to cut drug prices

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., again defended his “Medicare-for all” plan Sunday, as he headed from Detroit to the nearby Canadian city of Windsor with a group of diabetics to dramatize the lower cost of insulin in Canada. Sanders is bound to mention his Canadian trip when he debates nine other presidential contenders ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...

Read Henry Miller’s Latest at Issues and Insights

Opioids: Bad Science, Bad Policy, Bad Outcomes By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Josh Bloom There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the lamppost, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what the feds and ...
Health Care

Hear Sally C. Pipes on the Wilkow Majority SiriusXM

Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, explains that Joe Biden’s public option in his healthcare plan won’t let you keep your insurance on the Wilkow Majority, SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125.  

Democrats wrong to call for more government meddling in healthcare

At the recent Democratic presidential primary debate, all 20 candidates agreed on something surprising — that Obamacare was a massive failure. They didn’t admit that outright. But all of them proposed big changes to our nation’s healthcare system. A handful called for abolishing private health insurance. Others advocated letting people buy into ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Joins the Heartland Institute to Discuss California’s Medicaid expansion

Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, explains why California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to expand Medicaid in the state to illegal immigrants will further bankrupt an already overtaxed state. Listen Here

Don’t Slash Medicare In Last – Minute Budget Agreement

The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in Washington. White House officials are feverishly negotiating with congressional leaders to raise the debt ceiling and reach a two-year budget deal that averts more than $126 billion in automatic spending cuts. Democrats want the deal to dramatically raise domestic spending levels. Republicans ...

People Don’t Know What ‘Medicare For All’ Means. Democrats Want It That Way.

Next week, Democrats will convene their second round of presidential debates. As during last month’s debate, health care is sure to be a focus. The candidates have sharpened their differences on the issue in recent days. Frontrunner Joe Biden released his vision for health reform—a sort of Obamacare on steroids—last ...
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